disguise something as something - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

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Kid disguise as a dragon.
Ni�o disfrazado de dragoncito.
As a Russian ratification of the ECT is unlikely at this stage, the integration of the Charter's basic principles (and those of the Transit Protocol) into the new EU-Russian partnership agreement will constitute an important challenge.42 On the other hand, a Russian NGO representative in Moscow argued that
the Russian failure to ratify the
[...] ECT was a blessing in disguise, as this would prevent [...]
the EU from focusing on the more politically
sensitive areas of democracy's dismantling.
Como en este punto resulta improbable una ratificaci�n del ECT, la integraci�n de la Carta de principios b�sicos (y aquellos del Protocolo de Tr�nsito) constituir� un importante desaf�o en un nuevo acuerdo de asociaci�n UE-Rusia.41 Por otra parte, un representante de una ONG en Mosc� argumentaba que el
fracaso ruso para ratificar el ECT fue
[...] una bendici�n encubierta en tanto que esto impedir�a [...]
a la UE enfocar en �reas pol�ticas
m�s sensibles de desmantelamiento democr�tico.
(343) This type of
[...] agreement seeks to disguise as a conference [...]
what is really an agreement with outsiders, independents
wishing to maintain price flexibility.
(343) Esta
[...] f�rmula trata de hacer pasar por conferencia [...]
lo que en realidad es un acuerdo con compan� �as independientes
que desean conservar la flexibilidad de los precios.
The same Mordekha� Abisror is the one who
helped Charles of Foucault to explore Morocco secretly after
[...] having advised him to disguise as Rabbi to pass unobserved.
El mismo Mordekha� Abisror es el que ayudo a Charles de
Foucault a explorar Marruecos en secreto despu�s de haberle
[...] aconsejado que se disfrazara de rabino para pasar [...]
Cornell of Cayabor�
[...] was proud of his disguise as a warrior from [...]
the steppes of the distant south - the land of Robhovard
-, of the tribe of Ryelneyd, down to the behavior and idiosyncrasies typical of this people.
Cornell de Cayabor� se
[...] sent�a orgulloso de su disfraz de guerrero de las [...]
estepas del sur lejano -la tierra de Robhovard-,
de la tribu de ryelneyd, rebajado al comportamiento e idiosincrasias t�picas de este pueblo.
Inspired by a tale, Nannetta will disguise as "Queen of the Fairies", and the inhabitants of Windsor will dress as sylphs, elves, goblins, devils and vampires.
Siguiendo una leyenda, Nannette se vestir� de "Reina de las hadas" y los habitantes de Windsor, se vestir�n de s�lfides , elfos, duendes. diablos y vampiros.
He escaped by bribing a warden and
[...] walking out of prison disguised as a priest.
Logr� escapar al sobornar a un guardia y
[...] salir de la prisi�n disfrazado de cura.
One of the most commonly used methods for illegal trade (particularly in the USA according to several
[...] reports) is to disguise material as recycled.
Uno de los m�todos m�s com�nmente
utilizados para el comercio ilegal (especialmente en los EE.UU. seg�n varios
[...] informes) es hacer pasar el material por reciclado.
The economic downturn may however prove a benefit in disguise, as opinion makers in general and the development community in particular have finally come to acknowledge, once again, such policies as the legitimate domain of sovereign states.
Sin embargo, la desaceleraci�n econ�mica tal vez acaree beneficios inesperados ya que los l�deres de opini�n en general, y la comunidad del desarrollo en particular, han reconocido finalmente, una vez m�s, que esas pol�ticas son el dominio leg�timo de los Estados soberanos.
It might mean you have to direct their exercise
[...] activities and disguise them as play.
Podr�a significar que se tenga que dirigir sus actividades de
[...] ejercicio, y disfrazarlas como juego.
This is a good way to ensure that files are not
[...] malicious software disguised as common files.
�sta es una buena manera de asegurarse de que los archivos no son software
[...] malintencionado camuflado como archivos comunes.
It has, on the other hand, waged numerous colonial wars or
[...] participated in armed banditry disguised as war all over the world.
Por otra parte, ha librado muchas guerras coloniales o ha participado en
[...] bandidajes armados disfrazados de guerra en todo el mundo.
The field of psychotherapy is also ripe for sectarian
[...] aberrations, disguised as assistance for [...]
people in difficulty.
El campo de las psicoterapias es tambi�n propicio a derivas sectarias,
[...] so capa de aportar una ayuda a personas en [...]
