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Watchmen: Under the Hood is a 2009 short film that is included in the direct to video release of Tales of the Black Freighter. The film is a fictional in-universe documentary featuring a television interview with Hollis Mason, the first Nite Owl, about his life and the superhero community. It serves as a companion piece to the film Watchmen.


Who's watching the watchmen? A tale layered within the complex story of Watchmen comes to the screen in Watchmen: Under The Hood. In this exciting feature taken from the pages of the ground-breaking graphic novel, Nite Owl's powerful account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence is revealed. The question is not only "Who's watching the Watchmen", but What are the Watchmen reading?





Behind the Scenes[]

  • The film is shot is a style of a behind-the-scenes television news magazine profile.

Full Movie[]


Under the Hood (2009)
