Stephen Graham: Britain's most modest superstar on depression and how his family keep him sane 

Stephen Graham: Britain's most modest superstar on depression and how his family keep him sane 

The Liverpudlian star of The Irishman and Line of Duty talks about working with his wife in new BBC prison drama Time

When he’s not in Hollywood starring opposite De Niro, Stephen Graham is racking up more credits in British dramas than you can count
When he’s not in Hollywood starring opposite De Niro, Stephen Graham is racking up more credits in British dramas than you can count Credit: Matt Holyoak

The moment that sums up how surreal Stephen Graham finds fame did not come when he was running through the streets of Hollywood with his friend and former co-star Leonardo DiCaprio, trying to evade paparazzi on mopeds. It came when he was filming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides – playing Scrum alongside a swashbuckling Johnny Depp on the Universal lot – and looked up mid-scene to see his wife and kids on a golf-cart tour, screaming at him: ‘Wahay! Stephen! Dad!’ He laughs. ‘That was really strange; that was one of the weirdest moments.’ Not getting caught up in the Hollywood hype is important to him. ‘It’s just me, it’s just what I’m about – I always want to be able to tell heartfelt stories,’ he says in his warm Scouse accent.

It’s hard to think of another actor as unpretentious as Graham – let alone one who’s starred opposite Robert De Niro (in 2019’s The Irishman), been directed by Martin Scorsese three times, and been described by Depp as ‘one of the finest English actors of his generation’. He could live in an LA mansion, sunbathing by his pool. Instead he’s sitting in an ordinary-looking living room in Ibstock, near Leicester, a former coal-mining town.

At a basketball game with Leonardo DiCaprio in
At a basketball game with Leonardo DiCaprio in 2004 Credit: Rex

‘I don’t consider myself famous in any way, shape or form,’ he says. He likes working in America, but ‘I love living here, I love living in Leicester’, he grins. It’s been his home for the past 10 years, since he and his wife first moved there to live with his mother-in-law. As he once told Leicestershire Live: ‘I’m part of the furniture here. I love the sense of camaraderie in Ibstock, the community spirit. It’s a proper English village. I like it that I can go into the local butcher’s… and people say, “Hello, how are ya?” and they treat me like they do everyone else… They’ve taken me in.’

In Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, 2011
In Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, 2011 Credit: Alamy

One of our most prolific actors, right now Graham, 47, seems to be everywhere, and has been juggling a dizzying number of projects. This year, he will be seen opposite Colin Farrell in BBC Two’s 1850s-set Arctic thriller The North Water, and in Marvel’s Venom: Let There Be Carnage as detective Patrick Mulligan alongside Tom Hardy. He’ll soon be on our screens, too, in Channel 4 drama Help, and a Netflix adaptation of Matilda, playing Mr Wormwood alongside Andrea Riseborough as Mrs Wormwood and Emma Thompson as Miss Trunchbull.

Recently he played undercover officer John Corbett in Line of Duty. (Writer Jed Mercurio worked in a joke at Graham’s expense when Corbett’s widow told Steve Arnott, ‘You remind me of him.’ ‘Both short-arses,’ Arnott retorted. Graham is 5ft 6in.) He was also DCI Taff Jones in last year’s ITV miniseries White House Farm, about the Jeremy Bamber case. Graham loves British drama.

He starred in Line of Duty’s fifth season
He starred in Line of Duty’s fifth season Credit: BBC

‘We make great television. The stuff I’m a part of, I’m really proud to be a part of it,’ he says. ‘There’s no snobbery in that respect from me. There’s no difference, if I’m on a big, massive $250 million film I’m still the same me as if I’m doing a short film for a first time director.’ What Graham cares about is making people think: ‘I have always chosen that path of trying to pick stuff that says something,’ he says – hence his role in Jimmy McGovern’s new BBC One prison drama Time, also starring Sean Bean.

Today he’s chatting from his home, on a break from filming the sixth and final season of Peaky Blinders. Behind him are an electric-blue velvet chesterfield and a log-burning stove. Somewhere nearby his family are hovering – his wife Hannah Walters, 47, a fellow actor he met at drama school (who stars alongside him in Time), and their children Grace, 16, and Alfie, 14. His labradoodles, Bonnie and Clyde, are at his feet.

