Online Numerology Course in Singapore | Sun Goddess Tarot
Sun Goddess Tarot

Learn Numerology in Singapore with Sun Goddess Tarot

Do you believe that numbers hold a special significance in our lives? If so, then step into the world of numerology with Sun Goddess Tarot in Singapore.

Numerology is the belief in the metaphysical significance of numbers and their influence in our lives. It’s an ancient practice suggesting that each number possesses a unique characteristic trait that can impact our behaviours, opportunities, lessons and experiences in our lives. From your birthdate to your name, numerology explores how one can leverage the strengths and weaknesses of the traits associated with these numbers to help one manage intentional communications to illicit win-win outcomes and to better serve one’s higher purpose.

Enrol in our numerology online course today, and learn how to tap into the power of numbers for self-discovery and personal growth.

Numerology Course Curriculum

Sun Goddess Tarot offers an in-depth and comprehensive numerology course in Singapore designed to help you unlock the secrets of numbers. Led by our professional numerology master, this course takes you on an immersive journey into the world of numerology, covering topics that enable you to understand the meanings behind numbers and their impact on your life.


Numerology & Birthdate Calculations (1.5-hour session)

Delve into the captivating metaphysical art of numerology reading and unveil and hidden meaning behind numbers. In this segment, you will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of numerology and birth date calculations. From this, you will also gain insights into character traits, life paths, and personal numbers that shape one’s unique identity.

This includes understanding the significance of single-digit and master numbers, as well as learning the calculation methods to reveal their personal numbers. By decoding birthdates, you will uncover one’s life path number—a crucial indicator of their life’s purpose and the path they are destined to follow. This session of our online course aims to lay the groundwork for a deeper exploration of the self through the lens of numerology.


Name Numerology & Hidden Numbers (1.5-hour session)

Names are more than just labels; they carry energetic frequencies that can influence our experiences and interactions. From this segment of our online course, you gain an understanding of how the letters in their names correspond to specific numbers, unveiling a wealth of insights about their talents, challenges, and destiny.

Our numerology master will teach you how to calculate expression and destiny numbers based on full names. These numbers provide a comprehensive view of a person’s potential strengths, weaknesses, and the unique qualities they bring to the world. By decoding the hidden numerical aspects of names, you will have a deep appreciation of the interconnectedness of language, energy, and identity.


Practical Application (1.5-hour session)

Numerology isn’t just a theoretical concept—it’s a practical tool that can be applied to various aspects of life. As such, in our online course, you not only learn calculations and concepts but also real-world applications of numerology. By knowing how to apply numerology in your daily life, you can make informed decisions and navigate life’s twists and turns with a heightened awareness of the energies at play.

Numerology applications we teach include choosing optimal times for important decisions, understanding the cyclical patterns of personal years, and even enhancing their relationships through compatibility analysis. By recognising the different numerological influences at different stages of life, you will gain the confidence to approach challenges with a strategic and informed perspective.


Course Information

Our course offers an immersive learning experience that empowers you to unravel the mysteries of numbers, understand your inner workings, and make informed decisions guided by the energies of numerology. Here’s what you can expect from our numerology online course in Singapore:

  • Mode of Instruction: All classes are conducted online, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your own space.
  • Personalised Learning: Experience the course on a 1-1 basis, ensuring individual attention and tailored guidance throughout your numerology journey.
  • Session Duration: The course comprises three engaging sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours. These sessions are designed to provide a deep and comprehensive understanding of numerology’s key concepts.
  • Course Fee: Each session costs S$300 per 1.5 hours.
  • Minimum Age Requirement: This course has no specific minimum age requirement. Numerology is a universal practice that can benefit individuals of all ages, allowing each participant to explore their unique path and purpose.
  • Learning Timeline: To maximise your learning experience, we recommend dedicating 1.5 hours per week or every 2 weeks to the course. This pace allows you to absorb the material thoroughly and integrate the concepts into your understanding.


Who Is This Numerology Online Course Suitable For?

This online numerology course is perfectly tailored for beginners who are curious about the art of numerology and its potential for self-discovery. Whether you’re completely new to the world of metaphysics or seeking a fresh perspective on life, this course is designed to accommodate learners at the starting point of their journey. No prior experience or knowledge of numerology is required. Our instructor will guide you through the fundamentals, ensuring you develop a strong foundation in numerology principles and practices.


Meet Sun Goddess Tarot

Our numerology master, Joanna, is a Singaporean Numerology Master renowned for her intuitive and grounded approach to readings. She is a certified numerologist and has helped many individuals provide more clarity in their life through numerology. With her experience in tarot and numerology, she has conducted private or group lessons for those interested in establishing tarot and numerology as their business in Singapore. Furthermore, she is a member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and Tarot Associate of the British Isles; this means her numerology and tarot reading are governed by the code of ethics established by both associations, practises she wishes to share with her students.

Sign up for our numerology online course in Singapore today by contacting us via Whatsapp. You can also check out our tarot reading course.


What Past Students Say

The lessons conducted by Joanne are mind-blowing and easy to follow. Recommend for anyone interested to know more about numerology!

Karen Goh

Engaged Jo for a reading and subsequently numerology lessons – her style is clear and practical, making each session easy to digest and understand. Her readings were also, dare i say 100% spot on!

YT Teo

Thank you Joanna for the very insightful tarot card reading and helping me to understand a lot more about myself with my numerology numbers. I will definitely recommend anyone who is going through any form of crossroads or just need a little insights on the decisions you make in life. It’s really amazing what the cards can tell you. It has also helped me understand some issues that I’m facing and offer me some good advice. I’ve developed much interest since and Joanna has also become my mentor in teaching me how to read the tarot cards! Thank you Joanna for this wonderful journey!


Had 2 sessions with Joanna. Very detailed in what she’s doing and teaching. Learning something new yet it feels like having a chat with an old friend who knows you well. Highly recommend you to ask Joanna for advice or to learn Numerology from her. It’s a fun and interesting thing to know!

Ayden Ong