Happify by Twill

by Twill

Wellness, born from science.

Happify began with the idea that we could reach people by combining evidence-based principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and positive psychology with best practices from the game industry. Happify improves mental health and wellness, and supports individuals, organizations, and populations.

The science-based wellness app

Millions of engaged members benefit from our personalized Happify app, with evidence-based activities crafted to build essential skills for life.

Change begins here

There are more than 70 month-long programs that guide members through goal-based journeys. Some of our most popular include Conquering Negative Thoughts, Fueling a Successful Career, and Building Mindfulness Through Meditation.

Science-backed activities

Access thousands of science-backed activities, games, and published articles to support your overall wellness. Plus, you’ll have guidance from our clinician-trained Therapeutic Assistant that helps break down complex goals into real-world skills, leading to progress you can track in real-time.

A global wellness app, crafted for you

Poor mental health is a pervasive meta-condition—that’s why we localize content to ensure it’s scientifically sound and culturally appropriate for as many people as possible. Our app is available in 10 languages and over 100 countries around the world.

Benefits with a
clinical foundation

Our STAGER framework helps you build six key skills: Savor, Thank, Aspire, Give, Empathize, and Revive.

It’s with these skills in mind that we’re translating the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), positive psychology, and mindfulness into fun and interactive activities and games. The goal is to help you build wellness skills and form life-changing habits. Because optimism, self-confidence, gratitude, hope, compassion, purpose, and empathy are qualities anyone can own—you just have to learn how.


Savoring is the practice of being mindful and noticing what’s good around you, taking time to intensify your enjoyment of the moment, making a pleasurable experience last for as long as possible.Research by Dr. Fred Bryant, a professor at Loyola University Chicago, shows that those who regularly and frequently savor are happier, more optimistic, and more satisfied with life. Bryant describes savoring as three-fold, meaning we can savor the past (by reminiscing), savor the future (through positive anticipation), or savor the present (by practicing mindfulness).


Being thankful fills us with optimism and self-confidence, knowing that others are there for us. It dampens our desire for “more” of everything—and it deepens our relationships with loved ones. And when we express our gratitude to someone, we get kindness and gratitude in return.

In studies led by Dr. Martin Seligman, people have written gratitude letters to someone they've never properly thanked, and seen immediate increases in happiness and decreases in depressive symptoms.


Infusing our lives with meaning can help us feel more positive. You, too, can feel more upbeat about the future and your potential.

Studies published by sources including the Journal of Positive Psychology have shown that using your strengths in daily life curbs stress and increases self-esteem and vitality. Participants who imagined their future in an optimistic light increased their levels of happiness over the next six months. Because believing that your goals are within reach promotes a sense of meaning and purpose in life—a key ingredient of happiness.


When you give a gift, you make someone happier. But what you might not know is that the giver—not the receiver—reaps even more benefits. Numerous studies show that being kind not only makes us feel less stressed, isolated, and angry—but it makes us feel considerably happier, more connected with the world, and more open to new experiences.

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky asked students to commit five random acts of kindness each week for six weeks. Whereas the control group experienced a reduction in well-being, those who engaged in acts of kindness showed a 42% increase in happiness.


When we empathize with people, we become less judgmental, frustrated, angry, or disappointed—and we develop patience. We also solidify the bonds with those closest to us. And when we really listen to the points of view of others, they're more likely to do the same for us.

Research by Dr. Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the field, suggests that people who have more self-compassion lead healthier, more productive lives than those who are self-critical.


Revive is a call to action, to do something good for yourself today. Physical health is vital to our overall sense of well-being. From the food we eat to fuel our bodies, to the amount and quality of the sleep and exercise we get, the steps we take to do something good for ourselves have a huge impact on our overall health.

A Columbia University study has shown that both exercise and good nutrition can have a positive effect on mood and lessen the symptoms of depression.

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by Twill

Happify is available directly to people around the world. Join online or download our app.

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