The family had to navigate a difficult lockdown after Walters and the children caught Covid while Graham was away filming, meaning he couldn’t return to the family home for 10 days. He posted a cheeky picture on Twitter in which he was brandishing a toilet brush, cleaning his hotel loo: ‘Hotel isolation lockdown!!! You gotta pull your sleeves up and get stuck in!!!’ ‘Noted… for when you’re home!!!!!’ Walters replied. Grace was especially unwell with long Covid, although she’s improved. ‘It’s been a bit of a struggle,’ he says, ‘but we’ve come out the other side OK.’

Given his muscular build and the fact that he’s made his name playing troubled hardmen, I’m delighted to discover that in real life Graham is a grinning softie, with twinkling blue eyes and a mess of tousled hair, rocking a pink unicorn T-shirt. He’s a fan of meditation and trained in reiki (having found a reiki massage ‘rather profound’). He recently took a tai chi course with his mum. And he’s famously teetotal – despite his startlingly convincing performance as an alcoholic in Shane Meadows’ The Virtues in 2019. When I suggest teasingly that he’s a hippy, he jokes back that he’s a ‘spiritual scally’.

In Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, 2019
In Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, 2019 Credit: Alamy

The misconception that he’s a hard nut has long plagued Graham. After his terrifyingly mesmerising portrayal of the racist, psychopathic skinhead Combo in Meadows’ This Is England (2006), he didn’t work for about eight months because people believed he was Combo. But his ability to shapeshift and ear for an accent have enabled him to play everyone from ’60s music publisher Dick James in Rocketman (2019), to New Jersey mobster Anthony Provenzano in The Irishman.

His real passion is for parts with some social commentary or political angle. During his fallow patch after This Is England, Graham considered becoming a youth worker, volunteering with local children. Now he takes that social conscience into his acting work. He’s ‘extremely selective’ about the roles he takes, rejecting Hollywood money if a part feels meaningless, turning down ‘bits and bobs, a few little things that aren’t really for me’.

With Shane Meadows and This Is England co-star
Vicky McClure in 2011 
With Shane Meadows and This Is England co-star Vicky McClure in 2011  Credit: Alamy

A gritty three-part drama, Time really appeals to his interests and skills. Set in a fictional British prison, it explores the harrowing violence, broken relationships and guilt weighing on those in the penal system. Bean plays a gentle, guilt-ridden teacher jailed for killing someone while drink-driving, and Graham a prison guard forced into an ethical dilemma, faced with choosing between his job and protecting his son. It spoke to Graham because ‘I’m a father, and being put in a situation where all your morals are challenged… What choice do you make to try and protect your children?’

He prepared for the role by shadowing a prison guard with 30 years’ experience – ‘I absorbed this fella like a sponge’ – and watching prison documentaries examining issues such as drugs, violence, mental health and suicide in jails. He was affected by the extent to which ‘some of the people that are in prison shouldn’t really be there. They should be in hospitals, or in psychiatric units.

‘These prison guards, they’re trying to do a job to the best of their ability. Their job is to protect themselves, protect the prisoners and make it a nice, reasonable, cohesive place where everyone can do their time, treated with respect.’ But, he adds, ‘Nine times out of 10, they’re not qualified to deal with people like this… I think that unfortunately, there’s a lot expected of them in those circumstances.’

Graham signed up to star in Time immediately, because ‘if he [Jimmy McGovern] asks if I want to do something, I don’t say no. He’s one of our great writers. Growing up, wanting to do this job professionally, my major ambition was to be in a Jimmy McGovern piece from the age of about 15.’ He remembers watching Hillsborough (1996), about the football-stadium disaster, ‘which blew my mind’.

