34 Facts about the movie Casino Royale - Facts.net
Cris Ballew

Written by Cris Ballew

Modified & Updated: 19 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Tvinsider.com

Casino Royale, one of the most iconic movies of the James Bond franchise, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its thrilling plot, breathtaking action sequences, and charismatic performances. Released in 2006, Casino Royale marked the debut of actor Daniel Craig as the suave and sophisticated MI6 agent, James Bond, and it revitalized the beloved series with a fresh and modern touch.

In this article, we will delve into 34 fascinating facts about Casino Royale, exploring the behind-the-scenes details, the memorable moments, and the impact it has had on the spy genre and the film industry as a whole. From the intense poker scenes to the breathtaking stunts, get ready to uncover some secrets about this thrilling cinematic experience that will leave you shaken, not stirred!

Key Takeaways:

  • Casino Royale, the 21st James Bond film, introduced a new, gritty version of 007 portrayed by Daniel Craig. The movie’s intense action and realistic portrayal of Bond earned it critical acclaim and commercial success.
  • With stunning cinematography, strong female characters, and thrilling poker scenes, Casino Royale is hailed as one of the best Bond films. It marked a fresh start for the franchise and captivated audiences worldwide.
Table of Contents

Casino Royale was the twenty-first film in the James Bond franchise.

Casino Royale marked a significant milestone in the Bond series, being the twenty-first installment in the iconic spy franchise.

The movie was released in 2006.

Casino Royale hit theaters in 2006, introducing audiences to a fresh and rebooted version of James Bond.

Daniel Craig made his debut as James Bond in this movie.

Daniel Craig took on the role of 007, bringing a new intensity and grittiness to the character.

Casino Royale is based on Ian Fleming’s first novel.

The movie draws inspiration from Ian Fleming’s debut novel, which was also titled Casino Royale.

The plot revolves around Bond’s mission to bankrupt a terrorist financier.

Bond’s mission in Casino Royale is to bring down Le Chiffre, a terrorist financier, by defeating him in a high-stakes poker game.

Casino Royale had a production budget of approximately $150 million.

The movie had a substantial budget, allowing for stunning action sequences, lavish sets, and top-notch production values.

Eva Green portrayed the character of Vesper Lynd.

Eva Green played Vesper Lynd, an MI6 accountant who becomes Bond’s love interest and confidante in the film.

The movie was directed by Martin Campbell.

Martin Campbell, who also directed the Pierce Brosnan Bond film GoldenEye, helmed Casino Royale.

Casino Royale was filmed in various locations, including the Czech Republic, the Bahamas, and Italy.

The film features visually stunning scenes set in Prague, the gorgeous beaches of the Bahamas, and the historic city of Venice.

The opening parkour chase sequence is one of the most memorable action scenes in the movie.

Casino Royale kicks off with a jaw-dropping chase scene in which Bond pursues an assassin through a construction site, showcasing his athleticism and agility.

The iconic Aston Martin DB5 makes a cameo appearance in Casino Royale.

The beloved classic car, often associated with James Bond, makes a brief appearance in the film, delighting fans of the franchise.

The movie earned critical acclaim for its darker and more realistic take on the Bond character.

Casino Royale received praise from both critics and audiences for its gritty portrayal of Bond, deviating from the more extravagant and campy elements of previous films.

The theme song “You Know My Name” was performed by Chris Cornell.

Chris Cornell’s powerful and distinctive voice lent itself perfectly to the energetic theme song of Casino Royale.

Casino Royale grossed over $600 million worldwide.

The film was a commercial success, solidifying Daniel Craig’s place as a formidable James Bond and rejuvenating the franchise.

The movie was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best British Film.

Casino Royale’s critical success was further recognized with a nomination for Best British Film at the prestigious BAFTA Awards.

The poker scenes in the movie were heavily researched and accurately portrayed.

The filmmakers worked closely with professional poker players to ensure authenticity in the intense poker sequences throughout the film.

Casino Royale underwent a major script rewrite to incorporate more realistic and grounded elements.

The screenplay was revised to take Bond in a new direction, emphasizing the character’s vulnerability and human flaws.

The movie’s runtime is approximately 144 minutes.

Casino Royale takes viewers on a thrilling and action-packed ride, spanning nearly two and a half hours.

