Global Video Game Industry Statistics • WorldMetrics

Worldmetrics Report 2024

Global Video Game Industry Statistics

Highlights: The Most Important Statistics

  • The global video game industry was worth an estimated $159.3 billion in 2020, approximately four times the revenue of the international film industry, and more than three times the size of the global music industry.
  • The Asia-Pacific region accounts for 54% of the global video game industry revenue.
  • The number of video gamers worldwide is anticipated to reach 3.07 billion by 2023.
  • 47% of video game players in the United States are female, almost an even split with male players.
  • The majority of gamers in the U.S., 59%, play video games to relax and unwind.
  • Roughly 65% of adults in the U.S. play video games.
  • Global console gaming is expected to generate $61.3 billion in revenue by 2025.
  • The revenue of the PC games segment amounted to $37.5 billion in 2020.
  • Action and Shooting games represented the largest video game genre in 2020, with a 37.9% market share.
  • The average age of a gamer in the U.S. is 35-44 years old.
  • 67% of parents in the U.S. play video games with their children at least once a week.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) games generated $1.8 billion in 2020.
  • The age group that spends the most on video games in the U.S. is aged between 18 and 34 years, with 38% of total expenditure.
  • The worldwide revenue of the serious games market, a segment of the video game industry focusing on games designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment, is expected to reach $9 billion in 2023.
  • The total number of esports viewers is expected to grow to 646 million by 2023 worldwide.

The Latest Global Video Game Industry Statistics Explained

The global video game industry was worth an estimated $159.3 billion in 2020, approximately four times the revenue of the international film industry, and more than three times the size of the global music industry.

The statistic highlights the remarkable growth and significance of the global video game industry in 2020, which was valued at approximately $159.3 billion. This value underscores the industry’s economic prowess, surpassing the revenues generated by the international film industry by a factor of four and exceeding the size of the global music industry by more than three times. The comparison suggests that video games have become a dominant force in the entertainment sector, attracting substantial investments and consumer spending. This data indicates the increasing popularity and profitability of video games on a worldwide scale, showcasing their ability to captivate audiences and generate substantial revenue in comparison to other well-established entertainment industries.

The Asia-Pacific region accounts for 54% of the global video game industry revenue.

The statistic that the Asia-Pacific region accounts for 54% of the global video game industry revenue indicates a significant dominance of this region in the video game market. This region encompasses countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and others that are known for their large populations, technological advancements, and robust gaming cultures. The high revenue share held by the Asia-Pacific region suggests a strong consumer base and market demand for video games within this region. As a result, companies in the video game industry may need to focus on strategies tailored to the preferences and behaviors of consumers in the Asia-Pacific region to capitalize on this lucrative market segment.

The number of video gamers worldwide is anticipated to reach 3.07 billion by 2023.

The statistic that the number of video gamers worldwide is anticipated to reach 3.07 billion by 2023 indicates a significant growth and widespread popularity of video gaming as a form of entertainment across the globe. This figure suggests that an increasing number of people are engaging in video gaming activities, highlighting the continued expansion of the gaming industry and its impact on various demographics worldwide. As technology advances and accessibility to games improves, this projection signifies the relevance and influence of video games as a mainstream leisure activity with a vast and diverse player base expected in the near future.

47% of video game players in the United States are female, almost an even split with male players.

The statistic stating that 47% of video game players in the United States are female indicates that nearly half of the gaming population is comprised of women, suggesting a relatively equal distribution between male and female players. This challenges the conventional stereotype of video gaming being predominantly a male-dominated activity. The statistic highlights the diverse and inclusive nature of the gaming community, showing that women play a significant role in the industry and contribute significantly to its growth. This data underscores the importance of recognizing and catering to the interests and preferences of female gamers in game development and marketing strategies.

The majority of gamers in the U.S., 59%, play video games to relax and unwind.

The statistic ‘The majority of gamers in the U.S., 59%, play video games to relax and unwind’ indicates that a significant proportion of gamers engage in gaming activities for the purpose of relaxation and stress relief. This statistic suggests that a substantial segment of the gaming population in the U.S. utilizes video games as a form of leisure activity to destress and decompress from daily life pressures. Understanding the primary motivation behind gaming behaviors provides valuable insights into the psychological and emotional benefits that gaming can offer to individuals seeking relaxation and escape.

Roughly 65% of adults in the U.S. play video games.

The statistic “Roughly 65% of adults in the U.S. play video games” suggests that a significant majority of adults in the United States engage in playing video games. This high percentage highlights the widespread popularity and acceptance of video gaming as a form of entertainment among adults in the country. The statistic indicates that gaming is not limited to a niche group but rather is enjoyed by a large portion of the adult population. The findings may also reflect the diverse range of gaming options available, from casual mobile games to immersive console or PC gaming experiences, that cater to different interests and preferences among adults.

Global console gaming is expected to generate $61.3 billion in revenue by 2025.

The statistic ‘Global console gaming is expected to generate $61.3 billion in revenue by 2025’ indicates the projected total revenue generated by console video games worldwide in the year 2025. This figure represents the estimated financial impact of sales, downloads, subscriptions, and in-game purchases across various gaming platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo. The significant revenue projection reflects the growing popularity of console gaming, driven by factors such as technological advancements, increasing demand for immersive gaming experiences, and the rise of eSports. This statistic underscores the economic importance of the console gaming industry on a global scale and highlights the substantial market potential for developers, publishers, and other stakeholders in the gaming ecosystem.