Graham and his wife Hannah Walters in Time
Graham and his wife Hannah Walters in Time Credit: BBC

And he likes McGovern’s political style. ‘As a young lad growing up, the things that resonated with me most were things like [Alan Bleasdale’s] Boys from the Blackstuff, that was saying something,’ Graham explains. ‘Films like Kes, things that moved me passionately, and made me think and question society and myself… You very rarely get the chance to be a part of something like The Virtues or this, where you actually can come into someone’s living room, not just in an entertainment sense, but also possibly making someone think for a split second.’

I wonder if he ever takes the intensity he brings to his acting home, but he says he’s learnt to leave darkness on set. Back when he made This Is England, he was deeply affected by his work. ‘I felt you had to immerse yourself in the pain and the suffering of it all in order to bring that out,’ he says. Now I have learnt not to do that. I like to dive in. I put everything, my heart and soul into the moment… then once I’m done, I’m done. It’s taken me a while to reach that place.’

Graham remembers the first moment he wanted to be an actor. He was 11 years old and playing Jim Hawkins in a school performance of Treasure Island. ‘I remember just doing this little bit, and then going, “This is lovely… I really enjoy this. Wow. Wow! This is great.”’

Graham in This Is England, 2006
Graham in This Is England, 2006 Credit: Alamy

He grew up in Kirkby, Merseyside, with his social worker mother and mechanic stepfather (who later trained as a paediatric nurse), and still seems amazed that he turned his dream into a career. It was pure luck that Andrew Schofield, star of 1980s teen comedy drama Scully, lived nearby and saw Graham’s performance in Treasure Island. Schofield told Graham’s parents he had talent, and introduced him to the Everyman youth theatre in Liverpool.

It wasn’t just Schofield’s praise that contributed to Graham’s acting dream, but his success. ‘He lived across the road from my nan! That, in my mind, meant that it was obtainable,’ Graham explains: ‘If Drew’s done it, and he’s said he thinks I’m all right, then maybe I might be able to do it one day.’ Graham went on to train at the Rose Bruford College of Theatre & Performance in London, whose famous alumni include Tom Baker and Gary Oldman. For him, though, the best thing about it was meeting Walters.

Their warmth is palpable. When she pops her head around the screen to say hi to me, Graham lights up. He credits her, his family and friends with helping him cope after the severe depression he sank into in his early 20s. Having moved to London for work, he struggled with isolation and loneliness, and later tried to take his own life. It was, he says now, ‘an amalgamation of things’ that led him to that point.

‘Stuff like losing my little brother when I was young [Graham’s mother had a stillbirth when he was 17], and not really dealing with that. Losing my grandma, who was the archetypal matriarch of my family, who I adored, and not really dealing with that. And then being away from home, at 20, the first time I’d ever moved away from home. Looking back, it was a mental breakdown in many ways.’

‘Even if I’m on a big,
massive $250 million film
I’m still the same me’
‘Even if I’m on a big, massive $250 million film I’m still the same me’ Credit: Matt Holyoak

Graham becomes emotional when talking about the role Walters, who also appeared in This Is England, plays in Time. It is the first time they have worked so closely together. Initially, she was shy about taking the part, as his on-screen wife, but Graham was desperate for them to play this ‘beautiful little couple. There are some tender, gorgeous scenes.’

It could have felt vulnerable exposing their relationship, but he points out that the fictional couple are ‘completely different from me and Hannah. And their dynamic is completely different. There’s loads of joking in our house – we’re not the f—king Waltons or the von Trapps, there’s s—t that goes down, but there’s lots of laughter, it’s a nice place to be.’ By contrast, the couple they play are ‘not very tactile, they don’t talk a lot. So it was really interesting to tap into that.’

He says that one day on set, looking at Walters having her make-up done, ‘I had one of those moments… I thought how blessed I am. That kid who wanted to be an actor, and all of a sudden, he is in his position with his wife, who’s built this life with him. There was a sense of pride, but also an amazing sense of gratitude.’

Today he goes out of his way to support other actors. As an executive producer on Time, he brought in Bobby Schofield (Andrew’s son) along with Jack McMullen, James Nelson-Joyce and Paddy Rowan, who’d appeared with him in Little Boy Blue, a 2017 drama based on the shooting of 11-year-old Rhys Jones in Croxteth. ‘Some of the finest actors out there,’ Graham says. ‘I was in awe of these wonderful young men.’

