just for the record - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish

External sources (not reviewed)

This is just for the record.
Lo digo solo para que conste en acta.
Mr President, just for the record, I am not an author [...]
of this resolution.
Se�or Presidente, s�lo para que conste, yo no soy autora [...]
de esta resoluci�n.
(NL) Madam�President, just for the record, I voted against Mrs�Angelilli's report.
(NL) Se�ora Presidenta, para que conste en acta: he votado en contra del informe de la se�ora Angelilli.
Just for the record and for the translation: [...]
this is not serious.
S�lo para el acta y la traducci�n: esto [...]
no es serio.
Just for the record, I would say that she might well also have mentioned Denmark.
Quiero decirle, a t�tulo informativo, que tambi�n pod�a haber mencionado a Dinamarca.
Mr President, just for the record: it is my understanding that, [...]
after a careful process of negotiation between the PSE and
the PPE, the PPE will be withdrawing their resolution.
(EN) Se�or Presidente, s�lo para que conste en Acta: tengo entendido [...]
que, tras un minucioso proceso de negociaci�n entre
el PSE y el PPE, el PPE retirar� su resoluci�n.
And, just for the record, they do not mainly benefit Spain, as you maintain, they mainly benefit the Netherlands.
Y para dejarlo claro: no se est� favoreciendo a Espa�a, como han afirmado ustedes, sino a los Pa�ses Bajos.
Ironically, and just for the record, I should mention Article J2, the third paragraph of Title [...]
5 of the Maastricht Treaty,
which states: "Member States shall ensure that their national policies conform on the common positions".
Como an�cdota, y como iron�a, recordar� el art�culo J2, p�rrafo tercero del t�tulo 5 de Maastricht [...]
que dice que los Estados
velar�n por la conformidad de sus pol�ticas nacionales con las posiciones comunes.
[...] also said to me, just for the record, that the entire [...]
spiritual world was to be found within the walls of the
Krsna Balaram temple and therefore there was no need whatsoever to ever go outside these walls on some pilgrimage.
Prabhupada tambi�n me dijo, que el mundo espiritual [...]
entero se encontraba en las paredes del templo Krsna balaram, y por
eso no hab�a necesidad de salir de estas paredes a alg�n peregrinaje.
And yet just for the record: enrollment in the population of the [...]
municipality has no tax consequences.
Y sin embargo, s�lo para que conste: inscripci�n en la poblaci�n [...]
del municipio no tiene consecuencias fiscales.
So be careful when the computer freak pulls out a light saber and
[...] attack you with it and just for the record we are all like that!
As� que tenga cuidado cuando el equipo freak tira fuera un sable de luz y
[...] ataque con �l y s�lo para el registro de todos estamos como ese!
Let me just state for the record, in response to what has become a patented and, indeed, tired smokescreen for the Israeli representative and [...]
his supporters in their
attempts to evade responsibility for the crimes that are being perpetrated, that my Government categorically rejects the baseless allegations against Iran that were repeated today in the Council.
Perm�taseme dejar constancia, como respuesta a lo que se ha convertido en una clara y, en verdad, fatigosa cortina de humo para el representante [...]
de Israel y quienes
le apoyan en sus intentos de evadir su responsabilidad por los cr�menes que se est�n cometiendo, que mi Gobierno rechaza categ�ricamente las acusaciones sin fundamento contra el Ir�n que hoy han sido formuladas una vez m�s en el Consejo.
I would just like to say, for the record, that I have [...]
been involved in a number of urgencies and I would say that it is
the least transparent and open system we have.
Desear�a declarar, para que conste, que he participado [...]
en una serie de procedimientos de urgencia y me parece que se trata
del sistema menos transparente y abierto que tenemos.
(FR) Mr President, I just wish to observe for the record that, in addition [...]
to the consequences of this scandalous interpretation
of the Rules of Procedure, I have also lost my speaking time.
(FR) Se�or
[...] Presidente, deseo simplemente hacer constar en el Acta que, adem�s de las [...]
consecuencias de esta interpretaci�n
escandalosa del Reglamento, tambi�n he perdido mi tiempo de uso de la palabra.
The record just read will be moved to the storage assigned for the previous record.
Se mover� el registro que se acaba de leer a la memoria asignada para el registro previo.
All this for 30� - a new image
[...] and a beautiful record for you to keep of just how lovely you can look with a little help from the professionals.
Todo esto por tan
[...] solo 30� - una nueva imagen y una preciosa foto para recordarte lo guapa que puedes estar con un poco de ayuda [...]
(DE) Mr President, I would just like to set the record straight for the benefit of the Commissioner.
