Department of Chemistry – UNC Chapel Hill Chemistry Department
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Department News

A UNC-CH Course Recently Received the UNC System’s Prestigious Undergraduate Research Program Award

In an effort to redesign the Chemistry Department’s Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE), Dr. Jade Fostvedt, in collaboration with the Chemistry Department’s Dr. Michel Gagné, Dr. Jillian Dempsey, and Dr. Kathleen Nevins, set out to create a new project for CHEM 550L, a capstone synthetic chemistry laboratory course, and the proposed course was one of the recipients of the UNC Systems Research Program Award.

Department of Chemistry Announces 2024 Faculty Promotions

The Department of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is pleased to announce the promotion of...

Dreyfus Award Winner Developing Special Molecules to Combat Malaria
Image of a dry erase board that is covered in chemical equations and molecule diagrams. Remnants of previous images can be seen as faded or partly erased.

Joining the fight against the scourge of malaria-carrying mosquitoes is Sidney Wilkerson-Hill, a UNC assistant professor of chemistry, who was recently recognized as a 2024 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar by The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation.

ter Horst selected for the 2024 MolSSI ACT-CMS Faculty Fellows
Image of the upper torso and head of Marc ter Horst in a cameo cutout. The background is blue and has confetti. Text on the image reads

Marc ter Horst, UNC Chapel Hill Research Professor in the Department of Chemistry’s NMR Lab, has been selected to be part of the first Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) Accelerating Curricular Transformation in the Computational Molecular Sciences (ACT-CMS) Faculty Fellowship.

A Row Over a Physical Phenomenon, an Overdue Admission and Validation for a UNC Scientist

How molecules interact and pack closely together to generate microscopic collective behavior will help scientists make sense of the different structures and phases they see in the simplest liquid crystal.

2024 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Recipients

The Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce the recipients of our annual Undergraduate Summer Fellowship Research Awards.

Wilkerson-Hill recognized as 2024 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar
Image of Professor Wilkerson-Hill from the shoulders up; he is smiling. There is a blue background with confetti and below the photograph is the words

Sidney Wilkerson-Hill has been recognized as a 2024 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation.

CHASE Solar Hub pioneers liquid fuel conversion

At the center's Chapel Hill headquarters, more than 100 researchers work to turn sunlight into methanol.


Fluorescence shadow imaging of Hypsibius exemplaris reveals morphological differences between sucrose- and CaCl2-induced osmobiotes

Herein, an approach for discriminating between tardigrade morphological states is developed and utilized to compare sucrose- and CaCl2-induced tuns, using the model species Hypsibius exemplaris.

Architectural Editing of Polyesters and Polyurethanes via Palladium(II)-Catalyzed [3,3]-Sigmatropic Oxo-Rearrangements

Herein, we disclose a backbone rearrangement approach to tune the short-chain branching of polymers.

Reductive Dynamic and Static Excited State Quenching of a Homoleptic Ruthenium Complex Bearing Aldehyde Groups

A new homoleptic Ru polypyridyl complex bearing two aldehyde groups on each bipyridine ligand, [Ru(dab)3](PF6)2, where dab is 4,4′-dicarbaldehyde-2,2′-bipyridine, was synthesized, characterized, and utilized for iodide photo-oxidation studies.

Valence can control the nonexponential viscoelastic relaxation of multivalent reversible gels

Here, we propose a model where the relaxation of polymer gels in the dilute regime originates from elementary events in which the bonds connecting two neighboring cross-linkers all disconnect.


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