The 21 Best Sidney Prescott Quotes From The 'Scream' Franchise

David De La Riva
Updated May 15, 2024 21 items



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Vote up the best Sidney Prescott quotes from the Scream franchise.

The quintessential final girl in horror history, Neve Campbell's Sidney Prescott not only helped revolutionize the horror genre with jaw-dropping, sincere, and magnificent performances as the lead throughout the Scream franchise, but she grew to become a remarkably important individual in the minds and hearts of generations. Campbell's Prescott is consistently shown as one of the most driven, powerful, and determined women in all of cinema, who just so happens to know how to deliver some of the most beloved lines in horror history. Sidney Prescott quotes may never be bombastic or over the top, but they are some of the best and most important the genre has ever seen.

 A woman who believes actions are stronger than words, it is ironic that Sidney Prescott is able to deliver some of the funniest, most sincere, most heartbreaking quotes in horror history. Throughout her time in the franchise starting with 1996's Scream all the way to the re-quell with the same name in 2022, Sidney Prescott has solidified herself as one of the strongest and most important women in all of horror thanks to her never say die attitude and brilliant line delivery. Sidney Prescott quotes are almost always a good time, and with five movies under her belt, and an opportunity to return for a sixth, the sky is the limit for horror's favorite final girl.

Vote up the best Sidney Prescott quotes from the Scream franchise, and don't forget to check out The Best Movies in the Scream Franchise and Behind-The-Scenes Details From The Scream Franchise.

  • 1
    31 votes

    "I'm Sidney F***ing Prescott, Of Course I Have A Gun" - Scream (2022)

    "I'm Sidney F***ing Prescott, Of Course I Have A Gun" - Scream (2022)
    • Photo:
      • Scream (2022)
      • Paramount Pictures

    Dewey Riley: Do you have a gun?

    Sidney Prescott: I'm Sidney f***ing Prescott, of course I have a gun

  • 2
    40 votes

    "Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door." - Scream

    "Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door." - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    Ghostface: Do you like scary movies, Sidney?

    Sidney Prescott: I like that thing you're doing with your voice Randy, it's sexy.

    Ghostface: What's your favorite scary movie?

    Sidney Prescott: Oh, come on. You know I don't watch that sh*t.

    Ghostface: Why not? Too scared?

    Sidney Prescott: No, no. It's just what's the point? They're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. It's insulting.

  • 3
    21 votes

    "You Forgot One Thing About Billy Loomis... I F***ing Killed Him" - Scream 2

    "You Forgot One Thing About Billy Loomis... I F***ing Killed Him" - Scream 2
    • Photo:
      • Scream 2
      • Dimension Films

    Mickey Altieri: People love a good trial. It's like theater, they're dying for it. And I worked hard to give that audience what they want. It's what Billy was good at, he knew. it's all about execution.

    Sidney Prescott: Oh yeah? Well you're forgetting one thing about Billy Loomis.

    Mickey Altieri: What's that?

    Sidney Prescott: I f***ing killed him.

  • 4
    21 votes

    "God, Why Don't You Stop Your Whining And Get On With It?" - Scream 3

    "God, Why Don't You Stop Your Whining And Get On With It?" - Scream 3
    • Photo:
      • Scream 3
      • Dimension Films

    Sidney Prescott: God, why don't stop your whining and get on with it? I've heard all this sh*t before.

    Roman Bridger: Stop.

    Sidney Prescott: Do you know why you kill people Roman? Do you?

    Roman Bridger: I don't want to hear it.

    Sidney Prescott: Because you choose to. There is no one else to blame.

    Roman Bridger: Damnit f***ing damnit!

    Sidney Prescott: Why don't you take some f***ing responsibility?

    Roman Bridger: F*** you.

    Sidney Prescott: F*** you.

  • 5
    24 votes

    "You Forgot The First Rule Of Remakes, Jill. Don't F**k With The Original" - Scream 4

     "You Forgot The First Rule Of Remakes, Jill. Don't F**k With The Original" - Scream 4
    • Photo:
      • Scream 4
      • Dimension Films

    Gale Weathers: Can I just have one final word?