(DE) Se�or Presidente, solo quiero pronunciar unas palabras de aclaraci�n para el Sr. Comisario.
For the record, the USA recently decided to release 30 million barrels from this reserve, just under two days' consumption, [...]
in order to make up for an
excessively low level of product stocks which might lead to a shortage of heating oil during the coming winter.
[...] que recientemente los Estados Unidos han decidido liberar 30 millones de barriles de esta reserva, es decir un poco menos [...]
de dos d�as de consumo,
a fin de paliar un nivel de reserva de productos demasiado escaso, que podr�a provocar una escasez de gas�leo de calefacci�n durante el pr�ximo invierno.
It is also possible to have
[...] additional account assignment to the cost center entered in the asset master record (just as for depreciation).
Tambi�n es posible tener una imputaci�n
[...] adicional en el centro de coste introducido en el registro maestro de activo fijo (igual que para amortizaci�n).
The database usually contains several records with different validity periods and not just one record for each infotype and personnel number .
Normalmente, la base de datos contiene varios registros con per�odos de validez diferentes y no s�lo un registro para cada infotipo y cada n�mero de personal.
I could name groups in a number of
[...] Member States for whom discrimination is similarly prevalent, just to put the record straight.
Podr�a citar como
[...] ejemplo otros colectivos que en algunos Estados miembros sufren tambi�n una discriminaci�n similar.
In Chile's case, Finance Minister Andr�s Velasco has
also argued that its nest egg is a reward for
[...] fiscal virtue, not just the result of recent record prices for copper, the country's [...]
main export.
En el caso de Chile, el ministro de Hacienda, Andr�s Velasco, tambi�n ha manifestado
que sus ahorros son un premio a la
[...] virtud fiscal, no s�lo el resultado de los recientes precios r�cord del cobre, la principal [...]
exportaci�n del pa�s.
Base Protection has responded to the need for lightweight and breathability with the new Record line, concentrating these properties in just 500 grs.
Base Protection ha
[...] respondido a la exigencia de ligereza y transpirabilidad con la nueva l�nea Record, que concentra esas caracter�sticas en tan s�lo 500 gramos.
On Thursday the
[...] 9th of October, for Bebo Vald�s' 90th birthday and just two days after the record was released, [...]
the Casa de Am�rica
in Madrid threw the Cuban pianist a surprise party, which also served to kick off his Spain tour.
El jueves 9 de octubre, con motivo del
[...] 90 cumplea�os de Bebo Vald�s, y justo dos d�as despu�s de editarse el disco, la Casa de Am�rica [...]
en Madrid ofreci� al
pianista cubano una fiesta sorpresa que adem�s sirvi� para marcar el inicio de la gira espa�ola.
Even the voting list will be short - there is not a lot to do, just two pages, which is a record for REACH, considering that [...]
some 5�000 amendments
were examined at first reading.
Incluso la lista de votaci�n ser� breve -no hay mucho que hacer, solo dos p�ginas, lo que es un r�cord para REACH, teniendo [...]
en cuenta que en la
primera lectura se examinaron unas 5�000 enmiendas.
(DE) Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and
gentlemen, first of all I would like
[...] to say a warm thank you for the reports we have heard about today, and which do not just record what happened in the past, but also pick out [...]
the central themes of the present
debate, and even incorporate the Commission's plans.
(DE) Se�or Presidente, se�or Comisario, estimados colegas,
ante todo mi cordial
[...] agradecimiento por los informes que hemos escuchado hoy que, ciertamente, ya no proporcionan solamente informaci�n sobre el pasado, sino que [...]
entran en la discusi�n actual e incluso incorporan
ya los proyectos de la Comisi�n.
The following topics explain how to create a customer master record centrally for both Sales and Accounting and how to create a master record for just Accounting.
Los siguientes apartados explican c�mo se crea un registro maestro de deudor de forma centralizada tanto para Ventas como para Contabilidad y c�mo se crea un registro maestro �nicamente para Contabilidad.
I confirm that we will vote for the motion. We trust that, in the future, Parliament will do more than just protest, that Commissioner Vitorino will do more than just record the existence of a situation, and that tangible measures will be taken to change this state of affairs.
Por estos motivos, y dando las gracias a los ponentes por haber tomado una posici�n de rechazo radical a las propuestas del Consejo - una posici�n que consideramos dictada por un reflejo institucional - garantizamos nuestro voto y esperamos que de ahora en adelante este Parlamento no se limite a protestar, as� como que el Comisario Vitorino [...]
no se limite a
tomar nota de una situaci�n, sino que se adopten iniciativas concretas para cambiar este estado de cosas.
Thank you very much for your vote!
You helped to increase the quality of our service.