Make a Scarecrow Costume That's Perfect for Kids & Adults! Skip to Content

How to Make a Scarecrow Costume for Kids or Adults!

See how to make a DIY scarecrow costume in no time and with thrift store finds!

It is SO EASY to make, and it’s perfect for toddlers, kids, and adults!

It’s a great Halloween costume and is also perfect for any production of The Wizard of Oz!

How to Make a Scarecrow Costume for Kids or Adults!

How to Make a Scarecrow Costume for Kids or Adults!

For Halloween this year, we decided to dress Rowan up as a cute little scarecrow.

We wanted something a little more classic than last year’s Sons of Anarchy biker baby getup (which was also equally squeal-worthy if a little controversial…some people have no sense of humor, I tell ya).

This DIY scarecrow costume was unbelievably easy to make, and I can’t tell you how much positive feedback we got.

Everyone at his school loved it as did fellow trick-or-treaters and their parents.

SO many folks commented on how cute Rowan looked, and I agree with them completely. :)

Scarecrow Costume Supplies

Here’s what I used to make this DIY scarecrow costume for my son:

  • Denim overalls
  • Plaid shirt
  • Scraps for patches
    • Sheets of felt
    • Burlap
    • Thrift store plaid shirt
  • Larger piece of felt (for hat)
  • Raffia
  • Faux flowers and leaves
  • Hot glue gun & sticks
  • Scissors
  • Brown eye liner for painting seams/patches on face and hands

I was searching for ideas on what to dress Rowan up as for Halloween this year when I stumbled across this cute idea on Pinterest.

I knew this was the ticket and it served as my inspiration.

Here are some of the main supplies that I used to create this costume.

I also used some faux flowers and leaves but they’re not pictured.

Hey, I’m not that great at planning ahead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

DIY scarecrow costume supplies.

How to Make Scarecrow Overalls

This was actually really easy!

All I did was cut up little squares of the felt, burlap, and white plaid shirt that I snagged for $1 at a thrift store, and then frayed the edges a bit.

Then they were hot glued in random clusters around the overalls, some with tiny pieces of raffia or flowers/leaves sprouting out.

I also hot glued raffia in all the pockets so it looked like the “hay” was growing up and out of Mr. Scarecrow.

How to Make a Scarecrow Hat

Creating this piece of the costume was a definite wing-it process.

I had no clue what the final product would look like and just fumbled my way through its creation…but I LOVE how it turned out!

Here’s what I did (sorry for the not-so-great photos and lack of details in the images. Like I said, this was done on the fly):

  1. Cut a large circle out of felt that was roughly 16″ across.
  2. Measured one of Rowan’s baseball hats to get an idea for head size and drew another circle that size in chalk.
  3. Cut out that inner circle, which ended up being a little too big after testing it out on Rowan’s head (nuts!), so a strip of felt was glued to make the hole smaller, which ended up working perfectly.
  4. Using straight pins, I started attaching a cone of felt around the inner circle of the base. Then I hot glued it to the base as well as the seam up the side.
  5. Chopped off the top.
  6. Tied raffia around the top and then added the other embellishments to jazz it up.
How to make a scarecrow hat.

The Final DIY Scarecrow Costume!

And here’s my little scarecrow!

Gahhh, isn’t he just TOO CUTE?!?!

Scarecrow Halloween Costume!
How to Make a Scarecrow Halloween Costume for Kids or Adults!

Surprisingly, he didn’t even mind me drawing on the seams and patches on his face and hands with some brown eyeliner.

What a trooper!

I am so thrilled with how this costume turned out.

It was so easy to throw together (even if I am missing several fingerprints now thanks to the hot glue), and Rowan LOVED wearing it.

He’d probably put it on right now if I let him, especially the hat.

DIY Scarecrow Costume for Kids or Adults!
How to Make a Scarecrow Costume for Kids or Adults!

He first wore it to preschool, and Momma here was so thankful to see it survived the day AND the costume parade!

That’s also why the sunflower on his cute little hiney is looking a little rough.

How to Make a Scarecrow Costume for Kids or Adults!

He then donned it again a couple days later for the real trick-or-treating fun on Halloween, then once more a few days later for a little blog photoshoot.

Hey, I wanted some nice high-quality photos with my DSLR instead of quick on-the-fly iPhone ones.

I know I’ll cherish these images and memories for years to come. :)

How to Make a Scarecrow Halloween Costume for Kids or Adults!

If You Enjoyed This…

Make sure you check out my other Halloween & Fall ideas, including these fun projects!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Happy Halloween!

Where The Smiles Have Been | Crafts. DIY. Home. Mom Life.

Natalie Hammett

Saturday 4th of January 2020

The hat design is just fantastic! I had a go using material I've had in the draws for years so didn't cost me a thing! I am thrilled with the results! It may not be a patch on yours but it'll do for my son's Dingle dangle scarecrow costume for school. Thank you!


Sunday 5th of January 2020

Natalie, this makes me so happy to hear! I'm glad you found this helpful! I'm sure your son will rock his scarecrow costume! :)

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Sunday 15th of November 2015

The scarecrow costumes are adorable! Just love them.


Tuesday 1st of December 2015

Thank you so much, Sherry! :)


Friday 6th of November 2015

Great photos! What camera do you have?


Friday 6th of November 2015

Thank you, Nicole! It doesn't hurt that I have a cute model. ;) My camera is a Canon T3i (older model of this), and I used a 50mm f/1.8 II lens for these shots.