Rap Name Generator | Music Gateway
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Generate a rap name

Rap name generator

Our rap name generator creates random rap names using our huge list of hand-selected words.
Our tool is useful for coming up with cool rap names. Enter a word or phrase and our system will randomly use that in the generation process.

Rap names using your key phrase.

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Rap Name Generator: Get Your Perfect Rap Name

Have you heard of a random rap name generator before? If not, rap name generators are a simple solution to finding your perfect rap name. 

It’s probably no surprise that Snoop Dog, Ice Cube and 50 Cent aren’t the rapper’s real names, but they work so well for them, right? Well, your rap name could too but it’s important to get it right. 

Follow our step-by-step guide and let us help you how to come up with a rap name.

Choosing a rap name can be difficult, it’s a big decision and you never know it could become a household name one day! Therefore, using a rap name maker can be really helpful. We’ll explore what makes a good rap name and how to come up with one next.

What Makes A Good Rap Name?

rap name generator

Good rap names are memorable and stand out, think about Jay-Z, Eminem, and Dr Dre. All those rap names are instantly recognisable and very fitting. Most rap names are short and snappy and easy to say and spell. 
Alliteration or acronyms also work well for example LL Cool J stands for ‘Ladies Love Cool James’ and is much quicker to say and remember than the full four words.

How To Come Up With One


A good starting point to finding your rap name is research. Make a list of your favourite rapper’s names and ask yourself why their names are effective. 
Then decide what you want your rap name to say about you. Do you want it to be something personal and meaningful or totally random? You could even take inspiration from your own name.

The rapper Marshall Matthews created ‘M&M’ which then become the famous ‘Eminem’. Grab a notepad and paper and write all your ideas down and something might jump out at you and feel like a flawless fit.

Rap Name Generator

rap name generator Snoop Dogg

It can be really challenging choosing the right name as it’s something you’ll want to stick with and avoid changing. However, it might make you feel better to hear that even some of the most famous rappers were stuck for inspiration. 

One of these rappers was Post Malone, who got his rap name by simply putting his real name Austin Post into a rap name simulator and getting the famous pseudonym of Post Malone back out. 

Which rap name generator did Post Malone use you might be wondering? He said, “We were all hanging out, chilling and drinking and then we were like, ‘Oh, Wu Tang clan name generator, let’s put our name in,’” Post Malone later revealed on The Tonight Show back in 2011. “And we’re putting them all in, and they all funny and stuff, and then mine came up and I was like, ‘you guys, it’s not funny anymore. This is something big.’ I just really liked it.” 

Rap name creators can be a really useful tool for putting together a list of potential rap names. Most rapper name simulators offer filters to help you narrow down your search too. Try using a rapper name generator like the one above and make sure to keep a list of the names that come out so you can whittle them down and pick your favourites.

Once you’ve got a few rap names you’re happy with, have a quick Google search and check you won’t be sharing the same name with another rapper. This can be frustrating when fans want to find you online and another rapper keeps coming up instead.


Now comes the final decision and there are a few ways you can do this. One way is by asking your family and friends which name they like best and putting it to a vote. Or you could put all the names that made the shortlist into a hat and leave it to fate to decide. 

Finding a rap name is a tough task for all aspiring rappers but using a random rap name generator is a brilliant idea as it gets your creative juices flowing, sparks inspiration and might even give you your future rap name as a result. You never know, one day fans might be chanting this name in a sold-out stadium, so it’s worth spending some time and securing the perfect rap name. 

Need some more help picking a name or ready to take on the world with a name you’ve just chosen? Our artist development and music promotion teams will be happy to help.

Ghostface Killah, Ol Dirty Bastard, Masta Killa, Childish Gambino, Rza Gza, and Method Man Raekwon, all have weird and wonderful stories about their roots in Hip Hop and how they generated their rap names. 

We also have a Band Name Generator, if that helps as well.


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