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keep me in the loop

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
keep [sth] vtr (save, retain)guardar vtr
  conservar vtr
 Don't drink all the water. We need to keep some for tomorrow.
 No se tomen toda el agua. Necesitamos guardar para mañana.
keep [sth] vtr (not return)quedarse con v prnl + prep
  conservar vtr
 I've decided to keep the bike instead of returning it to the store.
 Decidí quedarme con la bicicleta en vez de regresarla a la tienda.
keep [sth] vtr (store)guardar vtr
  almacenar vtr
 She keeps the canned food in the basement.
 Guarda la comida enlatada en el sótano.
 Almacena la comida enlatada en el sótano.
keep [sth] vtr (animals: raise)criar vtr
 She has kept bees for over forty years.
 Ella ha criado abejas por cuarenta años.
keep [sth] vtr (put aside)guardar vtr
 I'll keep some of this preserve for next summer.
 Voy a guardar un poco de esta conserva para el próximo verano.
keep [sth] vtr UK (stock)tener en existencias loc verb
  tener en stock loc verb
 No, we don't keep any foreign language books, but we could order this for you.
 No, no tenemos en existencias libros en lenguas extranjeras, pero podemos pedírselos.
keep [sth] vtr (conserve)guardar vtr
 Let's keep the rest of the coal for the really cold weather.
 Vamos a guardar el resto del carbón para cuando haga mucho frío.
keep [sth] vtr (reserve)dejar aparte loc verb
 Keep those tables to one side for the managing director and his team.
 Deja esas mesas aparte para el director y su equipo.
keep doing [sth] v expr (continue to do [sth])seguir haciendo algo loc verb
  continuar haciendo algo loc verb
  quedarse haciendo algo loc verb
 He kept working until six o'clock.
 Siguió trabajando hasta las seis.
keep [sth] vtr (records: maintain, continue)llevar vtr
  anotar vtr
  llevar la cuenta loc verb
 She keeps records of all expenses.
 Ella lleva registro de todos los gastos.
 Anota todos los gastos.
 Ella lleva la cuenta de todos los gastos.
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Additional Translations
keep n (castle)fortaleza nf
  castillo nm
  torreón nm
  torre nf
 The militia defended the city with bows and arrows from the keep.
 Con arcos y flechas, la armada defendió la ciudad desde la fortaleza.
 Con arcos y flechas, la armada defendió la ciudad desde el castillo.
keep n UK, dated (maintenance, cleaning)cuidado nm
 The maid was in charge of the keep of the house.
 La sirvienta estaba a cargo del cuidado de la casa.
keep n (subsistence)sustento nm
  manutención nf
 He earned a hundred pounds a week, and gave fifty to his mother for his keep.
 Él ganaba cien libras a la semana, y le daba cincuenta a su mamá para su sustento.
keep vi (continue on a course)seguir vi
  continuar vi
 Columbus kept west till he found land.
 Colón siguió navegando hasta que encontró tierra firme.
keep vi (remain unspoiled)conservarse v prnl
 The meat will keep for weeks if frozen.
 La carne se conserva por semanas si se congela.
keep right,
keep left
vi + adv
(sign: stay on left, right)manténgase a la derecha, manténgase a la izquierda expr
  mantenga su derecha, mantenga su izquierda expr
 The road sign said "keep left."
 La señal de tráfico decía «manténgase a la izquierda».
keep [sb] vtr (support)mantener a vtr + prep
  (figurado)alimentar a vtr + prep
 He works long hours to keep her and her five children.
 Él trabaja mucho para mantenerla a ella y a sus cinco hijos.
 Él trabaja mucho para alimentarla a ella y a sus cinco hijos.
keep [sb] vtr UK (provide lodging)tener vtr
  acoger a vtr + prep
 She keeps five lodgers in her little house.
 Ella tiene cinco huéspedes en su pequeña casa.
 Acoge a cinco personas en su pequeña casa.
keep doing [sth] vtr (continue on)seguir vtr
 Keep going straight and you will find the store.
 Sigue derecho y te vas a encontrar la tienda.
keep [sth] vtr (fulfill commitment)cumplir vtr
  mantener vtr
 Jill left to keep her appointment with Professor Evans.
 Jill se fue para cumplir con su cita con el profesor Evans.
keep [sb/sth] vtr (have custody of)quedarse con v prnl + prep
  (legal)tener la custodia loc verb
 She kept the children after the divorce.
