Discography « Joe Chambers – Composer


Discography -As a leader-joe-2-23-15

“Dance Kobina,” Blue Note. BUO3604502, 2022

“Samba de Maracatu,” Blue Note, BUO3315302, 2020

“Mirrors,” Blue Note, 7243496685, 1998

“Moving Pictures Orchestra,” Savant, Live at Dizzy’s Coca-Cola, SCD 2120, 2011

“The Outlaw,” Savant, SCD 2069, 2008

“Urban Grooves,” Village Records, V810031, 2004

Joe Chambers’ “Landscapes,” Savant, SCD 2140, 2009

Joe Chambers’ “Horace to Max,” Savant Records, SCD 2107, 2006

New York Concerto: Joe Chambers & Friends. Bay State, RVC-RJL 0918

Chamber Music: Bay State, RVC-RJL 6070

Joe Chambers Plays Piano: Denon, PCM-YX 7803

Double Exposure: Muse, 5165

New World: Finite, 1976-2

The Almoravid: Muse, 5035

The Super Jazz Trio: Tommy Flanagan, Joe Chambers Reggie Workman- Bay State, RVC-RVJ 6033

The Super Jazz Trio: The Standard- Bay State, RVC-RVJ 6089

M’Boom Re-percussion: Bay State, RVC-RVJ 6001

M’Boom: Columbia, JC 30766

M’Boom: Collage- Soul Note, 1059

Phantom Of The City: Candid, CCD 79517

Colossal Saxophone Sessions: Evidence, ECD-122130-2

M’Boom: Live At S.O.B.’s – Mesa-Blue Moon, R2-7912

Trio De Jaiz: King Records, KICJ-254

Mirrors: Blue Note, 72434 9668522-V

The Outlaw: Savant, SCD 2069

-Recordings as a percussionist with other leaders-


Bobby Hutcherson

Dialogue: Blue Note, 4198

Components: Blue Note, 4213

Happenings: Blue Note, 4214

Patterns: Blue Note, LT 1044

Spiral: Blue Note, LT996

Total Eclipse: Blue Note. 84291

Now: Liberty/United Artis, BST 84333

Live At The Festival: Enja, 2030


Wayne Shorter

Etcetera: Blue Note, LT 1056

All Seeing Eye: Blue Note, 4219

Adams Apple: Blue Note, 4232

Schizophrenia: Blue Note, LT 1056


Archie Shepp

New Thing At Newport: Impulse, AS 94

Fire Music: Impulse

Mama Too Tight: Impulse, AS 9134

On This Night: Impulse

For Losers: ABC Paramount


Chick Corea

Tones For Jones Bones: Atlantic 2004

Inner Space: Atlantic

Three Pianos: Atlantic


Freddie Hubbard

Breaking Point: Blue Note

Rose Tattoo: Bay State, RVC-RJL 8095-8


Charles Mingus


Charles Mingus & Friends: Live At Carnegie Hall. Columbia, 31614


Like A Bird: Atlantic, SD-8804


Me, Myself, An Eye: Atlantic, SD-8893