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Movies & Research

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Back in 1975/1976, I was answering questions for Peter Benchley who had written his book on Jaws which became one of the classic films of all times. He then wrote a sequel entitled The Deep in 1976 of which the movie was the same name. Peter was living in Princeton New Jersey and back then I had two stores one in the Quaker Bridge Mall and the other downtown at 20 Nassau Street in Princeton. Peter came in and wanted to know about what coins would be on shipwrecks off the coast of Bermuda back then.

1715 FleetCobSet Peter’s film was the first I had ever helped to sort out the historical details to make the film accurate. So the two clips I have shown today of UNLOCKED with Michael Douglas being a Deep State player deliberately unleashing a virus to gain new powers and this clip from StarGate SG1 2001 discussing a bioweapon that can target a specific DNA sequence, were not just things made up out of thin air. Just as I assisted Peter with his sequel to Jaws, others have provided information from behind the curtain. I know DEFINITIVELY that there are bioweapons that have been developed which can target specific ethnic backgrounds.



Even that movie which inspired me in history class, Toast of the New York, also had someone who researched the events during the Panic of 1869  so the quote of gold hitting $162 back then changed my thinking from linear to cyclical, was true. I was compelled to go to the library for I knew at the time gold was just $35. I could not understand how it would have been $162 in 1869.

1869 Sept 25 NYT Front Page

1869 Board

Not everything in movies is just fantasy. Sometimes they may be creating plots people think are fiction but may very well be based upon real-live technologies that are not yet in the public discussion. For example, Star Trek was always based upon physics whereas Star Wars was entertainment that used the battle between the Empire and those trying to re-establish the Republic.

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I recommend watching DOMINA on Epix to give you an idea of the behind curtain secret battle to reestablish the Republic even by the wife Liva of the first Emperor. Livia was said to have been the most beautiful woman in Rome.