Star Versus the Forces of Evil: A Timeline and Analysis of Star’s (and some of Marco’s) Feelings, Part 1 : r/StarVStheForcesofEvil Skip to main content

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Star Versus the Forces of Evil: A Timeline and Analysis of Star’s (and some of Marco’s) Feelings, Part 1

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I realy like this analysis. One thing Ill say about BMB, Marco seems to think that the capitan picture was the one that said that the blood moon was the moon of lovers, and to me thats not the case, the only other person that was in Stars room even though it didn't show up in the episode was Glossaryck. I always liked to think that, just like Star seems to have a bigger rol that she realizes, so does Marco, and its possible that Glossaryck is actually trying to guide Marco into becoming the Knight on the shining​ armor to Stars magical princess, and in Glossarycks come style, he does this indirectly. Any plan Glossaryck has wont work if he directly goes "you two have to be together for this prophecy!", he cant push Star and Marco to be together, which is why its lucky for him that their relationship actually grew naturally.

u/TURBODERP avatar

Thanks for the compliment! I think that's possible, but there's not much evidence either way so I erred towards the side of caution.

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Here's a basic thesis I've been thinking about for a while:

-- a great deal of the drama in SvtFoE is caused by characters, who are otherwise sympathetic, failing to communicate clearly and directly with each other. Often, this is because the characters don't truly know their own minds, or have mixed or ambiguous motives.

This happens all the time in this show. Such mis-communication typically leads to heartbreak or disaster or both.

u/TURBODERP avatar

Yup. I think it's part of the whole thing where important characters (Star and Marco, but also Moon and others) have serious character flaws which actually have impacts on the story and interpersonal relationships.

Star and Marco are kind and care a lot but they have character flaws which cause them to screw up in ways that are realistic. And miscommunication in real-life is very often the source of conflict and/or tension.

Heh interesting that you mention Moon - the last scenes in Starcrushed demonstrate this tendency to an extreme, as both Star and Moon fail to communicate vital information all over the place:

  • Moon tells Star Toffee has returned - but fails to mention that literally the last thing Toffee said was "tell Star I'm coming for my finger".

  • Star tells Marco she has to leave Earth - but fails to mention why!

Naturally, if Toffee is coming for Star (and his finger), isn't the first place he would look their last known location - namely, Marco's house? Star is gone and Marco has no clue about the possible danger he is in.

u/TURBODERP avatar

Does Moon even know about the finger having been in the wand, let alone Star dumping it in the closet?

I imagine that the topic will come up pretty damn fast.

Actually, did the secrets closet go with Star, or is it still in the Diaz household?

All good questions - once again, failure to communicate vital information cones into play (by Star this time - that she has Toffee's finger).

I imagine Star took her closet with her, along with the rest of her modified room.

The point though is that Toffee will not know this. His latest information probably comes from Glossaryck (who knows exactly where the finger is, or was). So he will likely check out the Diaz household.

If Star and Moon do talk, it will be after they get to Mewni - will Moon allow Star to go back and at least warn Marco? We shall see!

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u/woweed avatar

Actually, did the secrets closet go with Star, or is it still in the Diaz household?

Does it matter? It's still Star and the finger's last known location, assuming Toffee doesn't have radar sense for said finger, so he'll probably check there first. Marco's in great danger either way.

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Oh absolutely. I was just talking about the examples that occurred in, literally, the last two minutes of the show. 😄

Looking at the show as a whole, you could fill a book with examples.

Though admittedly, Moon keeping the loss of the Book "under the radar" is a pretty major one! It's roughly analogous to the US President having the nuclear launch codes stolen, and not bothering to tell anyone. 😉

(Never mind the sense in equipping a flighty 14 year old with such things - I have my own theory as to why the Mewnian Queens do that!)

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u/MaxRavenclaw avatar

This is actually exactly what I was looking for.

u/TURBODERP avatar

:D <3

Please feel free to add your own thoughts/constructive criticism!

Part 2 will be coming out this weekend.

u/MaxRavenclaw avatar

Well, I was hoping it would be an actual bullet point timeline... since it's a Friday night here and I'm tired, but I managed to get through and it was well worth it. Saves me the need to rewatch the series to take in all the details. I do like dipping down into the plot, but at times I just prefer casual watching, and I had underestimated the depth of Star vs, so I hadn't exactly paid too much attention to the details.

u/anonim97, this is the type of posts I'd take over crackships every day! BTW, what's with that bot named after you?

Hey, I'm not a theorist. I'm here for discussions, shitposts and fanarts.

And You mean u/anonim97_bot? I created it to help me with a Community Watching. 10 crossposts really clog my main account, so I decided to divide them in two.

u/MaxRavenclaw avatar

I didn't know you also programmed stuff. You a coder?

