Memoirs of Gaspar de Colligny. With an account of the massacre of St. Bartholomew's day [from the Réveille-matin des François by N. Barnaud].

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Page 183 - As soon as he had risen from bed, which was always at an early hour, putting on his morning-gown, and kneeling, as did those who were with him, he himself prayed in the form which is customary with the churches of France. After this, while waiting for the commencement of the sermon, which was delivered on alternate days, accompanied with psalmody, he gave audience to the deputies of the churches who were sent to him, or devoted the time to public business. This he resumed for a •while after the...
Page 9 - Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him : in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will, that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ
Page 184 - ... to do so. Such, also, was his practice at supper, and, finding that the members of his household could not, without much discomfort, attend prayers so late as at bedtime — an hour, besides, which the diversity of his occupations prevented from being regularly fixed — his orders were that, so soon as supper was over, a psalm should be sung and prayer offered. It cannot be told how many of the French nobility began to establish this religious order in their own families, after the example of...
Page 185 - ... that, so soon as supper was over, a psalm should be sung and prayer offered. It cannot be told how many of the French nobility began to establish this religious order in their own families, after the example of the admiral, who used often to exhort them to the practice of true piety, and to warn them that it was not enough for the father of a family to live a holy and religious life, if he did not by his example bring all his people to the same rule. " On the approach of the time for the celebration...
Page 185 - On the approach of the time for the celebration of the Supper of the Lord, calling together all the members of his household he told them that he had to render an account to GOD, not of his own life only, but also of theirs : and then he reconciled such of them as might have differences.

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