And he’s famously responsible for ‘discovering’ Jodie Comer. After appearing with her in the 2012 BBC drama Good Cop, Graham was so impressed that he asked his agent to meet her. Comer thanked him in her speech when she won a Bafta for Killing Eve in 2019, saying, ‘Stephen, if I didn’t owe you a pint before, I definitely do now.’ Still, he refuses to take any credit for her success. ‘She would have been doing what she’s doing anyway because she’s magnificent, she’s a hell of a talent,’ he says. ‘If I was a little part of that journey, then that’s beautiful.’

On the set of Help with Jodie Comer this year
On the set of Help with Jodie Comer this year Credit: Splash News

They will appear together in Help, set during the pandemic in a care home in Liverpool, also Comer’s home city. She plays the carer of a patient with early-onset Alzheimer’s, played by Graham. ‘It’s a beautiful piece,’ he says. ‘And it was great working with Jodie again, to watch how she’s matured.’

Help was written by Jack Thorne (His Dark Materials) after Graham asked him to devise something specifically for him and Comer. Early in the pandemic, Thorne was vocal about lack of PPE in care homes, tweeting last April, ‘Care homes for elderly or disabled people seem to be the lowest priority right now.’

Graham thinks his industry currently faces a dearth of working-class roles, which he blames on a lack of diversity among writers. ‘As an actor, for us to play these characters, they need to be there,’ he says. ‘There’s a huge need for equality, but more so if I’m honest, behind the camera, because that’s more institutionalised… There needs to be the development of writers from different backgrounds. Where’s the next Jimmy McGovern? The next Steve McQueen? We need to develop these writers and find these writers who may not normally have opportunities.’

It’s a problem that he and Walters plan to address with their own production company, Matriarch Productions, by ‘giving opportunities to first-time writers and first time directors’. Their first project, Boiling Point, written and directed by Band of Brothers actor Philip Barantini, and starring Graham as a chef, will be released this year.

For the next few weeks Graham will be in Yorkshire filming Peaky Blinders, in which he is rumoured to be playing Al Capone (reprising his role in HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, 2010-2014, executive-produced by Scorsese). ‘I’m not allowed to speak about it,’ he says. ‘The only reason my wife knows is because she helps me learn my lines.’ Because he’s dyslexic, she also reads all his scripts first.

A fan of the show since it started eight years ago, he loves Cillian Murphy – ‘a wonderful actor’ – and the concept of a gangster story set in England. ‘I love its grittiness.’

He never had the chance to work with the late Helen McCrory, who died last month from cancer at just 52, having been set to return to the show as Aunt Polly. When Graham met her at the premiere for Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (starring her husband Damian Lewis), she was enthusiastic about them working together, telling him, ‘You’ll love it. We’re a really lovely little family and it’ll be a joy to have you with us.’ ‘I thought she was an absolutely wonderful, marvellous woman,’ he says, ‘a beautiful actress.’

As an actor who jet-sets around the world, spending months away on set, he always puts his family first. When he filmed Pirates of the Caribbean in Hawaii, he took them with him. When he filmed Boardwalk Empire in New York, he traded in the offer of first-class flights home to Gatwick for economy tickets to Birmingham, so he could come back more often. ‘My family’s kept me sane.

With their children in 2014
With their children in 2014 Credit: Getty Images

My family’s what I live for.’ He explains how Walters grounds him. If he calls from set moaning he’s had a tough day, she’ll remind him she’s been cleaning, looking after the kids, the dogs, doing the shopping… ‘And I’ll go, “Am I being a d—khead?” And she’ll go, “Yeah, you’re being a d—khead, you’ve basically got dressed up and done pretending all day.’

There are plenty of other film stars I’ve met who could do with their own Hannah Walters. Yet, watching their chemistry in Time, I can’t help but think how much I’d love to see them do more pretending together.

Time starts on BBC One at 9pm on 6 June. It will then be available in full on BBC iPlayer

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