Kiss the Ground Documentary Full Movie Spanish Subtitles - Healthy Soil, Regenerative Agriculture

Kiss the Ground Documentary Full Movie Spanish Subtitles - Healthy Soil, Regenerative Agriculture

Updated: May 7, 2024

Fruitarian Paradise


The transcript discusses the urgent need for regenerating soils to combat climate change, restore ecosystems, and ensure food security. It emphasizes the detrimental effects of conventional farming practices, while showcasing the benefits of sustainable agriculture, such as improved soil health and carbon sequestration. The importance of community composting, regenerative agriculture, and individual actions in creating a more sustainable and resilient planet are highlighted throughout the narrative.


La planète Terre fait face à des menaces telles que le changement climatique, la dégradation de la nature, et la sixième extinction massive. Une solution simple impliquant la régénération des sols est présentée.

Pouvoir du sol

Le sol a le potentiel de stocker d'importantes quantités de gaz à effet de serre, rééquilibrer le climat, restaurer les réserves d'eau, et nourrir la population mondiale. L'importance de préserver et régénérer les sols est soulignée.

Problèmes de l'érosion

L'érosion du sol a eu un impact néfaste à travers l'histoire, notamment durant les années 1930 aux États-Unis. Les conséquences de l'érosion et l'importance de préserver les sols sont mises en avant.

Conservation des sols

Des efforts de conservation du sol, initiés par des agronomes, sont essentiels pour préserver la santé des sols, des plantes, des animaux, et de l'homme. L'importance de cultiver le sol de manière durable est soulignée.

Impact de l'agriculture chimique

L'agriculture chimique conventionnelle a des effets dévastateurs sur les sols, les micro-organismes, la santé humaine, et l'environnement. Les dangers des pesticides, herbicides, et OGM sont discutés.

Désertification et climat

La désertification des sols entraîne des impacts graves sur le climat et la biodiversité. Les conséquences de la désertification et l'importance de la régénération des sols pour stabiliser le climat sont abordées.

Initiative pour la bioséquestration

L'importance de la bioséquestration, notamment à travers l'initiative 'quatre pour mille', est mise en lumière. La séquestration du carbone dans les sols comme solution au changement climatique est présentée.

Politique et implications

Les enjeux politiques liés à la séquestration du carbone dans les sols, les initiatives internationales, et les défis à relever pour régénérer les sols et atténuer le changement climatique sont discutés.

Régénération des sols et climat

La régénération des sols par des pratiques durables, telles que l'agroforesterie, est présentée comme une voie pour stabiliser le climat et restaurer la santé de la planète. L'importance de planter des arbres et de diversifier les cultures est soulignée.

Impact personnel et solutions

L'importance de l'engagement personnel dans la régénération des sols et la transition vers des pratiques agricoles durables est soulignée. Des actions concrètes, telles que la plantation d'arbres et la diversification des cultures, sont encouragées.

Introduction and Initial Struggles

The speaker discusses the challenges faced after purchasing the property in 1991, including crop failures and financial difficulties due to conventional farming practices and natural disasters.

Transition to Sustainable Farming

The farmer shifts towards sustainable farming practices by studying soil ecosystems to reduce the use of synthetic products and implements a no-till farming approach to improve soil health and water retention.

Benefits of No-Till Farming

Exploration of the advantages of no-till farming, such as increased water retention, microbial growth, plant productivity, and carbon sequestration in the soil.

Holistic Soil Regeneration

Discussion on the importance of holistic soil regeneration through diverse cover crops, grazing management, and the restoration of the natural carbon cycle to improve soil health and ecosystem resilience.

Role of Livestock in Regenerative Agriculture

Focus on the role of livestock in regenerative agriculture, including the positive impact of rotational grazing on soil health, carbon sequestration, and ecosystem restoration.

History of Bison Impact on Soil

Exploration of the historical impact of bison herds on soil health and carbon cycling, emphasizing the benefits of mimicking natural grazing patterns through holistic management practices.

Positive Climate Impact of Grazing

Explanation of the positive climate impact of planned grazing practices, including carbon sequestration, water retention, and ecosystem rejuvenation through sustainable livestock management.

Community Composting Initiatives

Overview of community composting initiatives to reduce food waste, improve soil quality, and promote sustainability through innovative waste management practices, as seen in San Francisco.

Global Implications of Compost

Discussion on the global implications of composting as a natural solution for carbon sequestration, water conservation, and soil enrichment, showcasing the potential for worldwide adoption of sustainable waste management techniques.

Advocacy for Regenerative Agriculture

Advocacy for regenerative agriculture as a solution to address climate change, food production challenges, and promote sustainable farming practices for long-term environmental and economic benefits.

Education and Awareness

Efforts to educate and raise awareness about the benefits of regenerative agriculture, soil health, and sustainable food production through partnerships, farmer training programs, and community engagement.

Social Impact of Soil Health

Exploration of the social impact of soil health initiatives, community composting projects, and sustainable agriculture practices in improving public health, environmental sustainability, and local food systems.

Influence of Federal Policies

Discussion on the influence of federal agricultural policies, subsidies, and incentives on promoting regenerative agriculture, soil health initiatives, and transitioning towards sustainable food production methods.