 Después del divorcio ella se quedó con los niños.
 Tras el divorcio ella tuvo la custodia de los niños.
keep [sb] vtr (detain)retener a vtr + prep
 The police kept the men all night for questioning.
 Retuvieron a los hombres toda la noche para interrogarlos.
keep [sth/sb] + [adj] vtr + adj (conserve as specified)mantener vtr
 Peter likes to keep his car clean.
 A Pedro le gusta mantener su coche limpio.
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Locuciones verbales
keep ahead vi phrasal figurative (be first, outdo others)mantenerse en la delantera loc verb
keep ahead of [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (manage in advance)solucionar con antelación loc verb
 Jill is trying to keep ahead of the weeds in her garden.
 Jill está intentando solucionar con antelación el tema de las malas hierbas de su jardín.
keep at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (continue)persistir vi
  perseverar vi
  (informal)seguir vi
 Eva struggled at first, but kept at it, and passed her driving test at the first attempt.
 Al principio le costaba bastante a Eva, pero persistió y aprobó el examen de conducir al primer intento.
keep [sth/sb] back vtr phrasal sep (prevent getting closer)mantener lejos vtr + adv
  mantener alejado vtr + adj
  no dejar acercar loc verb
 A fence around the racing track keeps spectators back.
 Una reja alrededor de la pista mantiene lejos a los espectadores.
keep [sth] back vtr phrasal sep informal (save)ahorrar vtr
  guardar vtr
  reservar vtr
 It's a good idea to keep some money back for unexpected needs.
 Es buena idea ahorrar algo de dinero para necesidades inesperadas.
keep [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (repress [sth](volumen, precio, etc)mantener bajo loc verb
  (sentimiento)reprimir, contener vtr
  limitar vtr
 The teacher asked the boys to keep the noise down.
 El profesor le pidió a los chicos que mantuvieran bajo el volumen.
keep [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (digest with difficulty) (digestión)retener vtr
  contener vtr
 Although my stomach was upset, I kept my breakfast down.
 Aunque me sentía mal del estómago, pude retener el desayuno.
keep [sth] hidden vtr phrasal sep (conceal)tener escondido loc verb
  esconder vtr
 Sara kept her diary hidden so that her little sister wouldn't read it.
 Sara tiene el diario escondido para que su hermana pequeña no lo lea.
keep [sth] in,
keep in [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
figurative (repress, restrain: emotion, etc.) (emociones)contener vtr
  reprimir vtr
  (figurado)tragarse v prnl
 Tim could barely keep his excitement in as he told us the news.
 Tim apenas podía contener su emoción mientras nos contaba la noticia.
keep [sth] in,
keep in [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
figurative (withhold, prevent from getting out)guardar vtr
  contener vtr
 Tania was bursting to tell Audrey the secret, but somehow she managed to keep it in.
 Tania se moría por contarle el secreto a Audrey, pero de alguna manera logro guardarlo.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:
have your ear to the ground,
keep your ear to the ground
v expr
figurative (be well-informed) (informal)tener los oídos abiertos loc verb
hold your peace,
keep your peace
v expr
(stay silent)quedarse callado v prnl + adj
  (informal)mantener la boca cerrada loc verb
keep a check on [sth/sb] v expr informal (monitor)vigilar vtr
  observar vtr
  chequear vtr
  controlar vtr
 I'm keeping a check on his work to ensure that he's doing it right.
 Estoy vigilando su trabajo para asegurarme de que lo está haciendo correctamente.
keep a check on [sth/sb] v expr US, informal (control, restrain, limit)mantener controlado loc verb
  controlar vtr
  limitar vtr
 They expect increased oil production to keep a check on gasoline prices.
keep a close watch on [sb/sth] v expr (monitor [sth], [sb] attentively)vigilar a vtr + prep
 Parents of teenagers have to keep a close watch on everything they do.
keep a leg up v expr figurative, informal (stay ahead)mantenerse al frente loc verb
keep a low profile v expr (be inconspicuous)mantener un perfil bajo loc verb
  mantener una actitud discreta loc verb
 After the argument I kept a low profile for a few days.
 Spies tend to keep a low profile to avoid attention.
 Tras la pelea, mantuve un perfil bajo por unos días. // Los espías suelen mantener un perfil bajo para no llamar la atención.
keep a promise v expr (fulfil one's word)cumplir una promesa loc verb
 Do you keep your promises? he asked her, after she vowed not to do it again.
