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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II screenshot

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II promises a world twice as big as the first game

Following a tease earlier in the month, we knew that Warhorse Studios was up to something. We suspected it might be a sequel to Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but in this world nothing is certain. It turns out we were right, however: today, Warhorse has lifted the lid on Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, a sequel that promises to be bigger and better in just about every way.

It’s been six years since Kingdom Come: Deliverance first released, and we loved it. As we put it, it’s a game where “you’re a small cog in a big world”; an experience where you’re free to go where you want, and become whoever you want. We described it as being a “special game”, going on to say that “Kingdom Come: Deliverance […] isn’t afraid of being different – of not holding the player’s hand every step of their adventure – and for that, it’s an experience to be treasured”.

Its sequel, set to release before the end of 2024, is building on that template — but giving the players even more freedom to shape their character however they want. Once again, you’ll be stepping into the shoes of Henry of Skalitz, a very ordinary chap — at least to begin with. While Kingdom Come: Deliverance II picks up after the events of the first game, it’s been designed to act as a jumping-in point, too, welcoming players who might not have played the original.

There’s a chance they won’t have, either. It’s six years old, and much to our disdain, Kingdom Come: Deliverance never had a current-gen upgrade to bring it natively to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Unsurprisingly, this sequel will only be coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S (along with PC, of course). It’s been built in CryEngine and, if the small glimpses of the game we’ve seen so far are anything to go by, it’s a huge technical step forward compared to its predecessor.

Watch the reveal trailer below:

It’s not just more technically impressive: it’s also more impressive in terms of scale and scope. The world in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is twice as big, giving players a huge amount of scope to explore as Henry and take on more adventures than ever. There’s also a huge amount more story: where the first game had three hours of cinematic cutscenes, here there’s more than five.

Like its predecessor, this is an RPG that puts emphasis on player choice. The actions you take while controlling Henry will have a direct impact on his destiny and how other characters in the world react to him. If you have a tendency for stealing, for example, you might find townsfolk very suspicious towards you after a while. And if you make a fool of yourself in the inn? Don’t expect people to forget about it.

We can’t wait to see more of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, and we’re very excited about having another opportunity to explore medieval Bohemia — but this time a bigger and even more beautiful rendition.

There’s no fixed released date just yet, but Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is expected to land before the end of the year, so get it on your Christmas lists. It’s coming to PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC, and we expect we’ll have more news and trailers to share in the next few months.

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