Alone With Everybody by Charles Bukowski - Famous poems, famous poets. - All Poetry

Alone With Everybody

the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than

there's no chance
at all:
we are all trapped
by a singular

nobody ever finds
the one.

the city dumps fill
the junkyards fill
the madhouses fill
the hospitals fill
the graveyards fill

nothing else
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Analysis (ai): The poem "Alone With Everybody" by Charles Bukowski explores the themes of loneliness, isolation, and the search for connection. The poem opens with a stark depiction of the human body, reducing it to its basic components of flesh, bone, mind, and potentially a soul. The speaker then depicts men and women engaging in destructive and self-defeating behaviors—breaking vases, drinking excessively, and having casual sexual encounters—in a desperate attempt to find fulfillment.

Despite these efforts, the speaker asserts that true connection is impossible and that all humans are doomed to a solitary and isolated existence. He uses stark imagery of junkyards and graveyards to reinforce this sense of despair and futility. The final line, "nothing else fills," underscores the emptiness and lack of meaning that the speaker finds in life.

In comparison to Bukowski's other works, "Alone With Everybody" is characteristic of his pessimistic and disillusioned outlook on life. It shares similarities with his other poems in its use of blunt and often vulgar language, as well as its exploration of themes of loneliness, addiction, and the search for meaning.

Compared to the time period in which it was written, the poem reflects the disillusionment and alienation felt by many individuals during the post-World War II era. The poem's emphasis on isolation and the futility of human existence aligns with the broader cultural mood of the time.
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C.C Serene - i get it. especially as an introvert
on May 16 2024 03:52 AM PST   x  edit
Biggenvip - This poem is awesome very clever writing
on Apr 02 2024 08:22 PM PST   x rate: , ,     skip edit
Ksb - Impressive write! Thought provoking and raw.
on Feb 03 2024 07:19 PM PST   x  edit
Misora - Very clever piece, I like it !
on Oct 25 2023 11:20 AM PST   x  edit
Crescent Moon - I have no words
on Oct 19 2023 11:25 AM PST   x  edit
Rafalrocks - g*d damn, Buk. always a f'ing pick-me-up. 
on Sep 29 2023 11:23 AM PST   x  edit
Vandhuukumar - Good view
on Sep 25 2023 08:15 PM PST   x  edit
Poems0fRayne - Always edgy. Kind of expected
on Sep 24 2023 11:22 AM PST   x  edit
Patrick Ip - Deep sadness of human fate. But perhaps the second stanza which tells the theme of the poem is not necessary.

on Aug 19 2023 06:06 PM PST   x  edit
Senpen - I had  absolute blast reading this

Inspired me
on Aug 17 2023 08:15 PM PST   x  edit
Busy - My favourite poet he lived to a ripe old age. His poems are eletric.

on Aug 03 2023 11:34 AM PST   x  edit

Comments from the archive

Metrophobiac - just a thought. he has written just a thought. he doesnt say whether he is right or wrong (but actually in some of these lines, i think everyone can agree he hit it right on the head) his last lines of what fills, and what doesnt, is his perception and perspective, and it gives food for thought...not facts and answers. i could use a shot of whiskey right about now...
on Feb 02 2006 06:07 AM PST   x  edit
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Nam - I didn't like the enjambment in the end of the beginning, it seemed to not flow as well as the rest of the enjambments throughout the piece and it seemed, to me, that it was missing a word or two. Perhaps it was or perhaps it wasn't -- who knows, I could look but I am sure that's how it's written.

I found this to be somewhat calm, not melancholy calm but just calm, not happy calm, but calm -- content, I found this to be content.

A good piece that Bukowski has written here.

on Nov 06 2004 02:10 PM PST   x  edit
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