London to Huddersfield train from £13 with London North Eastern Railway - Omio

London to Huddersfield train

Sat, 25 May
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Cheap train tickets from London to Huddersfield

Showing times and prices for 25 May


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from London to Huddersfield is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
London North Eastern Railway
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes

Train timetableLondon to Huddersfield

Showing trains for tomorrow, Saturday, 25 May
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
London North Eastern Railway
0 changes
London North Eastern Railway
0 changes
East Midlands Railway
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes

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Train times from London to Huddersfield

Showing times and prices for 25 May

Fastest Journey

2 h 55 m


3 h 22 m

Trains per day



263 km

Of the 9 trains that leave London for Huddersfield every day 9 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

London North Eastern Railway
0 changes
London North Eastern Railway
0 changes
London North Eastern Railway
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Virgin Trains
East Coast
Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from London to Huddersfield

distanceDistance163 miles
durationAverage train duration2 h 47 min
priceAverage train ticket price£74 (€83)
frequencyTrain frequency25 a day
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain providersEast Coast, Grand Central Trains, Virgin Trains or East Midlands Trains

Trains from London to Huddersfield cover the 163 miles long trip taking on average 2 h 47 min with our travel partners like East Coast, Grand Central Trains, Virgin Trains or East Midlands Trains. Normally, there are 25 trains operating per day. While the average ticket price for this journey costs around £74, you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as £34. Travellers depart most frequently from London Euston and arrive in Huddersfield.

Train providers: East Coast, Grand Central Trains and Virgin Trains trains London to Huddersfield

For as little as £40 you can travel by train from London to Huddersfield with East Coast, Grand Central Trains and Virgin Trains. Omio will show you the best deals, timetables and tickets available for this journey.

Grand Central Trains is a train company based in the United Kingdom. It operates services from London to the North East of England, Yorkshire and the East Midlands. Grand Central Trains offers a range of services, including express, semi-fast and stopping services. Express services run between London and the North East, Yorkshire and the East Midlands, with journey times of up to three hours. Semi-fast services run between London and the North East, Yorkshire and the East Midlands, with journey times of up to four hours. Stopping services run between London and the North East, Yorkshire and the East Midlands, with journey times of up to five hours. Grand Central Trains offers a range of ticket types, including Standard, First Class and Advance tickets. Standard tickets are the most economical option, while First Class tickets offer more comfort and space. Advance tickets are available for purchase up to 12 weeks in advance and offer the best value for money. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power sockets, comfortable seating and a range of snacks and drinks. The most popular routes for Grand Central Trains are London to Bradford, London to Sunderland, London to York and London to Wakefield.

London to Huddersfield train information with Grand Central Trains:

  • Average Duration: 3 h 17 min
  • Cheapest Price: £53
  • Grand Central Trains frequency: 2 a day

Trains from London to Huddersfield

During the week, you will find roughly 54 services connecting London to Huddersfield. The trains run very regularly; from about 07:00 onwards, you can find three to four trains running the connection per hour. On Saturday, fewer trains run, with a total of around 16 trains throughout the day. These services begin at roughly 06:00 and run more or less every hour, with two or so trains per hour from about 14:00 onwards. The last train runs at around 20:00 on Saturday.

London to Huddersfield Train Time: Daily Departures

Monday through Friday, the first train generally runs at just before 06:00 and arrives in Huddersfield by approximately 09:00. The next train runs at around 06:30, followed by a service at about 07:00 and from then onwards, you can find two to three trains making the connection per hour. You will find no trains departing London for Huddersfield from approximately 20:30 until 23:00, and then the final train departs at about 23:30. On Saturday, the first train runs at roughly 06:00 and the final train at around 20:00. On Sunday, the first train runs at approximately 09:30 and the final train at about 22:30.

How long is the journey by train from London to Huddersfield?

The journey between London and Huddersfield can take anywhere between 2h 44min and 3h 28min. Prices can vary greatly also, anywhere approximately between £18 and £108. All trains require one changeover; you won’t find any direct trains between London and Huddersfield. Changes influence the overall duration of travel – some stops can have more than 25min of wait time before the connecting train.

young woman on a train from London. Source: Shutterstock

What are the departure and arrival stations for trains from London to Huddersfield?

Departure train station: London Kings Cross or London Euston will be the departure point. Kings Cross can be accessed by way of car, tube or bus. Drop-offs can be made on Pancras Road, but be sure to not leave your car unattended. The station also has a car park with 322 spaces, 12 of which are wheelchair accessible. A short walk away, you will find the other departure station, Euston. At Euston Station, there are public toilets, several cash points, public WiFi, payphones and ticket machines.

Arrival train station: You will arrive at Huddersfield Station. It’s located near the city centre, an approximately 5min walk. There is a car park that can facilitate 28 cars, and other facilities include public toilets, a cash point, shops and public payphones accepting both card and cash. You can also store your bike at the station, with 35 bike spots available, as well as CCTV.

Which train companies travel from London to Huddersfield?

