Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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May 15 @ 8:04am
遊戲一直無法開啟 *更新已順利解決問題
Last edited by ; May 17 @ 9:49am
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edit - There was a R* launcher update 'today'. Did this not fix it?

It would be beneficial to list the other methods you did to solve the problem so we don't suggest them again, and waste both of our time. And some copy/paste -

You've tried -
Run the launcher as admin? Do / do not have/use onedrive? Is it on/off?
I'd probably rule out onedrive too - turn it off, or leave it on - but configure it not to do anything with my docs/rockstar games -.-

Is windows defender, controlled folder access blocking R* launcher/social club/ games?
Repaired/reinstalled vcredists? Not blocking anything in firewall?

Is your windows user name non-english?
Tried a new windows user with a plain english name?

There have even been instances in the past where certain languages would cause problems ingame or with the launcher. This includes regions/languages set in steam, on the OS, etc etc. Every update, always a bug.. somewhere, for someone.

Verified no compatibility mode is enabled for R* launcher, social club, steam, or the games?

When did this start? Immediately after the most recent 'update' a couple days ago?


edit - I want to also point out the absolute glut of non-english posting in these threads about this specific issue - for both gta5, and rdr2.

edit - more of this - said differently -.-

Whatever you do - stop reinstalling the game. That error is largely garbage. The most recent 'update' of the game 'only' updated the INSTALLERS TO THE R* LAUNCHER AND SOCIAL CLUB. There is nothing wrong with your game files/folder if you don't mod them for story mode. Nothing there changed but installers. At most, you can uninstall R* launcher/social club, and clean the folders, and reinstall THOSE 2 apps. If this is a connectivity issue (this includes hosts, dns, vpn, R* end), or a R*/update related issue - all you can do is wait - or contact R* support to flood their system with complaints. The other things mentioned are workarounds, like non-english folder names, testing a new user profile, etc. Some of the things mentioned are also solutions from the past. Not 'everyone' posting in these threads was 'playing minutes before' the update.

Of course, some poor sap will uninstall and reinstall for the 9th time and BOOM it WORKS! because hey, someone else fixed the problem somewhere else in the middle of their 2 hour download.
Last edited by psykoteky; May 16 @ 8:17am
是在前天發生的,我用Rockstar啟動遊戲會顯示Rockstar Games Laundher 無法初始化!
再來我換Steam開啟遊戲,會顯示無法啟動遊戲,請嘗試重新安裝。我也爬過官方文章了,也跟著做了5次都不行 弄到快瘋了:steamsad:
+1 昨天玩正常,跟你一樣狀況,等大神協助...
Originally posted by zhengwei87521:
+1 昨天玩正常,跟你一樣狀況,等大神協助...
ken33ck May 15 @ 8:38am 
chenchen May 15 @ 8:38am 
May 15 @ 9:08am 
ya min May 15 @ 9:13am 
ya min May 15 @ 9:16am 
Teazi May 15 @ 9:44am 
我和一些朋友遇到相同的問題, 但又有些能正常開
Teazi May 15 @ 9:53am 
Originally posted by psykoteky:
It would be beneficial to list the other methods you did to solve the problem so we don't suggest them again, and waste both of our time. And some copy/paste -

You've tried -
Run the launcher as admin? Do / do not have/use onedrive? Is it on/off?
Is windows defender, controlled folder access blocking R* launcher/social club/ games?
Repaired/reinstalled vcredists? Not blocking anything in firewall?

Is your windows user name non-english?
Tried a new windows user with a plain english name?

Verified no compatibility mode is enabled for R* launcher, social club, steam, or the games?

When did this start? Immediately after the most recent 'update' a couple days ago?


edit - I want to also point out the absolute glut of non-english posting in these threads about this specific issue - for both gta5, and rdr2.

From what i experienced and what i saw from the threads about this issue, we have tried almost all things including deleting Rockstar Launcher completely and re-download it, deleting the game and re-download it, turning off the antivirus, adding Rockstar launcher to white list, etc. Most importantly, most of us which face this issue can play the game normally just a moment before. Take me as an example, i played GTA Online for the whole afternoon, but at night when i tried to open, the issue happened and i could not open the game and Rockstar Launcher at all.
Last edited by Teazi; May 15 @ 9:54am
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