    Jill Roberts: What? Please?

    Gale Weathers: No, clear.

    Jill Roberts: Clear?

    Sidney Prescott: Clear.

    [Sidney kills Jill using a defibrillator.]

    Sidney Prescott: You forgot the first rule of remakes, Jill. Don't f*** with the original!

  • 6
    34 votes

    "Not So Fast, We're Going To Play A Little Game. It's Called: Guess Who Just Called The Police And Reported Your Sorry Motherf***ing A**" - Scream

    "Not So Fast, We're Going To Play A Little Game. It's Called: Guess Who Just Called The Police And Reported Your Sorry Motherf***ing A**" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    Sidney Prescott: Are you alone in the house?

    Billy Loomis: B*tch! You b*tch, where the f*ck are you?

    Sidney Prescott: Not so fast, we're going to play a little game. It's called: Guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherf***ing a**!

    [Stu Macher slowly collapses to the floor]

    Billy Loomis: Find her, you dips***! Get up!

    Stu Macher: I can't, Billy. You already cut me too deep. I think I'm dying here, man!

  • 7
    21 votes

    "You Want Me Motherf***er, Come And Get Me!" - Scream 3

    "You Want Me Motherf***er, Come And Get Me!" - Scream 3
    • Photo:
      • Scream 3
      • Dimension Films

    [Sidney Prescott shoots at Ghostface but misses, gun has no bullets left]

    Sidney Prescott: You want me motherf***er, come and get me!

    Dewey Riley: Run!

    [Ghostface chases Sidney]

  • 8
    24 votes

    "Would You Settle For A PG-13 Relationship?" - Scream

    "Would You Settle For A PG-13 Relationship?" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    Billy Loomis: Hey, I'm not trying to rush you at all, I was only half serious. 

    Sidney Prescott: Okay. Hey Billy, would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?

    Billy Loomis: What's that?

    Sidney Prescott: [Flashes Billy]

    Billy Loomis: My god, you're just a tease.

  • 9
    34 votes

    "Not In My Movie" - Scream

    "Not In My Movie" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    Randy Meeks: Careful. This is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life, for one last scare.

    [Billy starts to rise]

    Sidney Prescott: [shoots Billy]  Not in my movie.

  • 10
    24 votes

    "You Gotta Find Me First You Pansy A** Mama's Boy" - Scream

    "You Gotta Find Me First You Pansy A** Mama's Boy" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    [Billy Loomis grabs the phone]

    Billy Loomis: I'm going to rip you up, b*tch, just like your f***ing mother!

    Sidney Prescott: You've gotta find me first, you pansy-a** momma's boy!

    Billy Loomis: F***!

    [Billy hits Stu with the phone]

    Stu Macher: Ow! You f***in' hit me with the phone, d***!

  • 11
    12 votes

    "Then Why Don't You Show Your Face, You F***ing Coward!" - Scream 2

    "Then Why Don't You Show Your Face, You F***ing Coward!" - Scream 2
    • Photo:
      • Scream 2
      • Dimension Films

    Sidney Prescott: [Answering the phone] Hello?

    Ghostface: Hello Sidney, remember me?

    Sidney Prescott: What do you want?

    Ghostface: I want you, it's showtime!

    Sidney Prescott: Then why don't you show your face, you f***ing coward!

    [Hangs up phone]

    Ghostface: My pleasure!

    [Ghostface enters the room and lunges out at her]

  • 12
    4 votes

    "You've Seen One Too Many Movies!" - Scream

    "You've Seen One Too Many Movies!" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    [Billy Loomis stabs Stu Macher over and over again]

    Sidney Prescott: You sick f***s. You've seen one too many movies!

    Billy Loomis: Now Sid, don't you blame the movies. Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!

  • 13
    15 votes

    "F*** You Both!" - Scream

    "F*** You Both!" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    Stu Macher: Sidney, babe, please give me that gun! Give me that gun he killed Billy!

    Randy Meeks: No I didn't! No, I didn't Sid, he did! He did it, Sidney!

    Sidney Prescott: F*** you both!