A number of train companies service travel between London and Huddersfield: Avanti West Coast, Grand Central, East Midlands Trains and London North Eastern Railway. All train companies require a changeover during the journey and also have similar travel times, varying only due to the durations of the stops en route. London North Eastern Railway most commonly requires a changeover in Leeds, Avanti West Coast has their changeover in Manchester and the service with Grand Central varies often. The Grand Central service is also most often the cheapest.

Night trains London

The last train running between London and Huddersfield departs London Kings Cross station at around 23:30. This train is serviced by London North Eastern Railway and arrives in Huddersfield by about 06:00. This is a roughly 6h 30min journey due to the connecting train from Leeds Station only running from around 05:00 and a subsequent 2h 24min or so wait between trains. Otherwise, the last train before that runs at about 21:00 and requires a replacement bus connection from Manchester to Huddersfield. The earliest you can catch a train from London is usually just before 06:00.

Avanti West Coast trains from London to Huddersfield

Avanti West Coast begins its service from London to Huddersfield at around 08:20, and its last service leaves the station at roughly 21:00. It has approximately 20 trains servicing this connection daily throughout the week.

Grand Central trains from London to Huddersfield

Grand Central offers the cheapest travel options and begins its service around 11:00. Through the day, it has about nine services, and their transfers can occur at a number of stations. The final Grand Central train departs at close to 20:00 daily.

London North Eastern Railways trains from London to Huddersfield

The trains servicing London to Huddersfield by London North Eastern Railways have an earlier start, with the first train generally departing just after 06:00 and the final train leaving London at approximately 23:30.

East Midlands Trains trains from London to Huddersfield

Services begin at approximately 11:20 for East Midland Trains to Huddersfield. It runs three trains on average during a weekday, and its final train departs at around 13:20. Their train service is one of the longest, at an average of 4h 33min.

Trains from London to Huddersfield: Sustainability travel

Travelling by train between London and Huddersfield is a sustainable choice of travel. By choosing to take the train over driving the 191 miles (307 km) average distance between the two cities, you’re also choosing to reduce carbon emissions and so reduce your own carbon footprint. If you are feeling eco conscious and are looking for a way to help in the fight against climate change, converting to public forms of transport is a great step in the direction of living more sustainably. You can also take a look at the sustainability article found in The Window Seat for more tips.

Train London to Huddersfield: Services on Board

Most trains from London to Huddersfield offer both a standard-class and a first-class ticket option, bar Grand Central, which only offers a standard-class ticket. With first class, you travel more comfortably, with wider seats, extra legroom and free drinks. London North Eastern Rail, Grand Central and Avanti West Coast all offer free WiFi and power points on their train services. Should you want to bring your pet on board, all train providers allow a maximum of two pets per passenger for no additional charge. The pet must be kept on a leash or in a carrier for the duration of the journey. You can bring three items of luggage; that includes one small item, which can be stored in the overhead space or by your feet, and two larger pieces of luggage.

How to find cheap train tickets from London to Huddersfield?

If you are looking to save money when booking your tickets from London to Huddersfield, it is helpful to remain flexible with your date and time of travel. Booking your tickets online will find you the better deals; you can search for cheap tickets through the Omio website. Booking in advance will also ensure cheaper tickets than buying at a ticket office on the day of travel. For more information on how Omio operates, check out our About Us page here.

Train station in Huddersfield. Source: Shutterstock

To Huddersfield by train—travel tips

Huddersfield, in Yorkshire, can be entertaining for children and adults alike. Bring the kids to Whistlestop Valley for an adventurous day in the countryside. You can find miniature steam trains and outdoor playgrounds bound to entertain the whole family. Take a walk through Beaumont Park, the Victorian park that is open to everyone all year around. For football fans, John Smith’s Stadium, also known as Kirklees Stadium, is located just a short walk from the station; catch a match or take a tour to learn about its history.

  • Catch a show in the Lawrence Batley Theatre
  • Walk through the Marsden Moor Estate
  • Scammonden Reservoir
  • Greenhead Park
  • Visit the Tolson Memorial Museum

FAQs: London to Huddersfield train

FAQs: Travel by train from London to Huddersfield easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from London to Huddersfield.
Cheap train tickets from London to Huddersfield can start from as little as £34 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for London to Huddersfield is £74; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
On average the London to Huddersfield train time is 2 h 47 min   covering the 163 mile long route, but the journey time can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
The first train from London to Huddersfield leaves at 05: 59. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from London to Huddersfield leaves at 22: 00.
There are 25 trains a day from London to Huddersfield which require at least one change with East Coast, Grand Central Trains, Virgin Trains or East Midlands Trains. Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
Yes, there's a high-speed train to Huddersfield. Take the fast train with East Midlands Trains from London to Huddersfield.
When taking a train from London to Huddersfield, you can count on East Coast, Grand Central Trains, Virgin Trains or East Midlands Trains for the best way to get you to Huddersfield. You can also check all possible train providers who offer a service from London to Huddersfield and compare the amenities they offer before buying a train ticket.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 22: 00.

