AFTER 34 YEARS, CRYAN’ SHAMES JUST HAPPY TO BE HERE – Chicago Tribune Skip to content
Chicago Tribune

Long before bands like the Smashing Pumpkins, Filter and Local H were Chicago’s rock royalty — in fact before most of their members were even born — another group of rockers were the toast of the town. In the ’60s, bands like the Buckinghams, New Colony Six, Ides of March and Cryan’ Shames were all signed to major labels out of Chicago, and they all had their fair share of national success.

Perhaps one of the most beloved was the Cryan’ Shames, whose harmony-laden style launched “Sugar & Spice” into the national charts in 1966. Their string of Top 10 regional hits included such WLS and WCFL transistor radio-era favorites as “It Could Be We’re in Love,” “Up On the Roof” and “I Want to Meet You.”

Although the original band broke up in 1970, charter members Tom “Toad” Doody on vocals and Jim “J.C. Hooke” Pilster on percussion and vocals created a new version of the band 16 years ago, one whose lineup has been stable ever since. Although Chicago rock history may remember the original Shames kindly, Pilster remains bullish on the current eight-man lineup.

“To tell the truth, I don’t think the band has ever sounded better,” he says. “You have to understand that back in the ’60s we didn’t really know what we were doing. I mean, we were only 16 and 18 years old. We were just happy to be out there playing. These guys we have now can really play, and they can all sing like birds. Everyone sings lead vocals.”

One link between the past and present Cryan’ Shames is original member Jim Fairs, who wrote or co-wrote much of the material on the band’s first two albums. After a long estrangement, Fairs recently reconnected with Pilster and Doody and appeared on stage at a recent Shames gig. Fairs is helping to produce a new album for the band that may also include other members from the original band. Pilster, though, has no illusions about lightning striking twice.

“We’re not going to win a Grammy award, you know? We’re just out there to entertain people and have fun at the same time. And not a day goes by that I’m not grateful to still be doing that after 34 years.”


The Cryan’ Shames perform at 9:30 p.m. Friday in Rory’s Music Cafe, 701 W. Lake St., Addison. $10. 630-543-3101.