 —¿Cumples tus promesas? —le preguntó después de que le prometiera que no lo volvería a hacer más.
keep a stiff upper lip v expr figurative (remain stoic)mantener la postura, mantener el temple loc verb
  permanecer tranquilo vi + adj
keep a straight face v expr informal (look serious, avoid smiling)poner la cara seria vtr
 I couldn't keep a straight face when she said she was a virgin. It was difficult to keep a straight face when I played that prank on my coworkers.
 No pude poner la cara seria cuando dijo que era virgen.
  mantener la seriedad vtr
 No pude mantener la seriedad cuando dijo que era virgen.
  poner cara de póquer loc verb
 No pude poner cara de póquer cuando dijo que era virgen
keep a tight rein on [sb/sth] v expr (control [sb/sth](coloquial)tener corto a loc verb
keep abreast of [sth],
stay abreast of [sth]
v expr
figurative (stay informed, updated)mantenerse actualizado loc verb
 They read three newspapers daily to keep abreast of the news.
keep accounts vi (retain financial records)llevar contabilidad vtr
 All small businesses have to keep accounts for tax purposes.
 Todos los pequeños negocios deben llevar la contabilidad con fines fiscales.
  llevar un control vtr
 Todos los pequeños negocios deben llevar un control de sus impuestos con fines impositivos.
keep afloat,
stay afloat
vi + adj
(not sink)mantenerse a flote v prnl + loc adv
  flotar vi
 Julia managed to keep afloat by clinging to a log.
 Julia pudo mantenerse a flote agarrándose de un tronco.
keep afloat,
stay afloat
vi + adj
figurative (stay in business) (figurado)mantenerse a flote v prnl + loc adv
 Business owners are struggling to keep afloat.
 Los dueños de comercios luchan por mantenerse a flote.
keep [sth/sb] afloat vtr + adj (prevent from sinking)mantener a flote vtr + loc adv
  (informal)no dejar hundir loc verb
 A life jacket will keep you afloat, even if you are unconscious.
 Un chaleco salvavidas te mantiene a flote incluso si estás inconsciente.
keep [sth/sb] afloat vtr + adj figurative (business: keep running) (figurado)mantener a flote vtr + loc adv
 Wilkins had to take out a large loan to keep the business afloat.
 Wilkins tuvo que sacar un gran préstamo para mantener a flote su negocio.
keep ahead vi + adv literal (go in front) (literal)anticiparse v prnl
keep [sth] alive vtr + adj figurative (maintain awareness or popularity of [sth])mantener candente vtr + adj
  (figurado)mantener vivo vtr + adj
 The local press is doing its best to keep the issue alive.
 La prensa local está haciendo su mejor esfuerzo para mantener candente el tema.
keep [sb] alive vtr + adj figurative (be of great importance) (a alguien, figurado)mantener vivo vtr + adj
 Poetry kept him alive during his incarceration. His interest in the lives of his grandchildren keeps him alive.
 La poesía lo mantuvo vivo mientras estuvo en la cárcel.
keep [sb] alive vtr + adj (prolong [sb]'s life artificially) (a alguien)mantener vivo vtr + adj
 The life support system in the ambulance kept him alive until he reached the hospital.
 It's only an artificial heart and other machines that are keeping him alive.
keep an eye on [sth/sb] v expr informal (watch carefully)echar un ojo loc verb
  vigilar vtr
  cuidar vtr
  mirar vtr
 When cooking soufflés, you need to keep an eye on them so they don't fall.
 Cuando cocinas suflé, tienes que echarles un ojo para que no se te desinflen.
keep an eye out for [sth/sb] vtr informal (remain vigilant for)estar alerta loc verb
  estar pendiente loc verb
  estar atento loc verb
  mantenerse alerta loc verb
 It's important to keep an eye out for dangerous snakes in the bush. Keep an eye out for a parking spot.
 Es importante estar alerta por si hay serpientes peligrosas escondidas dentro del arbusto.
 Estate pendiente por si hay alguna plaza de aparcamiento libre.
keep an open mind v expr (be willing to consider new ideas)tener la mente abierta loc verb
keep [sb] at a distance v expr (not be friendly)tratar con frialdad vtr + loc adv
keep [sb/sth] at arm's length v expr figurative (stay a safe distance from)mantener lejos a loc verb
  mantener distancia con loc verb
keep [sth/sb] at bay v expr figurative (prevent getting closer) (informal)mantener a raya vtr + loc adv
 Vaccination is the most effective way to keep the flu at bay.
