The Meaning Behind The Song: For The Love Of Money by The O'Jays - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: For The Love Of Money by The O’Jays

The True Significance of The O’Jays’ “For The Love Of Money”


The O’Jays were a soul and R&B group, and their single “For The Love of Money” was released in 1973. The song was co-written by Kenny Gamble, Leon Huff, and Anthony Jackson. Though it didn’t go too well until it was used as the opening theme song for Donald Trump’s reality TV show, “The Apprentice,” in 2004. On the show, contestants competed for a chance to be employed at one of Trump’s companies. So, what is the song’s meaning behind “For The Love of Money”?

Money as a Motivator

The song “For The Love of Money” has a significant meaning. It talks about money being a motivator for many individuals. Money can make people do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do, and it can cause greed. In the song’s lyrics, the songwriter is praising the value of money and how it can bring about a comfortable life. Still, it is also warning individuals about the damage chasing money can bring about.

The Message of the Song

The pleasant rhythm of the “For The Love of Money” music belies a darker message beneath it. The song’s message is that money can corrupt us if we allow it to consume our lives. The song’s lyrics were intended to be a warning about the love of money. The band members regarded it as a positive message of warning about the negative effects of love for money that could, and probably would, mislead anyone seeking it for the wrong reasons.

The Perils of Loving Money

The song “For The Love of Money” by The O’Jays highlights the dangers that come with the human need for money. The songstates, “Money can change people sometimes,” and “I know money is the root of all evil.” It acknowledges the seductive attraction of the prospect of wealth and the dark side of seemingly infinite possibilities and the potential harm that excessive love for it can lead to. It is unhealthy to focus on becoming rich simply to amass wealth and material goods. Thinking of money as more than just a means to an end can be a slippery slope. The song encourages listeners not to let money consume their lives and jeopardize the important things, like family, friends, and personal happiness.


The song “For The Love of Money” by The O’Jays is an ode to the risks and perils of becoming too preoccupied with money. It encourages listeners to use money wisely and avoid overindulging their love for it. The song asserts that money can corrupt many things, including relationships, and it’s something that people should avoid if they want a fulfilling and prosperous life. The song served as a message about how the love of money can lead individuals astray. Therefore, it remains an essential tune in the history of soul and R&B music.

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