Coulthard vs Webber stats - head-to-head - Formula 1 points

Compare F1 drivers head-to-head

In the driver head-to-head section you can compare two of your favorite formula 1 drivers. This is the Coulthard vs Webber career head to head. See their career stats compared like points and positions. Statistics are provided for both when these drivers were directly competing in the same GP or season and overall for their complete career.
Driver 1
Driver 2

F1 head to head comparison

David Coulthard vs Mark Webber

Head-to-head stats for seasons in which both David Coulthard and Mark Webber have competed.

Grand prix positions head-to-head (where both drivers competed in the same GP)

Career head-to-head David Coulthard vs Mark Webber

Select two of your favorite formula 1 drivers and click compare! Just start typing and use the suggestions provided for easy reference.
For the selected drivers an overview of their careers statistics is provided head-to-head.
  • The career performance points provides insight into how both drivers achieved points throughout their careers. So their careers both start at 1 (first GP for both drivers), 2 (second GP for both drivers) and so on. For more insights like this go to the career performance section.
  • The overall performance spider chart to provide an easy overview of key metrics in the seasons both drivers competed. See for definitions the description below.
  • A list of points per season (based on the selected points system) when both drivers competed (at least once in a season).
  • The Head-to-head points/position graph allows to compare both drivers in seasons they both competed for points and position.
  • The Head-to-head race result / qualification result per GP graph allows to compare both drivers in season they both competed. Qualification is based on starting grid data.
  • The table displays F1 racing statistics for when drivers competed in the same season.
  • The two gauges show how these drivers compared against each other in the same races. Both for all races where both started and where both classified.
  • The overall performance spider chart to provide an easy overview of key metrics all seasons for any of the drivers. See for definitions the description below.
  • The table displays F1 racing statistics for their complete career.
  • At the bottom the comparison of race positions achieved for their complete career is provided (independent of the timeframe this drivers competed directly).
  • Click on a driver's name for further statistics achieved by this driver.
  • Click on button on top to see popular and recent comparisons.

The overall season performance spiderweb chart
All axis in the spider web are transformed to be on the same scale (from 0 to 10). The specific dimension is than plotted based on the scale. The first chart (head-to-head) one only contains seasons in which both drivers competed. The second one (career) is based on all seasons for each driver individually.
  • Points (vs best driver): total points achieved by driver in the whole season, compared to the driver with the most points in this season (for the selected PSS). The range is from highest points to zero.
  • Points (vs max possible): total points achieved by driver in season, compared to the maximum available points for the grandprix a driver competed in (for the selected PSS). The range is from maximum points to zero.
  • Average race results (all): The average race position in all GP (in which a driver started the GP). The range is from 1 to number of drivers in season.
  • Average race results (classified only): The average race position in all GP (in which a driver started the GP) and was classified in the result. The range is from 1 to number of drivers in season.
  • Average grid position: The average grid position in all GP (in which a driver started the GP). The range is from 1 to number of drivers in season.
  • Laps completed: The laps completed by a driver (in which a driver started the GP) compared to the total laps of the GP. The range is (for each driver) from total possible laps to zero.
Date last modified: 2024-05-31 23:01:09 - 3 days ago



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