 La vacunación es la forma más efectiva de mantener a raya la gripe.
keep [sb] awake vtr + adj (prevent from sleeping)desvelar a vtr + prep
  quitarle el sueño a loc verb + prep
  mantener despierto a loc verb + prep
 Drinking coffee at night keeps me awake. The monster movie was so scary that it kept the children awake all night.
 Tomar café por la noche me desvela.
 La película de monstruos era tan aterradora que les quitó el sueño a los niños toda la noche.
keep awake v expr (refrain from sleeping)evitar dormirse loc verb
  mantenerse despierto v prnl + adj
 The party was so boring that I had to struggle to keep awake. I could hardly keep awake during that boring lecture.
 La fiesta era tan aburrida que tuve que luchar para evitar dormirme.
 Apenas pude mantenerme despierta en esa aburrida conferencia.
keep away vi + adv (stay at a distance)mantenerse alejado, mantenerse lejos loc verb
  mantenerse a distancia loc verb
 Stephanie has measles, so If you don't want to catch it, keep away.
 Stephanie tiene sarampión, si no quieres contagiarte, mejor mantenerse alejado.
keep away from [sth/sb] v expr (stay at a distance from)no acercarse a loc verb + prep
  mantenerse lejos de loc verb + prep
  mantenerse alejado de loc verb + prep
 I keep away from people who are ill.
 No me acerco a gente que está enferma.
keep [sth/sb] away vtr + adv (prevent from getting closer)mantener alejado, mantener lejos vtr + adj
  no dejar acercar vtr + adv
  mantener alejado a, mantener lejos a vtr + adj
  no dejar acercarse a vtr + adv
 There are many things you can do to keep mosquitoes away.
 Hay muchas cosas que puedes hacer para mantener alejados los mosquitos.
keep back vi (stay at distance)no acercarse v prnl + adv
  mantenerse lejos v prnl + adv
  permanecer alejado vi + adj
  (formal)mantenerse a distancia v prnl + loc adv
 A notice outside the monkeys' cage warns visitors to keep back.
 Una nota en la jaula de los monos le avisa a los visitantes que no se acerquen.
keep body and soul together v expr (support yourself, maintain life)sobrevivir vi
  mantenerse v prnl
keep busy vi informal (occupy oneself, find [sth] to do)mantenerse ocupado v prnl + adj
 Since my daughter left for college, I keep busy by working in my garden. With the district manager in the store, everyone kept busy all day.
 Desde que mi hija se fue a la universidad, me mantengo ocupado trabajando en mi jardín.
  mantenerse entretenido v prnl + adj
 Desde que mi hija se fue a la universidad, me mantengo entretenido trabajando en mi jardín.
keep calm vi (remain composed)mantener la calma loc verb
  mantenerse calmado, mantenerse tranquilo v prnl + adj
 He will try to make you angry but you must keep calm. Everyone, please keep calm until the police arrive!
 Va a tratar de hacerte enojar, pero debes mantener la calma. ¡Mantengan todos la calma hasta que llegue la policía!
keep clear vi + adj (not go near)no acercarse loc verb
  no obstruir loc verb
keep clear of [sth/sb] v expr (not go near)no acercarse a loc verb
keep clear expr written (on sign: stay at a distance)no acercarse expr
  no obstruir expr
keep clear of [sth/sb] v expr figurative, informal (avoid)mantenerse alejado de lov verb
 Manténganse alejados del borde, podrían caerse.
  guardar distancia de loc verb
  evitar acercarse loc verb
 Guarden distancia del fuego, pueden saltar chispas.
keep [sb/sth] close vtr + adj (keep nearby)tener cerca vtr + adv
  mantener cerca vtr + adv
 Claire decided to work from home so that she could keep her children close.
 Claire decidió trabajar desde casa para tener cerca a sus hijos.
keep close vi + adj (stay near)mantenerse cerca v prnl + adv
  quedarse cerca v prnl + adv
  no alejarse loc verb
 Tina told the twins to keep close as they crossed the busy road.
 Tina les dijo a los gemelos que se mantuvieran cerca mientras cruzaban la calle.
keep close to [sb/sth] v expr (stay near)mantenerse cerca de loc verb
  quedarse cerca de loc verb
  no alejarse de loc verb
 Keep close to me when we're at the concert; I don't want you to get lost.