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u/TURBODERP avatar

SORRY! I'll do a bullet-point timeline at the end of things don't worry! Glad you enjoyed it!

also what bot?

u/MaxRavenclaw avatar

Lol, no need, it's fine as it is. Although it would be cool if you did :P I'd read both parts either way :P

Second paragraph is addressed to anonim, tho, you can disregard it ;)

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Hey, awesome analysis so far (meaning, I agree with you! 😄). There is a lot of debate over just why Marco follows Star in BMB, but in that debate, I'm on the same side as you.

One entertaining bit of evidence - if we are right and Marco had feelings for Star that Star, all unknowingly, quashed with her "don't need a hero, need a friend" speech, certain later events make a lot more sense.

What I'm referring to is the song "Just Friends" in the episode of that name.

The lyrics of that song, as everyone knows, act as ironic commentary on Star and Marco's own relationship (a fact that they are of course totally unaware of). If you listen to the lyrics, they go something like this, with Star and Marco lip-syncing in duet to each other (first when brushing their teeth, and later at the concert itself):

(Star, brushing teeth) "you showed me your world and it felt like a sign"

(Marco, brushing teeth) "but you acted too slow and you ran out of time"

  • this then refers to Star conning to Earth, being shown around Earth by Marco (who literally showed Star his world) - but Star 'acted too slow' (did not develop or show her feelings until season 2) and "ran out of time" (Marco pursued his crush on Jackie).

Later, at the concert:

(Star) "I didn't mean to hurt you"

(Marco) "You didn't have a clue"

(Star) "So you went out and got busy"

(Marco) "And found somebody new"

What does this refer to? I would argue it refers to the events of Blood Moon Ball!

Star "didn't mean to hurt" Marco - that is, she did not mean by her speech "I don't want to consider you romantically". However, that is exactly how Marco interpreted it.

Why did Star make that speech? Because she "didn't have a clue" - she had no idea Marco was interested in her romantically! She thought Marco was following her because Marco did not trust her to deal with things in her own - which is why she was annoyed with him.

Because of this little misunderstanding, Marco "went out and got busy - and found somebody new", namely Jackie.

u/MaxRavenclaw avatar

Sounds quite plausible for the most part, but I hesitate to call Jackie "somebody new". Although if we're being less literal it works.

Heh, he's certainly known about (and liked) Jackie his whole life - his memories show them as little kids together.

For all that, they never once spoke. 😄

In "Match Maker", Jackie says a single sentence to him, and Marco is thrilled:"that's the most she has ever said to me!".

Marco knows literally nothing about her (on his date in Bon Bon, he writes a checklist on his hand to question her about basic likes).

I would argue that calling her "someone new" is justified - by the time he gets to know Jackie, he already knew Star as a best friend for months, and knew nothing about Jackie other than by sight.

u/TURBODERP avatar

Exactly! Marco's crush on Jackie is as deep as Star's crush on Oskar for like, all of S1.

I think it's a purposefully-done parallel.

Agree, the similarity is clear, though as I'm sure you will agree the differences are just as important (Jackie is no Oskar!).

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u/Rainpelt avatar

I like how Marco and Star's love situation is ironic as hell.

Marco: had (or still has?) feelings for Star in season 1. Supposedly gets "friendzoned" by Star. His crush is buried deep, but it's still there. Now that Star's confession is out, Marco has to do some soul-searching and find what exactly Star means to him. And what of Jackie, I wonder?

Star: Didn't have a crush on Marco until sometime after BMB. She was in denial of her crush for most of season 2. Instead, she sets Marco up with Jackie, wanting to make him happy, and he is (was). Only to have it blow up in her face with her "secret" crush on Marco revealed in Face the Music. Now with the dangers of Toffee and the possibility of dying in the war, Star confesses her feelings to Marco and runs away.

Daron is not done making her characters and her audience suffer. No, it's far from over.

u/TURBODERP avatar



Oh yes - so many fans hoping for instant season 3 Starco, so much pain and disappointment for everyone likely. 😄

I seriously don't see it happening but it is possible as 90 minutes is a long time. I still think starco won't happen until at least the mid season finale. Although I am expecting jarco to end in those 90 minutes.

u/Rainpelt avatar

Ha! I'm already preparing myself for the feels in the movie next month ;).

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u/TURBODERP avatar

This is an awesome breakdown! Mind if I reference it-with full credit of course-in my upcoming peek into Just Friends?


I don't mind at all. Use it as you wish.

I love seeing new folks discovering the depths that this apparently simple series has. 😉

I used to do a lot more theories myself, but I kinda fell out of it - hiatus. Still like reading 'em though.

u/TURBODERP avatar

I feel you. Getting this all out of the way now before S3 starts up, but at least we'll have some good material to discuss in a month!

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u/TURBODERP avatar

Hey everyone, I decided to make a decently long analysis/timeline of Star and Marco's feelings for each other. Why? Because I can, or something. This covers S1 up through the first 2 episodes of S2. Only a few episodes/events are examined, but I try to go into to detail to explain what they indicate in my opinion (so yes, a decent amount of personal speculation). Feedback/constructive criticism/alternative viewpoints appreciated!

u/Lapis_Mirror avatar

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