When departing from London, you have various train station options to start your trip from including London Euston, London St Pancras International and London Kings Cross. When arriving in Huddersfield, you can end your trip in train stations like Huddersfield and Huddersfield, Swan Lane North St.

Passengers board the train most frequently from London Euston, which is located around 1.8 miles (2.9 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Huddersfield, located 0.1 miles (136 m) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month to travel from London to Huddersfield by train is December.
You have options as you can travel between London and Huddersfield 3 different ways: train, coach or flight.

Important Stations and Airports in London and Huddersfield

London Euston is the most popular London railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in London for your journey to Huddersfield.
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 3457114141
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 06: 00 - 00: 00 | Sat: 06: 00 - 23: 00 | Sun: 07: 00 - 00: 00
Public transport options for London Euston
Tube lines: Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Northern (Bank and Charing Cross branches), Victoria
Overground lines: Watford DC
Bus lines: 18, 30, 59, 68, 73, 91, 168, 205, 253, 390, N5, N20, N73, N91, N205, N253
Rail lines: London North Western Railway, London Overground, Avanti West Coast, Caledonian Sleeper
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Go to Platform 2, there is a gate adjacent to the station from the main road.
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 05: 45 - 22: 00 | Sat: 06: 00 - 21: 00 | Sun: 08: 00 - 22: 15
Public transport options for London St Pancras International
Subway lines: Circle Line, Hammersmith & City Line, Metropolitan Line, Northern Line, Piccadilly Line, Victoria Line
Train lines: Overground line, High Speed 1, Eurostar
Bus lines: 326, 139
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
Public transport options for London Paddington
Underground lines: Bakerloo Line, Circle Line, District Line, Hammersmith Line
Bus lines: N7, 23, 27, N27, 36, 205, N205, 332, 7, 46, A1, 18, N18
Train lines: Great Western Main Line, Heathrow Express
Metro: Tube Lines.
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 05: 00 - 01: 36 | Sat: 05: 00 - 00: 36 | Sun: 05: 30 - 01: 36
Public transport options for London Kings Cross
Underground lines: Circle, Piccadilly, Hammersmith & City, Northern, Metropolitan, Victoria
Bus lines: 10, 17, 30, 45, 46, 59, 63, 73, 91, 205, 214, 259, 390, 476
Train lines: Thameslink, Grand Central, Hull, London North Eastern, Gatwick Express
Metro: N/A
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 3450774224
Public transport options for London Victoria
Onward travel information: Victoria Bus Station at Station Front
Location for Rail Replacement Services: When weekend engineering dictate that replacement bus services will operate, these will usually depart from the immediate Station front/Terminus Place. Travel from London Victoria is usually conveyed by London Buses in these instances. Check posters and staff for more details.
Metro: Underground services: Victoria Line, District Line and Circle Line
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 3451652030
Public transport options for London Waterloo
Onward travel information: Waterloo is well connected to London's public transport network. Waterloo Underground station serves the Bakerloo, Jubilee, Northern and Waterloo & City Lines. Plan a journey - Transport for London (tfl. Gov. Uk) Buses depart from several points around the station. All Transport for London Buses are accessible with step free access and have a dedicated mobility space. Buses from Waterloo (tfl. Gov. Uk) The station has a dedicated taxi rank for London Black Taxis on the roadway outside exit 3. Santander Hire Bicycles are available from the docking stations outside. Santander Cycles - Transport for London (tfl. Gov. Uk) Waterloo is within easy walking distance of the South Bank and a number of visitor attractions. Walking - Transport for London (tfl. Gov. Uk).
Metro: Waterloo Underground station is served by the Bakerloo, Jubilee, Northern and Waterloo & City Lines. Step free access is available to and from the Jubilee Line. For more information on London Transport accessibility: Plan an accessible journey - Transport for London (tfl. Gov. Uk).
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 345 711 4141
Public transport options for London Liverpool Street
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Replacement transport stop on either Liverpool Street (outside the station entrance), or beside Platform 10, depending on operational requirements
Metro: Liverpool Street underground station has connections to the Central, Circle, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan lines.
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+44 345 711 4141
Public transport options for London Bridge
Onward travel information: The Bus Station is located directly outside the main entrance at upper level. There are also bus stops outside on Tooley Street. For further information on buses, a bus information kiosk is also located outside the main doors of the station at upper level.
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Rail replacement bus services are usually found outside the front of the station. However this is sometimes subject to change. Please check engineering posters or consult a member of staff.
Metro: For North and North East Kent and South East London
Amenities at station
Public transport options for London Marylebone
Location for Rail Replacement Services: At station entrance.
Metro: Bakerloo Line.
Amenities at station
Public transport options for Heathrow Terminals 2 & 3
Onward travel information: National Rail trains serving London Paddington National Express coaches to Victoria Coach Station and Gatwick Airport London Underground
Metro: Connection available with the London Underground (Piccadilly Line)
Amenities at station
Public transport options for London Charing Cross
Metro: Bakerloo Line Northern Line.
Amenities at station
HomeTrainsTrain Times to Huddersfield London to Huddersfield train

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