Instead, governments disguise it as they need to gain [...]
the "trust" and the votes of the people, and they don't inform us
about the seed of violence that has already been planted.
Los gobernantes m�s bien la disfrazan ya que necesitan [...]
captar la "confianza" y los votos de los pueblos, y �stos no advierten
el germen de la violencia que ya est� instalado.
Now this is
[...] virtually a plea of guilty, disguise it as you may.
Ahora, esto es virtualmente una confesi�n de
[...] culpabilidad, no importa como quieras disfrazarla.
[...] black magicians disguise themselves as saints and pronounce [...]
sublime speeches of love and sanctity.
39-Esos Magos Negros se disfrazan de Santos y pronuncian [...]
sublimes discursos de Amor y Santidad.
After the Belzec camp was dismantled, the Germans ploughed over the site,
[...] built a manor house and planted trees and crops to disguise the area as a farm.
Una vez desmantelado el campo de Belzec, los alemanes crearon
[...] en aquel lugar una granja y plantaron �rboles y cultivos para disfrazar la zona.
Clever market players are always
[...] finding new ways to disguise their activities, as we frequently [...]
hear from the Neue Z�rcher Zeitung .
Los participantes avispados en el
mercado buscan continuamente nuevas
[...] formas de enmascarar sus actividades, como se nos informa con [...]
frecuencia en el Neue Z�rcher Zeitung .
The Venezuelan Central Bank is late in submitting its
quarterly report, probably because it
[...] is trying to disguise numbers such as the inflation [...]
rate, the trade balance and the country's
economic activity, in the belief that it can deceive Venezuelans.
El Banco Central de Venezuela est� en mora con su
informe trimestral
[...] presumiblemente viendo como "maquilla" cifras de inflaci�n, [...]
balanza de pagos y actividad econ�mica, creyendo
que as� enga�a al bolsillo de los venezolanos.
This budgetary abatement is both
fair and justified and
[...] any attempt to use it as a smokescreen to disguise unwillingness to reform [...]
the CAP must be dismissed as political opportunism.
Esta reducci�n presupuestaria es justa y est�
justificada, y cualquier
[...] intento de usarla como cortina de humo para disfrazar la reticencia a [...]
reformar la PAC debe tacharse de oportunismo pol�tico.
As gifts and entertainment could sometimes disguise bribes, or be misinterpreted as bribes, we have [...]
set out these rules which clearly define what we consider to
be genuine and acceptable and what is not.
Dado que en ciertas ocasiones las atenciones y
[...] los regalos pueden disimular sobornos o ser err�neamente interpretados como tales, hemos establecido [...]
estas normas
que definen claramente lo que consideramos genuino y aceptable y lo que no.
Or is it just
[...] a new way to disguise their failure to deliver, as all of the large [...]
NGOs that follow these calculations closely claim?
�O es m�s bien solo una nueva forma de disfrazar un incumplimiento?
Some women even disguised themselves as men in order to [...]
enter the stadium, risking execution when caught.
Algunas mujeres llegaron a disfrazarse de hombres para entrar [...]
en el estadio, a riesgo de que las ejecutaran si las sorprend�an.
Stories can sometimes
[...] be altered so as to disguise identifying details, [...]
in keeping with the integrity of the findings, but
at times they may have to be omitted.
A veces los relatos
[...] pueden alterarse con el fin de ocultar detalles [...]
identificatorios, siempre que se conserve la integridad
de los resultados, pero a veces pueden tener que omitirse.
Try as they might, they cannot disguise the fact that Israel [...]
is a democracy where the rule of law and independence of the judiciary remains paramount.
Por mucho que lo intenten, no pueden negar el hecho de que [...]
Israel es una democracia en la que el Estado de Derecho y la
independencia del poder judicial siguen siendo fundamentales.
Advertising or promoting products or services
[...] in such a way as to disguise the commercial [...]
intent of the communication.
Hacer publicidad o promover la
venta de productos o la prestaci�n de servicios de
[...] tal forma que se disimule la intenci�n comercial [...]
de la comunicaci�n.
What the industrialized countries actually intend when they refer to the remittances
that immigrants send to
[...] their relatives as "development assistance" is to disguise a cruel form of [...]
exploitation of the South by the North.
Cuando los pa�ses industrializados afirman que las remesas de los inmigrantes de los pa�ses
subdesarrollados a sus familias
[...] constituyen "ayuda al desarrollo" est�n en verdad enmascarando una cruel [...]
forma de explotaci�n del Sur por el Norte.
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