The Fessenden School | Independent School in West Newton, MA
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Independent School for Boys

At Fessenden,
Everything Is A Boy Thing

Why The Fessenden School?
Group of boys with arms around each other
Tow young boys reading together
Boys and teacher working on project together in the Innovation Center
Boy and teacher smiling and talking
Pre-K through 9th Grade

Fessenden is an independent, boys’ school for day students in Pre-K through Grade 9 with the option to board in Grades 5 through 9.

Supportive Community
Whether boys arrive as Pre-Kindergartners, fourth graders, ninth graders, or somewhere in between, at Fessenden, all doors are open to them—and a supportive community of teachers, staff, and fellow students are here to encourage them to explore and discover what's behind each one.

Explore the Fessenden Experience

Fast Facts

Fessy Fast Facts

Icon - student-to-teacher ratio
Average class size:


Icon: Diversity
Students who identify as people of color:


Icon - diploma
Faculty with Advanced Degrees:


Icon: Enrollment


Icon - campus area

41 acres

Icon: Music & Theatre
Musical Groups & Theatrical Productions:


Icon - athletics
Athletics Programs


Icon: Bus Locations
Communities Served by Fessenden Buses:


Icon - Financial Aid
Financial Aid Budget:
