100 Ways to Help Others and Make a Difference in the World

100 Ways to Help Others and Make a Difference This Year

Let’s talk about 100 ways to serve others

If you’re here to read all about 100 ways to help others and make a difference, you’re in the right place.

Let’s talk about something near and dear to my heart: helping people in need.

I’ve always believed that giving back to our community and making a positive impact on the world around us is one of the most rewarding things we can do in life.

Every effort counts and has the ability to make a difference, whether it’s through a tiny act of kindness or a bigger effort.

I’ve been lucky to come across many volunteer opportunities throughout the years, and I’ve discovered that there are endless ways we can do so.

There are so many ways to help each other and express compassion and generosity to the people around us, from donating to a charity to working at a local shelter, from simply listening to someone who needs to vent to offering a helping hand to a stranger.

That is why I wanted to share 100 methods to help others with you today. These suggestions are based on my personal experience as well as recommendations from friends and family.

I hope they encourage you to find ways to give back in your own life.

So let’s get started and look at some of the various ways to help the ones in need and spread love and optimism in our community!

Why is kindness so important?

Kindness and helping others in need are essential to me for a variety of reasons.

First and foremost, I think that we’re all interconnected on this planet and that one person’s well-being affects the well-being of all of us.

When we help someone in need, we create a positive ripple effect that can reach far beyond our local circle of influence.

Acts of kindness and service provide me with a tremendous sense of fulfillment and purpose in my life.

When I’m helping a person, whether it’s by lending a listening ear or a helping hand, I feel a sense of connection and meaning that I can’t find in any other way.

Kindness and service have a lot of societal rewards in addition to personal ones.

According to research, acts of kindness can lead to enhanced happiness, better physical health, and even a longer lifetime.

When we serve others, we contribute to a culture of compassion and generosity. This can help resolve greater societal concerns such as poverty, inequality, and social isolation.

Now let’s talk about how to help other people.

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Here’s a list of 100 ways to help your community

  1. Volunteer at local food banks or soup kitchens during the holiday season to help provide meals to those in need.
  2. Offer to help an elderly neighbor with their groceries the next time they go to the grocery store.
  3. Share kind words with someone who’s going through a difficult time or simply needs a boost of confidence.
  4. Donate warm clothing, blankets, or other essentials to a homeless person in your local community.
  5. Use your social media presence to promote a cause or organization in which you believe and urge others to participate.
  6. Offer to shovel snow for a neighbor or community member who’s unfortunately unable to do so.
  7. Create a care package for someone who could use a little bit of extra love.
  8. Offer a helping hand to someone who’s having difficulty with a task or project.
  9. Practice random acts of kindness throughout your day, such as holding the door open for someone or buying a coffee for the person in line behind you.
  10. To promote literacy and education in your community, consider donating a gift card to a local library or bookstore.
  11. Volunteer at an animal shelter or donate supplies to help care for animals in need.
  12. Leave an encouraging note for someone who’s feeling disheartened or overwhelmed.
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a woman
  1. Donate books or magazines to a local hospital or nursing home to offer patients amusement and distraction.
  2. Offer to teach someone a new skill or share your knowledge with someone who could use it.
  3. Look for a better way to do something that’s causing someone else stress or difficulties, and give a solution or alternate approach.
  4. Volunteer with a local youth organization or school to mentor young people in your town.
  5. Donate your time or money to a local homeless shelter or group that helps homeless people.
  6. Volunteer with a neighborhood association or a community improvement organization to help make your community a better place.
  7. Support local businesses by shopping at and recommending locally-owned retailers.
  8. Look for new ways to give to others and get involved in your community, such as by joining a community garden or environmental group.
  9. Donate unused credit card reward points to a charitable organization or nonprofit.
  10. Leave a kind note or message for someone who’s going through a difficult time, whether they’re a friend, family member, or stranger.
  11. Support the work of organizations like the Red Cross by making a donation or volunteering during times of crisis or disaster.
  12. Practice simple ways of showing kindness and generosity, such as smiling at someone or holding the door open for a stranger.
  13. Find small acts of kindness that you can do on a regular basis for others, such as preparing a cup of tea for a coworker or offering to run an errand for a neighbor.
a woman writing down notes
  1. Set a good example and show compassion and respect for young people in your community to be a positive role model for them.
  2. Volunteer at a senior center or an organization that helps older people, such as by teaching a lesson or offering companionship. You can take residents out for a walk or sit on a park bench to enjoy the outdoors. You could also offer to read to them or engage in conversation to help brighten their day.
  3. Offer to help single parents in your neighborhood with tasks such as childcare and errands.
  4. Instead of driving alone, take public transport to lower your carbon footprint and support sustainable transportation options in your neighborhood.
  5. Show appreciation for first responders and other essential workers by bringing them food, writing thank-you notes, or offering to do yard work or other tasks to make their lives a little easier. I have to be honest; this is among my favorite examples in this list of 100 ways to help others.
  6. Check in on an elderly neighbor on a regular basis to determine whether they need help or company.
  7. Volunteer with a local charity that promotes a topic you believe in, such as animal welfare or environmental conservation.
  8. Become a “big brother/sister” or mentor to a young person who could benefit from an adult role model.
  9. Ask for the help of others when you’re in need of help yourself; allowing others to give back can be a great way to strengthen community bonds.
  10. Look for new ways to make a difference in people’s lives, whether through volunteering, contributing, or providing support and encouragement.
  11. Donate food or supplies to a local food pantry or soup kitchen in your neighborhood to help eliminate hunger.
  12. Consider how your activities affect the lives of others and attempt to have a positive impact.
  13. On garbage day, help your neighbor by taking in or taking out your neighbor’s trash cans.
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a woman
  1. Join a book club or literary organization to share your passion for reading and meet others with similar interests.
  2. Share any extra coupons or discounts with others who could benefit from them.
  3. Recognize that a lot of people could benefit from your help in their daily lives. Look for opportunities to serve whenever possible.
  4. It doesn’t always take a lot of time or effort to do a great thing; sometimes a tiny act of compassion can go a long way. Looking for small ways to help others can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
  5. Donate old clothes to a thrift store or charity to help people in need of clothing.
  6. Make time in your day to provide a positive comment or review for a company or person who has provided you with excellent service or support.
  7. Visit people in your local area who may be isolated or lonely, such as residents of nursing homes or retirement communities.
  8. Being polite and respectful to others is one of the most meaningful ways to help others—a friendly smile or a tiny gesture of consideration may go a long way!
  9. The best way to help a group of people is to listen to their needs and collaborate with them to find solutions that benefit everyone.
  10. Make a “birthday box” of fun and thoughtful items to help a friend celebrate their special day.
  11. Small things can make a big difference—even a quick text or email to check in on someone can let them know you care and are thinking of them.
  12. Offer encouragement and support to a friend or loved one who’s going through a difficult time. Knowing someone is there for you can make all the difference.
a woman making a call to help someone
  1. Contact an old friend you haven’t spoken with in a long time and catch up on each other’s lives.
  2. Provide constructive criticism and honest feedback to a coworker or acquaintance who’s looking to improve their skills or work.
  3. Consider sharing affiliate links or endorsing things that you believe in to support businesses and people you admire.
  4. Make time to reconnect with family and friends. It may have been a while since you’ve spoken or seen each other, but it’s never too late to reach out and reconnect.
  5. Speak up for a pregnant woman who is experiencing prejudice or discrimination in the workplace or community.
  6. Consider buying at your local farmer’s market to support small businesses and environmentally friendly farming practices.
  7. Offer help to people who are going through a hard time by cooking them a meal or doing errands for them.
  8. During difficult times, look to area churches or community groups that need help. Besides, they typically have a wealth of expertise and resources to share.
  9. Attend a council meeting or a community event to learn more about the issues affecting your town and how you can help.
  10. Make time for phone calls or coffee dates with the young people in your life. Your wisdom and experience can be a great resource for them as they face the challenges of adolescence. This is also one of my favorite examples in this list of 100 ways to help others.
  11. Send a care package or a word of encouragement to a sick friend to make their day and show them how much you care.
  12. Consider donating to organizations such as World Vision, which aim to better the lives of people in need all across the world.
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a woman
  1. Provide someone with a listening ear if they are having a bad day. Sometimes just having someone to talk to can make all the difference.
  2. Volunteer at local events or support small businesses and local initiatives to get active in your small-town community.
  3. Do little things to show you care, like leaving a note of appreciation for a coworker or offering to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor.
  4. Support local small businesses by shopping locally and spreading the word about their products or services.
  5. Participate in local park cleanup events to keep your communal areas clean and enjoyable for all.
  6. Donate toys or books to a local children’s hospital to brighten the days of young patients.
  7. Go the extra mile for a friend or loved one in need—offer to help with a move, watch their kids for the day, or run errands for them.
  8. Consider measures to lower your carbon footprint and contribute to climate change mitigation, such as biking or walking instead of driving or supporting environmentally friendly businesses.
  9. Offer to make or bring meals to a friend or family member who’s having a difficult time.
  10. Volunteer your time and abilities to organizations or causes that you care about, whether it’s helping with a neighborhood fundraiser or donating your services to a non-profit.
  11. Participate in local climate change efforts, such as attending community meetings or supporting projects to decrease trash or encourage renewable energy.
  12. Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog to demonstrate that you care and are prepared to help.
  13. Donate to or volunteer with groups fighting climate change and protecting the world for future generations.
a woman looking at her laptop, thinking about ways to help other people
  1. Spread positive energy by complementing others, encouraging others, and looking for the good in every circumstance.
  2. Participate in a local organization that shares your values and interests, such as a community garden, a charity that helps individuals in need, or a political action group.
  3. Donate your old glasses to organizations that help individuals in need by providing eyewear, thereby improving their vision and quality of life.
  4. Reduce your meat consumption and advocate for sustainable agriculture techniques, which can have a positive impact on the environment and animal welfare.
  5. Check in on an elderly person or neighbor, offering to run errands for them or simply spending time with them to reduce loneliness and isolation.
  6. Thank your mail carrier with a thank-you card or a modest self-care gift to brighten their day.
  7. Volunteer at a local elementary school, whether it’s to help with reading or arithmetic courses, lead an art project, or organize a fundraiser.
  8. Offer to help an older neighbor with activities such as trash collection or leaf raking to show that they’re loved and supported.
  9. Donate your time or resources to local organizations that are making a difference in your community, whether it is by delivering meals to those in need or organizing a cleanup initiative.
  10. Spread kindness by doing tiny things like holding the door for others, saying please and thank you, and smiling at those you meet.
  1. Support organizations like OneSight that offer eyeglasses and vision care to those in need all over the world.
  2. Host a meat-free supper or potluck with friends and family to introduce them to the benefits of plant-based nutrition.
  3. Offer to help an elderly person who may be unable to handle home maintenance on their own.
  4. Donate school materials or books to a local elementary school to help young pupils’ education.
  5. Write a thank-you message or provide honest feedback to someone who has previously helped you, expressing your gratitude and demonstrating that their actions had an impact.
  6. Volunteer at a local animal sanctuary or wildlife rescue center.
  7. Share your expertise with a non-profit organization in your community.
  8. Donate blood to your local blood bank.
  9. Help a neighbor with their yard work or gardening.
  10. Write a positive review for a small business or restaurant you love. This is among my favorite examples of helping others because it’s so easy, but sometimes it can make such a huge difference in the business’s success.
  11. Participate in a neighborhood cleanup event.
  12. Support local artists and musicians by attending their shows or buying their work.
  13. Organize a community fundraiser for a cause you care about.
  14. Host a clothing or book swap event to promote sustainability and sharing in your community.
  15. Offer to babysit for a single parent or a family in need.
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a woman writing in a notebook

If this list of 100 ways to help others wasn’t enough for you, here are 35 more ways to help people

  1. Donate unused art supplies, musical instruments, or sports equipment to a local school or community center.
  2. Sign up for a charity walk or run and raise money for a cause.
  3. Volunteer to mentor a young person in your neighborhood through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program or another comparable organization.
  4. Send care packages or encouraging messages to military personnel or veterans in your town.
  5. Help a senior citizen with their food shopping or other errands.
  6. Organize a book club in your town to promote literacy and discussion.
  7. Join a neighborhood watch group to help keep your neighborhood safe.
  8. Donate your used furniture or household items to a local shelter or transitional housing program.
  9. Help a friend or family member move to a new home.
  10. Volunteer at a community garden or urban farm to help provide fresh produce to those in need.
  11. Offer to walk or pet-sit for a neighbor who has a busy schedule or is going out of town.
  12. Support a local theater or performing arts group by attending their shows or volunteering backstage.
  13. Offer to drive an elderly person to their doctor’s appointments or other important errands.
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a woman
  1. Start a community art project, such as a mural or sculpture, to beautify your neighborhood.
  2. Host a potluck dinner or block party to get to know your neighbors better.
  3. Donate unused airline miles or hotel points to a charity that provides travel for people in need.
  4. Help a local business owner set up a website or social media presence to expand their reach.
  5. Offer to teach a free class or workshop on a topic you’re passionate about at a community center or library.
  6. Regular check-ins and acts of compassion can help a friend or family member who’s going through a difficult time.
  7. Help preserve and promote local history and culture by volunteering at a local museum or historical society.
  8. Organize a “repair café” where members of the community can bring broken things that will be repaired by volunteers.
  9. Offer to help a friend or family member with a home improvement job or repair.
  10. Volunteer at a local school or library as a reading buddy for youngsters. The best thing? It’s 100% free.
  11. Organize a community clean-up day to pick up the garbage and improve the appearance of local parks or natural areas.
  12. To bring joy and amusement to others, join a community choir or music group.
a woman looking out of the window
  1. Launch a neighborhood bike-share program to provide low-cost mobility options. Isn’t this one of those very creative ways to help others?
  2. Offer to teach a group of young adults or the elderly a free cooking or nutrition class.
  3. Organize regular meetups at a local coffee house for people to socialize and make new friends. You could provide conversation starters or icebreaker games to make the events more fun.
  4. Start a “buddy system” for aging or disabled people who may need additional help or companionship.
  5. Offer to help a new parent with childcare or domestic duties in the weeks following the birth of their child.
  6. Create a community resource guide that includes a list of local organizations and services that can help people in need.
  7. Hold a free community concert or an outdoor movie night in a public space.
  8. Donate your skills or knowledge to a local non-profit group, such as legal or financial guidance.
  9. Help a small business owner with marketing or social media strategies.
  10. Organize a “skill share” event in which members of the community can teach and learn new talents from one another, such as knitting or gardening.
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a pin that says in a large font 100 ways to give back to others
a pin that says in a large font 100 ways to help others

Did you find anything new from this list of 100 ways to help others?

How do you usually help those in need? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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