Feet to Meters Converter

Use this converter to easily convert between Feet and Meters (ft to m).

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    Quick navigation:
  1. How many Feet in a Meter?
  2. Difference between Feet and Meters
  3. How to convert Feet to Meters
  4. ft to m conversion table

    How many Feet in a Meter?

There are approximately 3.2808 in a meter, since a foot is defined as 0.3048 meters, thus a meter is 1/0.3048 feet. This modern definition of the foot is established in 1959 by an international treaty, also according to which the symbol for meter is "m" and the symbol for feet is "ft".

    Difference between Feet and Meters

Both feet and meters are used to measure medium distances and the dimensions of larger objects. Thus, both are units of length, but of somewhat different magnitude. The foot is a part of the Imperial system of units, while the meter is the base unit of the metric system of units.

Historically, the foot varied in length depending on which time period and location you are interested in. It is currently officially used only in the US, UK, and a couple of other countries and its definition is fixed to that of the meter.

The meter is a modern metric, defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 seconds. It was defined on the basis of a standard meter, which was a piece of metal alloy kept for reference, but was later redefined in this more precise manner. Due to its wide adoption, utility and ease of use, the meter is the preferred unit in engineering, sciences, and for most countries; everyday life.

    How to convert Feet to Meters

To convert feet to meters, multiply the measurement in feet by 0.3048 to get the distance in meters. Using a calculator is usually helpful when accuracy is desired, and our free online feet to meter converter is a great asset in every occasion. It will also work offline, as long as the page is cached in your browser.

Feet to m conversion example

Sample task: convert 60 feet to meters. Solution:

ft * 0.3048 = m
60 ft * 0.3048 = 18.2880 m
End result:
60 ft is equal to 18.2880 m

    ft to m conversion table

ft to m conversion table
ft m
1 ft 0.304800 m
2 ft 0.609600 m
3 ft 0.914400 m
4 ft 1.219200 m
5 ft 1.524000 m
6 ft 1.828800 m
7 ft 2.133600 m
8 ft 2.438400 m
9 ft 2.743200 m
10 ft 3.048000 m
20 ft 6.096000 m
30 ft 9.144000 m
40 ft 12.192000 m
50 ft 15.24 m
60 ft 18.288000 m
70 ft 21.336000 m
80 ft 24.384000 m
90 ft 27.432000 m
100 ft 30.48 m
200 ft 60.96 m
300 ft 91.44 m
400 ft 121.92 m
500 ft 152.40 m
600 ft 182.88 m
700 ft 213.36 m
800 ft 243.84 m
900 ft 274.32 m
1,000 ft 304.80 m


1 NIST Special Publication 330 (2008) - "The International System of Units (SI)", edited by Barry N.Taylor and Ambler Thompson

2 International Organization for Standardization (1993). ISO Standards Handbook: Quantities and units (3rd edition). Geneva: ISO. ISBN 92-67-10185-4.

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Georgiev G.Z., "Feet to Meters Converter", [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/converters/convert-ft-to-m-feet-to-meters.php URL [Accessed Date: 02 Jun, 2024].