Casino Royale received widespread acclaim for its stunning cinematography.

The film’s breathtaking visuals, captured by talented cinematographer Phil Meheux, earned praise from critics and audiences alike.

The poker scenes in the movie were shot in a real casino in the Czech Republic.

To maintain authenticity, the filmmakers filmed the poker showdown scenes in the famous Grandhotel Pupp casino in Karlovy Vary.

Casino Royale was the highest-grossing Bond film at the time of its release.

The movie’s success at the box office surpassed all previous Bond films, cementing its place as a fan favorite.

The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song.

Chris Cornell’s “You Know My Name” was recognized with an Oscar nomination, further adding to the movie’s accolades.

Daniel Craig performed many of his own stunts in the movie.

Craig’s commitment to the role extended to performing daring stunts himself, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the action sequences.

Judi Dench reprised her role as M in Casino Royale.

The legendary Dame Judi Dench returned as M, providing a familiar face amidst the new cast and setting.

Casino Royale marked the first time the Bond franchise was rebooted.

The movie served as a fresh start for the Bond series, reinventing the character and establishing a new continuity.

Casino Royale features intense and brutal fight scenes.

The film’s hand-to-hand combat sequences are known for their raw and visceral portrayal, highlighting Bond’s physical prowess.

Casino Royale was the second film to feature Daniel Craig as Bond.

Following the success of Casino Royale, Daniel Craig went on to portray Bond in several more films, becoming one of the most iconic actors to don the tuxedo.

Casino Royale was praised for its strong female characters.

Vesper Lynd and M, played by Eva Green and Judi Dench, respectively, brought depth and complexity to their roles, challenging traditional Bond film stereotypes.

The movie was the first Bond film to receive a 12A rating in the UK.

Casino Royale was deemed suitable for audiences aged 12 and above, opening up the Bond franchise to a wider range of viewers.

Casino Royale was the highest-grossing film of 2006 in the UK.

The movie’s popularity extended beyond the Bond fanbase, attracting a wide audience and dominating the box office in the UK.

The opening sequence of Casino Royale was inspired by the Bond film From Russia with Love.

The breathtaking black and white sequence at the beginning of the film paid homage to the iconic Bond film From Russia with Love.

Casino Royale was the first Bond film to include a post-credits scene.

The movie featured an intriguing post-credits scene, leaving audiences wanting more and setting up future installments in the series.

A total of three Aston Martin DBS cars were used in the filming of Casino Royale.

To capture the intense action sequences involving the iconic vehicle, multiple Aston Martin DBS cars were utilized during production.

Casino Royale is regarded as one of the best Bond films of all time.

With its thrilling action, captivating story, and outstanding performances, Casino Royale has earned its place as a beloved and highly regarded entry in the James Bond franchise.


Overall, Casino Royale is a thrilling and iconic movie in the James Bond franchise. It introduced Daniel Craig as a new and gritty Bond, and captivated audiences with its intense action sequences, engaging storyline, and stellar performances. With its stunning cinematography and incredible stunts, Casino Royale remains a favorite among both Bond enthusiasts and general moviegoers. Whether you’re a fan of sleek spy thrillers or simply enjoy a well-crafted film, Casino Royale is a must-watch for any movie lover.


1. Is Casino Royale a standalone film or part of a series?

Casino Royale is part of the James Bond film series, but it serves as a reboot of the franchise and is not directly connected to the previous films.

2. Who was the director of Casino Royale?

Casino Royale was directed by Martin Campbell, who also directed the critically acclaimed Bond film, GoldenEye.

3. How did Daniel Craig’s portrayal of James Bond differ from previous actors?

Daniel Craig brought a more gritty and realistic approach to the character of James Bond. His portrayal showcased Bond as a more vulnerable and flawed secret agent.

4. Are there any memorable action sequences in Casino Royale?

Absolutely! Casino Royale is known for its breathtaking parkour chase scene in Madagascar, as well as its thrilling poker game scenes and explosive finale.

5. Did Casino Royale receive any awards or nominations?

Yes, Casino Royale was critically acclaimed and received several awards and nominations, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Sound Editing.

6. Is Casino Royale suitable for all audiences?

Casino Royale is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sexuality, and brief language. Parents are advised to review the film’s content before allowing younger audiences to watch.

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