Economic Opportunities in Regenerative Agriculture

Investigation of economic opportunities in regenerative agriculture, including the potential for increased farm profitability, reduction of subsidies, and the economic viability of diversified farming practices.

Nutritional Benefits of Regenerative Farming

Explanation of the nutritional benefits of regenerative farming, diverse crop production, and the importance of supporting farmers who prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and sustainable food systems.

Role of Urban Composting

Importance of urban composting initiatives in reducing food waste, improving soil quality, and promoting sustainable practices to mitigate climate change, as demonstrated in cities like San Francisco.

Community Engagement in Composting

Community engagement in composting projects to reduce waste, support local food systems, and create sustainable solutions for environmental conservation and resource management.

Environmental Impact of Composting

Exploration of the environmental impact of composting in restoring soil health, preserving water resources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions through organic waste management practices.

Passion for Environmental Stewardship

Personal experiences and commitment to environmental stewardship, composting initiatives, and sustainable practices to address soil degradation, climate change, and resource conservation.

Health Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture

The speaker emphasizes the health benefits of regenerative agriculture, plant-based diets, and responsibly sourced animal products to promote personal well-being, environmental sustainability, and ethical food production.

Quality of Pasture-Raised Eggs

Comparison of pasture-raised eggs with conventional eggs to showcase the nutritional benefits of regeneratively raised animal products, highlighting the importance of sustainable farming practices for soil health and food quality.

Collaborative Efforts in Soil Health

Collaborative efforts to promote soil health, regenerative farming practices, and sustainable food production through partnerships, education programs, and collective action to transform agriculture for environmental and economic resilience.

Global Scale of Soil Degradation

Discussion on the global scale of soil degradation, the need for regenerative agriculture practices to restore soil health, combat climate change, and promote sustainable land management for a healthier planet.

Destruction of Ancient Civilizations

Many ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome, and China have turned into deserts due to ecological destruction. The narrator felt compelled to tackle the environmental devastation he witnessed in China.

Restoration Efforts in China

From 1994 to 2009, a restoration project in China spanning 14 years and 35,000 square kilometers led to remarkable success in poverty reduction and academic advancement. The restoration efforts showed that restoring degraded lands could lead back to paradise.

Finding Satisfaction in Restoration

Restoring devastated areas can bring immense satisfaction and meaning to people's lives. The narrator encourages daily efforts to restore paradise by focusing on biodiversity and positive impacts on future generations.

Taking Action for Regeneration

The narrator emphasizes the importance of love, care, and protection for the planet and all living creatures. Urging people to make positive impacts to ensure a thriving environment for future generations.

Mission for Regeneration

Facing the greatest test in human history, the narrator stresses the need to harness the Earth's regenerative power. Encouraging perseverance and commitment to making a positive impact on the planet.

Personal Commitment and Change

Expressing dedication to making a difference and not giving up in the face of challenges. Reflecting on personal growth, resilience, and the importance of love and care for the environment.


Q: What is regenerative agriculture and why is it important?

A: Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that focuses on improving soil health, restoring ecosystems, and promoting sustainability. It is important because it helps combat climate change, improves food security, and supports biodiversity.

Q: How does soil erosion impact the environment?

A: Soil erosion has negative consequences on the environment, including loss of fertile soil, increased water pollution, and reduced carbon sequestration capacity. It also leads to habitat destruction and threatens food security.

Q: What are some sustainable farming practices mentioned in the essai?

A: The essai mentions sustainable farming practices such as no-till farming, diverse cover cropping, holistic grazing management, and the restoration of natural carbon cycles. These practices improve soil health, water retention, and ecosystem resilience.

Q: How does regenerative agriculture contribute to carbon sequestration?

A: Regenerative agriculture, through practices like cover cropping and no-till farming, enhances carbon sequestration in the soil. This helps mitigate climate change by capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Q: What is the significance of community composting initiatives?

A: Community composting initiatives help reduce food waste, improve soil quality, and promote sustainable waste management practices. They play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, water conservation, and enhancing soil fertility.

Q: How can individuals contribute to regenerating soil health and combating climate change?

A: Individuals can contribute by supporting regenerative agriculture, practicing sustainable farming methods, engaging in composting, planting trees, and advocating for policies that promote soil health and environmental conservation.

Q: What are the economic opportunities associated with regenerative agriculture?

A: Regenerative agriculture offers economic benefits such as increased farm profitability, reduced dependency on subsidies, and the potential for diversified farming practices. It presents opportunities for sustainable economic growth while preserving the environment.

Q: Why is it essential to prioritize soil health and biodiversity in farming practices?

A: Prioritizing soil health and biodiversity in farming practices is crucial for maintaining sustainable food production, enhancing ecosystem resilience, and ensuring long-term environmental health. It promotes the preservation of natural resources and supports agricultural sustainability.

Q: What role does livestock play in regenerative agriculture?

A: Livestock plays a vital role in regenerative agriculture by contributing to soil health, carbon sequestration, and ecosystem restoration. Practices like rotational grazing mimic natural grazing patterns and help improve soil fertility and resilience.

Q: How can urban composting initiatives contribute to mitigating climate change?

A: Urban composting initiatives reduce food waste, enrich soil quality, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by diverting organic waste from landfills. They promote sustainability, support local agriculture, and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts.


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