Evgeny Atamanenko_Shutterstock

What Makes a Family?

A family can take many forms and it can be organized in different ways. Today, some 40 percent of children are not being raised in a nuclear family. Plus, we all know that friends can make a family. But no matter how you slice it, family dynamics help make us who we are.
Colorful hierarchy, by I G, Flickr, CC x 2.0

The Many Faces of Family

By Bella DePaulo Ph.D.

A commonsense manifesto for valuing all families, relationships, and life paths.
Elly Fairytale/Pexels

In the Time of COVID

By Jennifer E. Lansford, Ph.D.

Food, music, giving, and reaching out to loved ones.

Why Estrangement Is Painful

By Karl Pillemer Ph.D.

Four threats of estrangement to mental health.