Shikha Talsania: ‘I’m a nautanki — give space, will perform — be it in front of the camera or on stage’ | Art-and-culture News - The Indian Express
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Shikha Talsania: ‘I’m a nautanki — give space, will perform — be it in front of the camera or on stage’

"I started with theatre. I grew up with theatre. It’s my constant and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s home," the Veere Di Wedding actor said

Shikha Talsania, Shikha Talsania theatreShikha Talsania will be seen in 'Bees In Honey Drown', an adaptation of Douglas Carter Beane's award-winning theatre play. (Photo: PR handout)

She may have impressed the audience with her performances in films like Veere Di Wedding and Wake Up Sid, but for Shikha Talsania, theatre is “home”. The actor, who started with theatre, however, is quick to add that in the end, it is not the medium, but a script and character that challenge and bring out the best in her. That is exactly what Shikha, the daughter of a well-known theatre, film, and TV actor Tiku Talsania, is all set to do this weekend — spread her magic on stage.

Ahead of her performance in As Bees In Honey Drown, an adaptation of Douglas Carter Beane’s award-winning theatre play, we caught up with Shikha Talsania to understand more about her love for theatre, dabbling in various mediums, representation of women on screen and stage, and much more. Read the edited excerpts below:

From 2009 to 2023, you have dabbled in various mediums- films, web, shorts, theatre, etc. As an artist, which challenges you the most, and which do you enjoy the most and why?


A good script challenges me. A new character challenges me. Be it on stage or in front of the camera. Trying to do justice to the directors’ vision is a challenge. The hustle of being an artiste in the entertainment business is a challenge. I’m a nautanki — give space, will perform — be it in front of the camera or on stage.


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Tell us about your character in As Bees in Honey Drown, and what made you take up the role?

I play the character of Alexa Devitre, a music producer hustling her way into the entertainment business with a lot of charm, intrigue, wit, and a few tricks up her sleeve. Very few scripts like these come about for female actors, so I’m grateful to have been considered for it. It is a delicious part and an even more delicious script. And of course, to get to be directed by Anahita (Uberoi), someone I’ve admired so dearly, was a dream come true.

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In what ways, for you, is theatre different from feature films? What keeps bringing you back to it?

I started with theatre. I grew up with theatre. It’s my constant and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s home.


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Comedy seems to be your genre. What excites you about it, despite being considered a difficult one to ace?


Comedy is my genre? Why? thank you. Hopefully, the other aspects of my skill set in the work I’ve done so far, get noticed too. I don’t think comedy is difficult to ace — listen to your scene partners, listen to the rhythm of the scene, don’t judge the character you’re playing, don’t try to play it funny, just be.

While women characters are now being celebrated in movies, thanks to movies like Highway, Raazi, Veere… etc, would you agree that theatre — despite still being considered niche — was much ahead when it comes to giving prominence to women on stage?

There have always been women characters that have been celebrated in movies, just the sheer volume has changed. Our collective awareness has increased and much more nuance has come into play. There are more stories being told by women.

There is a lovely quote by John Steinbeck “The theatre is the only institution in the world which has been dying for four thousand years and has never succumbed.” The theatre culture I grew up with wasn’t a niche but yes, I’d urge people to watch more theatre in their towns; the experience of watching a live performance is unparalleled. And celebrate your theatre. Follow and encourage and make a noise about the wonderful folks who do theatre.


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As such, how would you say films fare vis-à-vis theatre on that scale, and what more needs to be done for the former to scale up/be at par with the latter?


On the top of my head: inclusivity in casting and prioritising skill set. But this is a long and nuanced conversation, I don’t think I can articulate it by being succinct.

Do you ever fear being typecast as a bubbly girl/comedy— something many artistes have pointed out to be a norm in the industry?



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If not an actor, what career option would you have pursued?

Don’t know. Something in the arts for sure.

Being an actor can take a toll on physical (considering the hectic work schedules) and mental health. How do you ensure to stay healthy and keep the negativity away?

I try to stay healthy, as everyone else does — work out and try to eat right. I don’t try to keep negativity away, is impossible, regardless of your job/lifestyle. I’ve just learnt how to handle better, recognise it faster and deal with it in the way I see best at that moment.


‘As Bees In Honey Drown’ is Aadyam Theatre, an Aditya Birla Group initiative’s latest production, and will be staged on April 15 (7:30 pm) and April 16 (4 pm & 7:30 pm) at Royal Opera House, Mumbai.

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Shweta Sharma leads the lifestyle section at Over the years, she has written about culture, music, art, books, health, fashion, and food. She can be reached at ... Read More

First uploaded on: 14-04-2023 at 17:00 IST
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