How to Turn Off Keyboard Light in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to Turn Off Keyboard Light in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

how to turn off keyboard light windows 11

Turning off the keyboard light on Windows 11 is a straightforward process. You can achieve this by adjusting the brightness settings or using the built-in software that comes with your keyboard. In just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to save battery life or simply reduce the glow from your keyboard.

How to Turn Off Keyboard Light Windows 11

In this section, we’ll walk you through the steps to turn off your keyboard light on Windows 11. Whether you want a darker workspace or just to conserve battery, follow these steps to get it done easily.

Step 1: Open Settings

Click on the "Start" button and select "Settings" from the menu.

This will open the Settings window where you can adjust various settings on your computer. The Start button is located at the bottom-left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Go to Devices

In the Settings window, click on the "Devices" option.

This brings you to a section where you can manage all your connected devices, including your keyboard.

Step 3: Select Typing

Under the Devices section, click on "Typing."

This will show you various options related to your keyboard settings.

Step 4: Adjust Keyboard Brightness

Look for the keyboard brightness option and set it to "Off" or adjust the slider to 0.

This action will turn off the keyboard light. If your keyboard settings don’t have this option, you may need to use software provided by your keyboard’s manufacturer.

Step 5: Use Manufacturer Software

If the brightness setting isn’t available, open the software that came with your keyboard and look for lighting settings.

Most keyboard manufacturers provide software that allows you to customize lighting settings. Check your keyboard’s manual for more details.

After following these steps, your keyboard light should be turned off. You can always turn it back on by reversing these steps.

Tips for Turning Off Keyboard Light Windows 11

  • Check the Keyboard Manual: Some keyboards come with specific software that allows for more customized settings.
  • Use Function Keys: Some laptops and keyboards have function keys (like F5 or F6) to adjust or turn off the backlight.
  • Update Drivers: Make sure your keyboard drivers are up to date to access all available settings.
  • Battery Saving Mode: If you’re on a laptop, switching to battery-saving mode might automatically decrease or turn off the keyboard backlight.
  • Custom Profiles: Use custom profiles if your keyboard software allows it. You can switch profiles to one that has the backlight turned off.

Frequently Asked Questions about Turning Off Keyboard Light Windows 11

Do all keyboards have a backlight setting?

No, not all keyboards come with a backlight feature. Typically, only certain models, mainly gaming or high-end laptops, have this feature.

Can I control the brightness level of the keyboard light?

Yes, most backlit keyboards allow you to adjust the brightness levels through the Settings menu or using function keys.

What if my keyboard light won’t turn off?

If your keyboard light doesn’t turn off, make sure your drivers are updated and check for any manufacturer-specific software that might offer this setting.

Will turning off the keyboard light save battery?

Yes, turning off the keyboard light can help conserve battery life, especially on laptops.

Can I schedule the keyboard light to turn off automatically?

Some advanced keyboards and software allow you to set schedules or profiles that can automatically turn the backlight on or off.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Devices
  3. Select Typing
  4. Adjust Keyboard Brightness
  5. Use Manufacturer Software


Turning off the keyboard light on Windows 11 is a simple task that can be accomplished in just a few steps. By accessing the Settings menu and adjusting the brightness or using manufacturer-specific software, you can easily control your keyboard’s backlight. This can be particularly useful for saving battery life or reducing distractions in low-light environments.

For those who might run into issues, remember to consult your keyboard’s manual for additional instructions. Keeping your drivers updated will also ensure that you have all the latest features and settings available. Lastly, don’t forget that some keyboards offer function keys or software that allow for even more customization, so explore those options as well.

If you found this guide helpful, be sure to explore our other articles on Windows 11 tips and tricks. Whether you’re new to the operating system or a seasoned user, there’s always something new to learn. Happy computing!

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