Ashley Estes Kavanaugh stood by her husband on television. Here’s why that’s ‘remarkable’ in the #MeToo era. - The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness

Ashley Estes Kavanaugh stood by her husband on television. Here’s why that’s ‘remarkable’ in the #MeToo era.

The Supreme Court nominee denied allegations of sexual misconduct on Fox News

September 25, 2018 at 12:18 p.m. EDT

Adapted from a story by The Washington Post’s Isaac Stanley-Becker.

Ashley Estes Kavanaugh appeared on a Fox News interview Monday night alongside her husband, Brett M. Kavanaugh, as he fought to save his Supreme Court nomination amid allegations of sexual misconduct.

That appearance harkened back to 1992, when Hillary Clinton defended her husband when he was accused of sexual impropriety. It also diverged from the script we’ve seen in the #MeToo era, in which men have tended to endure scandal alone.

The interview was powerful proof that a woman standing by her man still carries weight, as it did for Clinton. The comparison is especially fitting given Kavanaugh’s role — as associate counsel in the office of independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr — in proposing sexually explicit questions for President Bill Clinton to answer about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh sat down for his first TV interview since facing allegations of sexual misconduct. Here are some highlights. (Video: Melissa Macaya /The Washington Post)

Asked by Fox’s Martha MacCallum whether she doubted her husband, the mother of two daughters replied: “No. I mean, I know Brett — I’ve known him for 17 years.”

“And,” she continued, as her husband glanced sideways to look plaintively at her, “this is not at all characteristic. It’s really hard to believe. He’s decent. He’s kind. He’s good. I know his heart. This is not consistent with Brett.”

A second allegation of sexual misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh has emerged

A test of attitudes

The appearance was noteworthy not simply because it marked the first time that a Supreme Court nominee sat for a television interview in the course of a confirmation battle. And not simply because of the personal details into which the conversation delved.

That Kavanaugh was joined by his wife was also a striking test of evolving attitudes about the role of women and their obligations to men accused of bad acts.

“One thing that was remarkable about Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh’s performance tonight was that, certainly 20 years ago, when the allegations against Bill Clinton broke, it was de rigueur for a wife to, as Tammy Wynette says, ‘stand by your man,’ to provide the character bona fides for her husband,” said Juliet Williams, a professor of gender studies at the University of California at Los Angeles. “But it’s also true that over the last 20 years, we’ve seen some quite remarkable and, in the moment, shocking divergences from that script, which is to say that it is no longer uncommon for the accused man to stand alone, and an increasingly large proportion of wives have refused to play this kind of symbolic role.”

Divergent reactions on social media testified to the polarized climate in which the nomination has played out. Whereas some accused the nominee’s wife of complicity or speculated that she didn’t want to be there, others celebrated her as a “courageous woman” for speaking out.

An ‘incredibly difficult’ process

Ashley Estes Kavanaugh is a town manager in the D.C. suburbs and a former aide in President George W. Bush’s White House, where she and Kavanaugh met.

The Texas native sat mostly expressionless, her hands resting on her knees, as the nominee disputed the accounts of two women, Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, who claim that Kavanaugh forced himself on them — Ford when they were in high school in the D.C. suburbs and Ramirez when they were undergraduates at Yale University. “The truth is I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone, in high school or otherwise,” the stern-faced judge said.

He vowed to stay in the ring, saying, “I’m not going to let false accusations drive us out of this process,” as his wife shook her head and seemed to murmur, “No.”

“This process is incredibly difficult,” Ashley Estes Kavanaugh said. “It’s harder than we imagined, and we imagined it might be hard. But at the end of the day, our faith is strong, and we know that we’re on the right path. And we’re just going to stick to it, so.”

On no other matter — such as Kavanaugh’s judicial record or his legal philosophy — were his wife’s views judged significant. But their joint response to accusations of sexual assault cast the issue as one of personal character rather than “potentially legally actionable offenses or at the very least relevant to one’s professional conduct,” said Williams, whose scholarly work includes a book on single-sex education, “The Separation Solution?: Single-Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender Equality.”

This framing is in line with the nominee’s emphasis on his role coaching girls’ basketball and hiring female law clerks. It also squares with his attempt to point to positive accounts from women, including a letter signed by 65 women who said they knew him in high school, to burnish his reputation. Like these affirmations of the nominee’s good name, the endorsement of his own wife does not dispute the veracity of his accuser’s accounts.

Of course, the judge’s nomination has become intensely personal for his family. Emails to his wife have told her to “burn in hell” and called on her to “put a bullet” in the nominee’s “skull,” the Wall Street Journal reported. Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, has also received threats.

Politicians are divided over the Kavanaugh allegations. Women across the country are, too.

“I don’t understand — I don’t know what happened to her,” Kavanaugh’s wife said of Ford. “And I don’t even want to go there. I feel badly for her family. I feel badly for her through this process. This process is not right.”

She said it has been “difficult” to discuss these issues with their young daughters. “But they know Brett, and they know the truth,” she said. “And we told them at the very beginning of this process: ‘This will be not fun sometimes. You’re going to hear things that — people feel strongly. You need to know that. Just remember: You know your dad.’”

MacCallum asked whether there should be an FBI probe of the women’s allegations, as the accusers have requested. “You know, sort it all out,” the Fox anchor said. “If there’s nothing to worry about and nothing to hide, why not have that process?”

She said the question was directed to “Ashley, and then I’ll ask you that, Brett.”

The nominee looked at his wife as she gave a shrug and nodded toward him.

“I’ve said all along — and Ashley did, too — I want to be heard,” Kavanaugh said.

She glanced at him as he spoke, and offered quick nods, but said nothing in response to the question.