Profile: Universität zu Lübeck

Life Science university

Research and teaching at the Universität zu Lübeck started in the field of medicine, but our informatics, natural sciences, and engineering sections today encompass much more. The common element among them is their emphasis on life science, also mirrored by our motto:
Im Focus das Leben.

Interdisciplinary programmes

We offer programmes in medicine, informatics, molecular life science, computational life science, and medical engineering. We initiated a master’s programme in biomedical engineering in collaboration with the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences.

Research at the cutting edge

The ubiquitous, intensive, interdisciplinary exchange at the university is the motor behind our superior, internationally outstanding, innovative and knowledge-oriented basic research marked by multifaceted applications. We strive to constantly raise the bar for the quality of our research and education and to master the challenges and opportunities in a worldwide competition. We thus team-up with both national and international research institutions.

Excellence in education through excellent research

Our systematic and didactically well structured, multifaceted, research-based teaching forms the foundation of one of the best ranked universities in the German speaking world. The Centre for Development of Higher Education (CHE) ranked our medicine section as the best, followed by the informatics and molecular life science sections taking second place.

Worldwide collaboration

The Universität zu Lübeck is internationally distinguished for its research and the high quality of academic education.

Collaboration with the industry

Intensive transfer of knowledge and technology also distinguishes the Universität zu Lübeck. We ranked among the top five universities in Germany in the competition on Exchanges between Universities and Corporations. We work closely with regional and global businesses that specialise in this field, in order to best commercialise our research.

A campus full of life

There is also a life outside of laboratories and auditoriums – enriched by our abundant cultural and sports activities.

Lübeck – a city of science & culture

Our university is intertwined in the many-sided cultural life of this Hanseatic city. We enrich this vibrant scene through our public lectures, colloquia, congresses, symposia, and concerts given by the university orchestra and choir. We play a decisive role in enhancing the reputation of Lübeck as the City of Science.

The city and its environment offer the best quality of life

Lübeck is the outcome of an 800-year history. For a long time, this City at the Trave River was one of the key trading centres of Northern Europe. It is the home of two Nobel Laureates for Literature and one winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. The cultural scene in the city has been shaped permanently by the heritage of Thomas Mann, Günter Grass and Willy Brandt. Lübeck is situated between the metropolis of Hamburg, and the expansive flat sandy beaches of the Lübeck cove reaching out to the sea.

An Overview of the Universität zu Lübeck