Jureen E Souza - Livermore, CA (925)579-4112 - Public Record
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Jureen E Souza

987 Waverly Cmn, Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 579-4112
65 years old

Verified on May 23, 2024

Property Details

Estimate Value$954,000
Last Sale Amount$915,000
Down Payment$915,000
Household Income$141,000 - $170,000
Est. $ per Sq/Ft$531
Sq. Feet1,797
Lot Sq. Feet4,545 - 0.10 acres
Last Sale DateJuly 9,2023
Year Built1990
Parking Spaces2 car garage
Parcel ID99-1332-34
Property TypeOwner Occupied
School DistrictLivermore Valley Joint Unified School District
SubdivisionTr 4405

Background Summary for Jureen E Souza in Livermore, CA

According to our latest records, Jureen E Souza is 65 years old and born in Dec 1958. Jureen's phone numbers include (925) 579-4112, (925) 426-8794, (310) 562-1062.

Jureen's possible relatives include Kirk Souza, Alvin Fialho, Arthur Tousley, Bryan Ward, Christopher Tousley. Jureen's most recently reported address starting in Apr 2024 is 987 Waverly Cmn . Prior to that Jureen lived at 506 Po Box for 5 years.

Other cities and locations that Jureen could have lived includes Livermore,CA, Saint Helena,CA, Pleasanton,CA, Calistoga,CA, Castro Valley,CA, Hayward,CA. We currently show as many as 15 address, 6 phones, 6 email addresses for Jureen Souza.

15 Addresses Found For Jureen E Souza in Livermore CA

6 Phones Found For Jureen E Souza in Livermore CA

(925) 579-4112 Open Free Background Report
Jan 1970 - Apr 2024

(925) 426-8794
Jan 1970 - Aug 2010

(310) 562-1062
Apr 2021 - Nov 2021

(925) 426-0782
Apr 2021 - Nov 2021

(925) 931-1044
Feb 2017 - Apr 2021

(925) 998-4607
Jan 1970 - Mar 2024

Full Background Report
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11 Aliases Found For Jureen E Souza in Livermore, CA

Jureen E Fialho
Jureen E Ward
Jureen Fialhotousley
Jureen E Fialho Tousley
Jureen Souza
Jureen E Tousley
Jureen Tousley
Jureen Fialho
Jureen Ward
Jureen Fialho Tousley

6 Emails Found For Jureen E Souza in Livermore, CA

44 Relatives Found For Jureen E Souza in Livermore, CA

Kirk Souza
65 years old - Spouse
Alvin Fialho
85 years old
Arthur Tousley
67 years old
Arthur Tousley
98 years old
Arthur Tousley
96 years old
Bryan Ward
71 years old
Danny Ward
44 years old
Helen Tousley
96 years old
James Rice
67 years old
Janet Ward
61 years old
Jarrod Tousley
39 years old
Jillian Souza
34 years old
Kirk Souza
34 years old
Kirk Souza
34 years old
Lisa Souza
55 years old
Mary Tousley
46 years old
Pattie Tousley
66 years old
Robert Souza
77 years old
Thomas Souza
65 years old

3 Associates Found For Jureen E Souza in Livermore, CA:

Andrew Wong
60 years old
Liang Hong
48 years old
Tyler Wolford
33 years old

Frequently Asked Questions - Jureen E Souza in Livermore, CA

Where does Jureen E Souza live?
Jureen E Souza currently lives at 987 Waverly Cmn, Livermore, CA and has lived there for about year(s).

What is Jureen E Souza phone number?
The current phone number for Jureen E Souza is a Wireless at (925) 579-4112.

Does Jureen E Souza have any social networking profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?
It is entirely possible, but a Full Background Report from PeopleFinders would be required to find out.

What is the current email address for Jureen E Souza?
Jureen E Souza uses the [email protected] email address most recently.

What other names and aliases has Jureen E Souza used?
Jureen E Souza was likely associated with the following alternate names or aliases: Jureen E Fialho, Jureen E Ward, Jureen Fialhotousley, Jureen E Fialho Tousley, Jureen Souza, Jureen E Tousley, Jureen Tousley, Jureen Fialho, Jureen Ward, Jureen Fialho Tousley.

How old is Jureen E Souza and what year were they born?
Jureen E Souza is 65 years old and was born in 1958.

Who is related to Jureen E Souza?
Jureen E Souza is believed to be related to the following people: Kirk Thomas Souza, Alvin G Fialho, Arthur George Tousley, Arthur H Tousley, Bryan James Ward, Christopher J Tousley, Danny G Ward, Helen F Tousley, James Carl Rice, Janet R Ward.

How do I find out if Jureen E Souza has a criminal record, bankruptcies, liens, judgements or other court actions taken against them?
The best way to find out criminal, court or other financial information is with a complete background check through a website such as PeopleFinders.com

Who are friends or associates of Jureen E Souza?
Jureen E Souza is believed to be friends or associates with: Andrew Grant Wong, Liang Hong, Tyler J Wolford

Where did has Jureen E Souza lived previously?
Jureen E Souza has lived in the following cities: Livermore, CA, Saint Helena, CA, Pleasanton, CA, Calistoga, CA, Castro Valley, CA, Hayward, CA

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