The revenue of the PC games segment amounted to $37.5 billion in 2020.

The statistic “The revenue of the PC games segment amounted to $37.5 billion in 2020” refers to the total amount of money generated from sales and transactions related to PC gaming products and services in the year 2020. This figure represents the financial performance of the PC gaming industry within that specific time period and indicates the significant economic impact of this segment on the overall gaming market. The revenue amount reflects the total consumer spending on various PC games, software, hardware, subscriptions, and related digital services, highlighting the growing popularity and commercial success of the PC gaming sector.

Action and Shooting games represented the largest video game genre in 2020, with a 37.9% market share.

The statistic stating that Action and Shooting games represented the largest video game genre in 2020, with a 37.9% market share, indicates that among all video game genres, this particular category was the most dominant in terms of sales and popularity. This suggests that a significant portion of the gaming market was focused on Action and Shooting games, highlighting the strong appeal of fast-paced and competitive gameplay styles in the gaming industry during that year. The high market share also implies that game developers and publishers may continue to prioritize the development of Action and Shooting games in the future to cater to the preferences of a large portion of the gaming audience.

The average age of a gamer in the U.S. is 35-44 years old.

This statistic indicates that the typical age range of a gamer in the U.S. falls between 35 and 44 years old. This suggests that the gaming community consists largely of individuals in their mid to late thirties and early forties. This information provides insights into the demographics of gamers in the U.S. and indicates that gaming is not only popular among younger individuals but also among middle-aged adults. Understanding the average age of gamers can help game developers, marketers, and policymakers tailor their products and initiatives to cater to this age group’s preferences and interests.

67% of parents in the U.S. play video games with their children at least once a week.

The statistic that 67% of parents in the U.S. play video games with their children at least once a week indicates a high level of engagement and interaction between parents and their children in a popular recreational activity. This suggests a positive trend in parenting practices where parents are actively involved in playing video games with their children, which can have several benefits including fostering bonding, improving communication, and providing opportunities for shared experiences. This statistic highlights the evolving dynamics of modern parenting and the importance of engaging with children in activities that are meaningful to them in order to strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.

Virtual Reality (VR) games generated $1.8 billion in 2020.

The statistic “Virtual Reality (VR) games generated $1.8 billion in 2020” indicates that the revenue generated from VR games in the year 2020 reached $1.8 billion. This figure reflects the financial success and growing popularity of VR gaming as more people are investing in and participating in virtual reality gaming experiences. The substantial revenue generated suggests a strong market demand for VR games, indicating their potential to be a lucrative industry within the gaming sector. This statistic highlights the significant economic impact and consumer interest in VR technology and gaming products.

The age group that spends the most on video games in the U.S. is aged between 18 and 34 years, with 38% of total expenditure.

This statistic indicates that individuals within the age range of 18 to 34 years old are the demographic group in the U.S. that allocates the highest percentage of their total spending towards video games, accounting for 38% of the overall expenditure in this category. This finding suggests that young adults within this age group have a notable inclination towards spending their disposable income on video games, possibly due to factors such as the popularity of gaming culture among this demographic, increased access to gaming platforms and content, and a higher level of engagement with technology and entertainment. The data highlights the significant impact that the 18-34 age group has on the video game industry in the U.S., indicating a key market segment for game developers and marketers to target in their strategies and campaigns.

The worldwide revenue of the serious games market, a segment of the video game industry focusing on games designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment, is expected to reach $9 billion in 2023.

The statistic indicates that the serious games market, which caters to games created for purposes beyond entertainment such as education, training, marketing, and health, is projected to generate global revenue of $9 billion in 2023. This significant figure reflects the growing popularity and adoption of serious games across various sectors due to their effectiveness in engaging and educating users. As organizations increasingly recognize the value of incorporating gamification into their strategies, the serious games industry is poised for continued growth and innovation, offering opportunities for companies to leverage this dynamic market for both profit and societal impact.

The total number of esports viewers is expected to grow to 646 million by 2023 worldwide.

This statistic suggests that the global audience for esports is projected to experience substantial growth in the coming years, with an anticipated total of 646 million viewers by the year 2023. This indicates a significant increase in the popularity and reach of esports as a form of entertainment, as more individuals are expected to engage with competitive video gaming events and tournaments around the world. The rise in viewership can be attributed to various factors such as increased accessibility to esports content, growing interest in competitive gaming, advancements in technology that facilitate streaming and broadcasting, as well as the expanding esports industry attracting a broader audience demographic. Overall, this data reflects the substantial and ongoing growth trajectory of esports as a major player in the global entertainment landscape.


The global video game industry continues to show impressive growth and widespread popularity among gamers of all ages. With advancements in technology, the increasing popularity of online gaming, and the rise of mobile gaming, the industry is poised for even further expansion in the coming years. It is evident that video games have become a major form of entertainment worldwide, and the statistics reflect the significant impact and influence of this thriving industry on a global scale.


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