Global Action. Global Solutions. - Global Project Against Hate and Extremism

Global Action. Global Solutions.

Strengthening a diverse global community committed to exposing and countering racism, bigotry, and hate.

Global Project Against Hate and Extremism

What We Believe

The Global Project Against Hate and Extremism’s mission is to strengthen and educate a diverse global community committed to exposing and countering racism, bigotry, and hatred; and to promote human rights values that support flourishing, inclusive societies and democracies.


White Supremacist Diagolon Movement Now Calling for Deportation of All Indians

White Supremacist Diagolon Movement Now Calling for Deportation of All Indians

With rising hatred online directed at South Asians, members of the white supremacist Canadian movement Diagolon have launched a new hate campaign targeting Indian immigrants.

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Project 2025 June 5th Update

Project 2025 June 5th Update

This week we look at how Project 2025’s influence and agenda is playing out  in Texas and Oklahoma, as well as the Alliance Defending Freedom’s coordinated assault on civil liberties across several states as it furthers Project 2025’s agenda.

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Far-Right Political Violence Rising as European Elections Approach

Far-Right Political Violence Rising as European Elections Approach

As far-right political parties gain momentum in the polls in the lead up to the unusually contentious European Union parliamentary elections in early June, the more extreme supporters of such parties, violent and racist street gangs, are engaging in growing levels of political violence.

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Project 2025

The far right has made public its plans for an ‘ideal’ America if one of their allies wins the 2024 presidential election in its 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Project 2025 is spearheaded by the far-right think tank Heritage Foundation and supported by more than 80 organizations, many well-known for their extreme positions, and for pushing hate and Christian nationalism. The authors and supporters of Project 2025 claim this plan will “rescue the country” from “elite rule and woke cultural warriors.”.

Their aims include “bringing together conservative allies with a common goal: to take back our country from the radical Left by developing a robust governing agenda and the right people to implement it.” And it has been reported, though denied, that internal Project 2025 discussions have centered around the next conservative president invoking the Insurrection Act on the first day in office to allow the military to quell civil unrest.

Project 2025: The Far-Right Playbook for American Authoritarianism


Project 2025

Project 2025: The Far-Right Playbook for American Authoritarianism

The far right has made public its plans for an ‘ideal’ America if one of their allies wins the 2024 presidential election in its 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Project 2025 is spearheaded by the far-right think tank Heritage Foundation and supported by more than 80 organizations, many well-known for their extreme positions, and for pushing hate and Christian nationalism. The authors and supporters of Project 2025 claim this plan will “rescue the country” from “elite rule and woke cultural warriors.”.

Their aims include “bringing together conservative allies with a common goal: to take back our country from the radical Left by developing a robust governing agenda and the right people to implement it.” And it has been reported, though denied, that internal Project 2025 discussions have centered around the next conservative president invoking the Insurrection Act on the first day in office to allow the military to quell civil unrest.

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