General Plan 2035

General Plan 2035 Cover

2035 General Plan passes, provides roadmap for Prescott Valley’s future.

Prescott Valley voters passed the 2035 General Plan update in the November 8, 2022 election with 58.79 percent of voters in favor. 

The General Plan serves as a guide for the Town’s physical, economic and social development. It is a compilation of goals, policies and implementation strategies reflecting the vision of the Town’s citizens. The Plan is used by staff, the Planning & Zoning Commission, other Town boards and commissions, and the Town Council to make land use, public infrastructure, and other development-related decisions involving economic vitality, environmental quality, and other aspects of life in the community.

Voters approved the previous General Plan 2025 in March 2013. By State law, the Town must update the document every 10 years. The Town crafted the update through an extensive public participation process including a survey, public hearings, and community presentations. 

Plan elements generally include Land Use, Open Space, Growth, Environmental Planning and Water Resources, Cost of Development, Housing, and Economic Development. General Plan 2035 added Education and Public Safety elements.

General Plan 2035 serves as a community roadmap for the next 10 years.