 Mantente cerca de mí cuando estemos en el concierto. ¡No quiero que te pierdas!
keep coming v expr informal (be relentless)no parar loc verb
  no detenerse loc verb
 The battle continued and the attacks kept coming.
 La batalla continuó y los ataques no paraban.
keep [sth] coming v expr (generate lots) (con gerundio)seguir vi
  (informal; con infinitivo)no dejar de loc verb + prep
  (con nombre)no interrumpir loc verb
 Please keep the donations coming.
 Por favor sigan donando.
 Por favor no interrumpan las donaciones.
keep [sb] company vtr + n (prevent being lonely)hacerle compañía a loc verb
  acompañar a vtr + prep
 Brian has his dog to keep him company.
 Brian tiene un perro para hacerle compañía.
keep company v expr dated (lovers: court)salir vi
 Mary and Bob were keeping company before she met Jim.
keep control v expr (stay calm and composed)mantenerse tranquilo loc verb
keep control v expr (retain authority)retener el poder, retener el control loc verb
 Make sure you keep control of the situation, or we'll be in real trouble.
keep cool vi + adj (avoid getting hot)mantenerse fresco v prnl + adj
 William was using a small electric fan to keep cool.
 Guillermo usaba un pequeño ventilador para mantenerse fresco.
keep cool vi + adj figurative (remain calm)mantener la calma loc verb
 Just keep cool, and act like you don't know anything.
 Mantén la calma y haz como si no supieras nada.
keep [sb/sth] cool vtr + adj (prevent getting hot)mantenerse fresco v prnl + adj
 These plants don't like too much heat, so keep them cool by planting them in a partially shaded spot.
 A estas plantas no les gusta el calor, así que mantenlas frescas en un lugar con sombra.
keep [sth] cool vtr + adj (drink, etc.: chill)mantener frío vtr + adj
  mantener refrigerado vtr + adj
 Gemma put the wine in the fridge to keep it cool.
 Gemma puso el vino en la heladera para mantenerlo frío.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Tienes que mantener la carne refrigerada para que no se eche a perder.
keep count,
keep a tally
v expr
(note how many)llevar la cuenta loc verb
keep count of [sth],
keep a tally of [sth]
v expr
(note how many of [sth])llevar la cuenta de algo loc verb + prep
  contar algo vtr
keep [sb] dangling v expr figurative, informal (force to wait in uncertainty)tener en vilo a alguien loc verb + prep
  dejar esperando a alguien loc verb + prep
keep [sth] dark vtr + adj figurative (conceal)encubrir vtr
  ocultar vtr
keep driving vi (drive straight ahead)seguir manejando loc verb
 When you see a hitchhiker, do you stop to pick him up or just keep driving?
 Cuando ves a alguien haciendo autostop, ¿paras y lo invitas a subir o sigues manejando?
  pasar de largo loc verb
Note: En España no volveríamos a hacer referencia el verbo conducir en esta frase.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Pararás a recogerlo o pasarás de largo.
  continuar conduciendo loc verb
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Le viste y continuaste conduciendo como si no te hubieses dado cuenta.
keep fit vi (do physical exercise)mantenerse en forma loc verb
 I like to keep fit by doing belly dance.
 Me gusta mantenerme en forma haciendo danza del vientre.
keep [sth] fresh vtr + adj (food: stop going stale)conservar vtr
  mantener fresco vtr + adj
 Packaging needs to keep the food fresh for as long as possible.
 El envase debe conservar la comida lo más posible.
keep fresh vi + adj informal (food: not go stale)conservarse v prnl
  (informal)durar vi
  mantenerse fresco v prnl + adj
 Bananas will keep fresh in the freezer for up to three months.
 Las bananas se conservan en el freezer hasta tres meses.
keep from doing [sth] vi + prep (refrain)abstenerse de v prnl + prep
  (coloquial)mantenerse alejado de loc verb + prep
 I can't keep from eating ice cream.
 No puedo abstenerme de comer helado.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. El médico le recomendó que se mantuviera alejada del azúcar.
keep [sb/sth] from doing [sth] vtr + prep (prevent)no dejar que loc verb
  evitar que vtr
  no permitir que loc verb
 The constant interruptions were keeping Alvin from doing his work.
