Full Spectrum Dominance Rules Coming Soon From Modiphius

November 24, 2023 by brennon

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Modiphius has announced that they are going to be releasing a new retail edition of the Full Spectrum Dominance rules from The Lazy Forger. As one of those games that totally wowed us back in 2022, it's great to see a physical set of rules coming to the tabletop soon alongside Modiphius.

Full Spectrum Dominance Miniatures #1 - Modiphius

Full Spectrum Dominance - Miniatures // Modiphius

Modiphius is going to be working with the team behind Full Spectrum Dominance to produce a set of rules for the 6mm to 15mm game as well as two packs of unit cards which cover the current factions for the game. That means you'll be able to get yourself an awesome set of physical rules PLUS cards to aid in using The Enlisted and The Tech on the tabletop. Additionally, there will be two new faction packs covering The Conglomerate and The Union as well.

Full Spectrum Dominance Miniatures #2 - Modiphius

Full Spectrum Dominance - Armies Clash // Modiphius

The retail edition will also include new material such as some narrative scenarios and solo play rules. There will also be a campaign system included that introduces advancements and area of control elements. You'll also get all of the wonderful photography for this stunning range, a free PDF and a sample of the STL miniatures from The Lazy Forger.

Full Spectrum Dominance Battle - Modiphius

Full Spectrum Dominance - Valley Battle // Modiphius

If Full Spectrum Dominance has caught your attention and you just can't wait to get your hands on the game and the miniatures range, the rules are currently available over on MyMiniFactory and you can download and print the whole miniatures range there too.

Let's Play: Full Spectrum Dominance (6mm Sci-Fi Wargame!) | The Lazy Forger

Modiphius will most likely host the range of 3D Printable miniatures too but one of the nice things about Full Spectrum Dominance is that you can use miniatures from all over the place if you like to. I would particularly like to see Modiphius working with Only-Games to make some of these miniatures print-on-demand as well. I think that could turn into an awesome venture to get more people involved with the game.

Will you be scooping up the new retail edition from Modiphius?

"The retail edition will also include new material such as some narrative scenarios and solo play rules..."

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