  • 14
    3 votes

    "Consider It Done" - Scream 2

    "Consider It Done" - Scream 2
    • Photo:
      • Scream 2
      • Dimension Films

    Cotton Weary: Whoa. What a predicament you're in, Sid.

    Sidney Prescott: Cotton!

    Cotton Weary: I mean she makes a good point. Let me think about this. Maybe you should, too. I'll bet you that Diane Sawyer interview's looking real good right bout now.

    [Sidney starts thinking it over]

    Cotton Weary: Hmm?

    Sidney Prescott: Consider it done.

    [Cotton shoots Mrs. Loomis]

  • 15
    10 votes

    "It's Your Turn To Scream A**hole" - Scream 3

    "It's Your Turn To Scream A**hole" - Scream 3
    • Photo:
      • Scream 3
      • Dimension Films

    [Sidney Prescott pulls out gun]

    Sidney Prescott: It's your turn to scream a**hole!


  • 16
    7 votes

    "Prank Calls Are A Criminal Offense" - Scream 2

    "Prank Calls Are A Criminal Offense" - Scream 2
    • Photo:
      • Scream 2
      • Dimension Films

    Sidney Prescott: Hello? Hello?

    Phone Voice: Hello Sidney.

    Sidney Prescott: Yes?

    Phone Voice: What's your favorite scary movie?

    Sidney Prescott: Who is this?

    Phone Voice: You tell me.

    Sidney Prescott: [picks up caller ID] Cory Gillis, 555-0176.

    Phone Voice: Sh*t!

    Sidney Prescott: Hot flash Cory...

    Phone Voice: Sh*t!

    Sidney Prescott: ...prank calls are a criminal offense prosecuted under penal code 653M.

  • 17
    7 votes

    "What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?" - Scream 3

    "What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?" - Scream 3
    • Photo:
      • Scream 3
      • Dimension Films

    Sidney Prescott: Hey Detective, what's your favorite scary movie?

    Mark: My life.

    Sidney Prescott: Mine too.

  • 18
    0 votes

    "You Might Be The Most Derivative One Of All" - Scream (2022)

    "You Might Be The Most Derivative One Of All" - Scream (2022)
    • Photo:
      • Scream (2022)
      • Paramount Pictures

    Sidney Prescott: [On the phone with Ghostface] You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house?

    [Shoots door]

    Ghostface: Maybe so, but you forgot the first rule of surviving a 'Stab' movie, never answer the...

    Sidney Prescott: [Cuts Ghostface off] I'm bored.

    Ghostface: Wait!

    [Sidney ends the call]

  • 19
    0 votes

    "Let Me Guess, The Movies Made You Do It?" - Scream (2022)

    "Let Me Guess, The Movies Made You Do It?" - Scream (2022)
    • Photo:
      • Scream (2022)
      • Paramount Pictures

    Amber Freeman: No, no, no, no, no, no! It's not my fault, it's not my fault!

    Sidney Prescott: Let me guess, the movies made you do it?

    Amber Freeman: No, no, no, it's the message boards! I was radicalized!

    Gale Riley: By movie fans?

    Amber Freeman: Yes, they're so mad! Please, it's not my fault! I'm just a dumb kid, I just wanted to be a part of something!

  • 20
    1 votes

    "In Your Dreams" - Scream

    "In Your Dreams" - Scream
    • Photo:
      • Scream
      • Dimension Films

    Stu Macher: I always had a thing for ya, Sid!

    [Sidney Prescott bites Stu's hand]

    Stu Macher: [screams painfully]  Ohh, God! B***h!

    [Sidney grabs a vase and breaks it on Stu's head. While he is stunned, Sidney stands and rushes to the television]

    Sidney Prescott: In your dreams!

    [Sidney shoves the television on Stu's head]

  • 21
    1 votes

    "I Want You To Help Us Kill Him" - Scream (2022)

    "I Want You To Help Us Kill Him" - Scream (2022)
    • Photo:
      • Scream (2022)
      • Paramount Pictures

    Sidney Prescott: Sam, I want you to help us kill him.

    Sam Carpenter: You want me to help you and the host of a morning show to commit murder?

    Gale Riley: Correct.

    Sidney Prescott:  Yeah.