Love Your City, Love TPL – Why Give to Toronto Public Library Foundation
A Toronto Public Library card offers free access to endless possibilities.

We’re gradually resuming more services in our branches as Toronto moves to Stage 3 of its reopening plan. During these challenging times, Toronto Public Library’s online resources are more valuable than ever, especially for our vulnerable communities. As you consider how to support our city, know that a donation to TPL makes a real difference in the lives of the nearly 70% of Torontonians who rely on us.

Thank you for choosing to invest in the well-being our city.

Love Your City Love TPL

When you give to our Love TPL Community Campaign, your donation is immediately directed to Toronto Public Library’s highest priority needs. This includes free access to valuable online resources, literacy and learning programs, newcomer settlement services, and so much more. You believe in supporting our city, helping those who are most vulnerable and empowering Torontonians to thrive. You are Library People.

I want to make a personal donation to TPL

My Donation

I want to give a gift and send an ecard.

Gift In Honour

Library Cards are Awesome!

Here are just some of the many things you can do online with your Toronto Public Library card.

Keep Reading
No better time to explore new writers or fan favourites
  • Access ebooks, magazines, newspapers and comics
  • Try out self-published books from indie authors via Biblioboard
  • Listen to French-language ebooks through Cantook Station
  • Join online book clubs, download audio books or listen to podcasts
Stay Entertained
Enjoy endless stories, activities and online content
  • Watch over 500 world-renowned Appel Salon author talks on YouTube
  • Hear Dial-a-Story children stories in over 16 languages, over the phone
  • Stream music, films, classical concerts, ballets and operas from around the world
  • Sing along to popular storytime songs performed by library staff on YouTube
Learn More
Feed your interests or take the time to learn a new skill
  • Little ones can develop their early literacy skills through Ready for Reading
  • Try one of 71 interactive courses on Mango and learn a new language
  • Access video courses on or online instructor-led from Gale Courses
  • Participate in TPL’s 2020 Reading Challenge and join fellow readers on Goodreads and Facebook
Get Help
Research tools and online help you can use
  • Brainfuse free online tutoring helps students from kindergarten to Grade 12
  • Get instant access to rare historical photos, maps and through TPL’s digital archive
  • Find books and videos from major technology and business publishers through Safari Books
  • For a limited time, search TPL’s powerful genealogy tool, Ancestry Library

“I love The Toronto Public Library! You are a great asset to communities and I use your services all the time. Continue the good work!"

Christine, TPL Donor

“Thank you for making Toronto Public Library such a great resource and a community hub. It was worth immigrating to Canada just to have access to a library like this!”

Eugenia, TPL Donor

"I love the TPL! Keep bringing communities together and empowering Torontonians to learn."

Shaun, TPL Donor

"Our public library is a public treasure."

Sarah, TPL Donor

“We appreciate a library that helps people who are in need."

Hongmin, TPL Donor

“Love the library, it's important. You all do great work. I hope people rally to show their support."

Bryce, TPL Donor

Did you know?

Close to 1 million
active card holders

35 million visits to

Over 8 million e titles circulated