The Meaning Behind The Song: Twelve-Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon) by Rufus Wainwright - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Twelve-Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon) by Rufus Wainwright

The Meaning Behind The Song: Twelve-Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon) by Rufus Wainwright

As a freelance writer and music enthusiast, I often find myself diving deep into the meanings and emotions behind songs. Today, I want to discuss the powerful song “Twelve-Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon)” by Rufus Wainwright. This beautiful track, with its poetic lyrics and haunting melody, has captivated me since the first time I heard it.

I first stumbled upon this song at a friend’s house during a casual gathering. The soft guitar strums and Rufus Wainwright’s melancholic voice immediately caught my attention. Intrigued, I leaned in closer to listen to the lyrics, trying to uncover the hidden story within.

A Glimpse of New York City:

The opening lines of the song paint a vivid image of New York City: “I used to live in New York City, everything there was dark and dirty.” This sets the tone for the rest of the song, creating a sense of longing and nostalgia. It’s as if Wainwright is reminiscing about a time and place that was once familiar but now feels distant.

As I listened further, one line stood out: “Outside my window was a steeple, with a clock that always said twelve-thirty.” This particular image evokes a feeling of constant monotony and a sense of being stuck in a repetitive cycle. It creates a contrast between the ticking clock and the young girls he sings about, hinting at the passing of time and the changes happening around him.

The Young Girls in the Canyon:

The chorus of the song repeats the line “Young girls are coming to the canyon,” which serves as a metaphor for the girls’ journey into adulthood. The “canyon” symbolizes the challenges and uncertainties of life, while the “young girls” represent innocence, youth, and the discovery of new experiences.

The line “I can no longer keep my blinds drawn” suggests a newfound openness and vulnerability in Wainwright’s life. It could also symbolize a shift in perspective, as he begins to notice and appreciate the beauty and vibrancy around him. The refrain “And I can’t keep myself from talking” signifies the overwhelming desire to express oneself and share in the excitement of these newfound connections.

A Reflection on Beauty and Fragments:

The bridge of the song delves deeper into introspection, with the lines “Cloudy waters cast no reflection, images of beauty lie there stagnant.” This imagery reflects the feeling of being stagnant and unfulfilled, unable to see the beauty and potential within oneself. The vibrations bouncing in no direction and shattering into fragments symbolize the shattered dreams and missed opportunities that can occur when one fails to embrace change.

Ultimately, “Twelve-Thirty” by Rufus Wainwright is a poetic exploration of self-discovery, the passage of time, and the embrace of change. It beautifully captures the ephemeral nature of youth and the significance of learning to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

With its timeless quality and thought-provoking lyrics, this song has resonated with me on a personal level. It serves as a reminder to embrace new experiences, welcome change, and find beauty in both the familiar and the unknown.

The song “Twelve-Thirty” is part of Rufus Wainwright’s album titled “Folkocracy,” set to be released in 2024. It also features the talented voices of Susanna Hoffs, Chris Stills, and Sheryl Crow.

As a lover of various music genres, I find Rufus Wainwright’s ability to craft deeply emotional songs truly remarkable. “Twelve-Thirty” is undoubtedly a standout track that deserves recognition for its profound message and captivating melodies. It’s a song that continues to resonate with me, reminding me to embrace change and seek the beauty in the world around me.

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