25 'Love Actually' Quotes - Best Quotes from the Movie 'Love Actually' - Parade Skip to main content

Christmas is coming, which means it's also time to snuggle up and tune in to Love Actually. The beloved holiday romantic comedy—celebrating its 20th anniversary this year—features a who's who of British stars, as well as some of the cutest, funniest and most festive lines in modern cinema. From its use of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" to Hugh Grant as the most charming world leader ever to those infamous cards, the 2003 movie has a timeless, at times heartbreaking, but all around the heartwarming theme: Love is everywhere, especially at Christmastime! Get into the spirit with the 25 best Love Actually quotes.

Love Actually quotes

1. "At Christmas, you tell the truth." — Mark

2. "To me, you are perfect." — Mark

3. "There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?" — Karen

4. "It's my favorite time of day, driving you." — Jamie

5. "Worse than the total agony of being in love?" — Sam


The thing about romance is people only get together at the very end.

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6. "I love that word, 'relationship.' Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it? I fear that this has become a bad relationship; a relationship based on the president taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, um...Britain." — Prime Minister

7. "We may be a small country, but we're a great one, too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, The Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter. David Beckham's right foot...David Beckham's left foot, come to that." — Prime Minister

8. "Two years, seven months, three days, and I suppose an hour and 30 minutes." — Sarah

9. "Let's get the s**t kicked out of us by love!" — Sam

10. "Tell her that you love her. You've got nothing to lose and you'll always regret it if you don't." — Daniel


There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?

11. "True love lasts a lifetime." — Karen

12. "Get a grip; people hate sissies. No one's ever going to shag you if you cry all the time." — Karen

13. "Definitely go for England, girl. You'll meet Prince William—then you can marry him instead." — Sophia

14. "No, I'm wise. Stateside I am Prince William without the weird family." — Colin

15. "Invite him out for a drink and then, after about 20 minutes, casually drop into the conversation the fact that you'd like to marry him and have lots of sex and babies." — Harry


Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.

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16. "Girls love musicians, don't they? Even the really weird ones get girlfriends." — Sam

17. "It's a terrible mistake, Chubs, but you turn out to be the f**king love of my life. And to be honest, despite all my complaining, we have had a wonderful life." — Billy Mack

18. "I look quite pretty." — Juliet

19. "The thing about romance is people only get together right at the very end." — Sam

20. "We need Kate, and we need Leo. And we need them now." — Daniel


At Christmas, you tell the truth.

21. "Hello David. I mean, Sir. S**t, I can't believe I've just said that. And now I've gone and said 's**t'. Twice. Oh, I'm so sorry Sir." — Natalie

22. "I realized that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love." — Billy Mack

23. "I know I seems an insane person—because I hardly knows you—but sometimes things are so transparency, they don't need evidential proof." — Jamie

24. "Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there: fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends." — Prime Minister 

25. "When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge—they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually, is all around." — Prime Minister

Next, have a laugh with the best A Christmas Story quotes.