 Las constantes interrupciones no dejaban que Alvin terminar su tarea.
keep [sb/sth] from [sb/sth] vtr + prep (keep apart)alejar a alguien de loc verb
 Dave's ex tries to keep him from his son.
 La ex de Dave quiere alejarlo de su hijo.
keep [sb/sth] from harm v expr (protect)proteger vtr
  mantener a salvo loc verb
 Victor was ready to risk his life to keep his daughter from harm.
keep from laughing v expr (not laugh)aguantar la risa loc verb
 During that horrible performance, I could hardly keep from laughing.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Ya sé que casi se mata, pero no podía aguantar la risa.
keep going v expr (persist, continue)no detenerse, no parar loc verb
  continuar, seguir vi
  seguir adelante vi + adv
 Keep going, you're almost to the top of the hill.
 No te detengas (or: no pares): ya queda poco para llegar a la cima.
keep guard vtr + n (watch, look out)vigilar vtr
keep hold of [sth/sb] v expr informal (maintain one's grasp on)sujetar vtr
  agarrar vtr
  (informal)tener firme vtr + adv
  (formal)asir vtr
 The child kept hold of his mother's hand as they crossed the road.
 El niño sujetaba la mano de su madre mientras cruzaban la calle.
  sostener vtr
keep hoping v expr (remain optimistic)mantener las esperanzas, mantener la esperanza loc verb
  no perder las esperanzas, no perder la esperanza loc verb
  seguir esperando loc verb
 We don't know if or when she'll come home. All we can do is keep hoping.
 No sabemos si volverá a casa. Todo lo que podemos hacer es mantener las esperanzas.
keep hoping,
keep hoping that
v expr
(remain optimistic, wishful)seguir esperando que loc verb
  no perder las esperanzas de que, no perder la esperanza de que loc verb
  mantener las esperanzas de que, mantener la esperanza de que loc verb
 I keep hoping he'll notice me.
 Sigo esperando que se fije en mí.
keep hoping for [sth] v expr (wish for)seguir esperando loc verb
  tener esperanza en loc verb + prep
 He is gravely ill, but his family keep hoping for a miracle.
 Está muy enfermo, pero su familia sigue esperando por un milagro.
keep house vtr + n (do housework)hacer las tareas del hogar vtr
 While she was sick, her sister kept house for her.
 Mientras estuvo enferma, su hermana le hizo las tareas del hogar.
keep house vtr + n figurative (maintain accounts)llevar las cuentas loc verb
 Since Brett kept house for the company, he was the first suspected of wrongdoing when the company was accused of fraud.
 Como Brett lleva las cuentas de la empresa, fue el primer sospechoso cuando acusaron a la empresa de fraude.
keep [sth] in check v expr (control)mantener controlado loc verb
 The European Central Bank has kept inflation in check.
  mantener bajo control loc verb
 El Banco Central Europeo ha mantenido la inflación bajo control.
keep in contact,
stay in contact
v expr
(stay in touch)mantenerse en contacto loc verb
  seguir en contacto loc verb
 My uncle and I stayed in contact after he moved to Australia.
 Mi tío y yo nos mantuvimos en contacto después de que se mudara a Australia.
keep in contact with [sb],
stay in contact with [sb]
v expr
(stay in touch with [sb])mantenerse en contacto loc verb
 New technologies make it easy to keep in contact with your customers.
 I'm sorry you have to leave but please keep in contact.
 Gracias a las nuevas tecnologías ahora es más fácil mantenerse en contacto con tus clientes.
keep [sb/sth] in line v expr (control, make conform)mantener a raya loc verb
keep [sth] in line with [sth] v expr (make conform)mantener en línea con vtr + loc prep
keep [sth] in mind,
bear [sth] in mind,
keep in mind that,
bear in mind that
v expr
(remember [sth])no olvidar loc verb
  recordar vtr
  tener en cuenta vtr + loc adv
  tener presente vtr + adj mf
 Now, keep in mind that in May of 1929 the stock market hadn't crashed yet.
 No olvidemos que en mayo de 1929 la bolsa aún no se había colapsado.
keep [sb] in mind,
bear [sb] in mind
v expr
(consider [sb] for [sth])tener en cuenta a loc verb
  tener presente a loc verb
 If you ever need a cleaner, keep me in mind.
 Si alguna vez necesitas alguien para limpiar, puedes tenerme en cuenta.
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