INTUITIVE Definition & Meaning |



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[ in-too-i-tiv, -tyoo- ]


  1. perceiving directly by intuition without rational thought, as a person or the mind.
  2. perceived by, resulting from, or involving intuition:

    intuitive knowledge.

    Synonyms: natural, inborn, innate

  3. having or possessing intuition:

    an intuitive person.

  4. capable of being perceived or known by intuition.
  5. easy to understand or operate without explicit instruction:

    an intuitive design;

    an intuitive interface.


/ ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv /


  1. resulting from intuition

    an intuitive awareness

  2. of, characterized by, or involving intuition

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Derived Forms

  • inˈtuitively, adverb
  • inˈtuitiveness, noun

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Other Words From

  • in·tu·i·tive·ly adverb
  • in·tu·i·tive·ness noun
  • non·in·tu·i·tive adjective
  • non·in·tu·i·tive·ness noun
  • qua·si-in·tu·i·tive adjective
  • un·in·tu·i·tive adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of intuitive1

From the Medieval Latin word intuitīvus, dating back to 1585–95. See intuition, -ive

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Example Sentences

To make sure your website’s architecture is seamless and intuitive, develop a conversion rate optimization strategy that works for you.

This is useful because hunting for this information on the state’s website yourself may not be as easy or intuitive as you’d hoped.

It seems intuitive now—of course that would be the most effective.

From Fortune

This allows us to begin to make sense of how I might have intuitive access to the goal-directed nature of Reality.

He seems to have an intuitive sense that all of these things are connected to the passage of time, and the way it expands and contracts phenomenologically.

From Vox

It seemed gratuitous and counter-intuitive in a story that had already inflicted more than enough suffering.

Playing the foul-mouthed bad character will become as predictable and counter-intuitive as a playing a thousand Joeys.

More than any other media proprietor, Rupert Murdoch had an intuitive revelation about the value of news as a commodity.

He began painting what he would call “intuitive abstractions,” and “cosmic cubism.”

She is a woman with strong, provocative, and deceptively intuitive opinions.

In some intuitive way, surviving probably from the somnambulism, she knew or guessed as much as I knew.

So strong is the tendency to ascribe an intuitive character to judgments which are mere inferences, and often false ones.

Now Intelligence possesses them by thought, a thought which is not discursive (but intuitive).

In other words, the technician is the man who invents or preserves labels to be pasted on the intuitive practices of his art.

One of his precious ideals citadeling womanhood crumbled with intuitive rapidity.




