The Meaning Behind The Song: Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit by David Toop - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit by David Toop


The Meaning Behind The Song: Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit by David Toop

Title Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit
Artist David Toop
Writer/Composer David Toop
Album Spirit World (1997)
Release Date April 20, 1997
Genre Pop, Electronic, Drone, Ambient, Spoken Word

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit” by David Toop paint a vivid and enigmatic picture. The song conjures up a scene of mystery and ritual, with references to blocked paths, pierced men weighed down by metal disks, and demon brides dressed in baboon masks. The protagonist finds themselves in the presence of a group of creatures, barely visible, sitting in a circle. These creatures engage in a peculiar ceremony involving a container, which they pass around, continuously refilling and drinking from. As they consume the liquid, it spills from their mouths, resembling blood in the dimly lit room. The liquid soaks their bodies and darkens the floor, creating an eerie atmosphere. The creatures proceed to select a heavy wooden disk and lean forward, pushing its edges into their diaphragms, creating a rhythmic hammering sound similar to hail on a tin roof. The vibrations convulse their bodies, and the room becomes filled with crawling insects and strange creatures. The sound of the ceremony booms, akin to a great sunken wood bell tolling underwater, and the raspy breath and sparking electricity add to the unsettling atmosphere.

Interpreting the Symbolism

Toop’s lyrics are steeped in symbolism, leaving ample room for interpretation. The iron slit acts as a gateway, granting the protagonist access to a hidden world of ceremonies. The baboon masks and demon brides evoke a sense of otherworldliness and transformation. The rhythmic hammering on the wooden disk represents a ritualistic act, possibly a form of communication or summoning. The crawling creatures and insects that appear during the ceremony symbolize the convergence of different realms, blurring the lines between what is tangible and what belongs to the spirit world. The cold, still atmosphere that collects in the room indicates a sense of reverence and intensity.

Personal Reflection on the Song

“Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit” by David Toop has always intrigued me with its cryptic lyrics and atmospheric composition. Listening to this song takes me on a journey beyond the boundaries of my own imagination. The vivid imagery described in the lyrics transports me into a surreal realm where the lines between reality and the unknown blur.

Each time I listen to this song, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder. The abstract nature of the lyrics allows me to explore different interpretations and connect with my own inner thoughts and emotions. The rich sonic landscape created by the haunting melody and the underlying ambient textures adds to the captivating experience.

The combination of Toop’s intricate composition and thought-provoking lyrics creates a unique listening experience that transcends traditional music boundaries. It encourages listeners to delve into their own subconscious, challenging them to interpret the lyrics and discover their own personal meaning within them.

In conclusion, “Ceremony Viewed Through Iron Slit” by David Toop is a mesmerizing and enigmatic song that invites listeners to explore a hidden world of rituals and symbolism. Its cryptic lyrics and atmospheric composition make it a captivating piece that leaves a lasting impression. As with any art form, the true meaning behind the song may differ from person to person, allowing each listener to connect with it in their own unique way.

[Force?] faces blocked my ways. Pierced men weighed down by metal disks. Baboon masks, they called themselves, and they dressed as demon brides. Well aware of my needs, they gave me access to the iron slit. I saw six creatures sitting in a circle, features barely visible. They passed container ’round, refilling it and drinking more, groaning as the liquid spilled from the corners of thеir mouths, running like blood in the gloom, soaking their nakеd torsos, darkening the floor, and spreading stains. Saturated. Unable to speak. A leader gestured for them to start. They picked a broad heavy wooden disk. Kneeling, they leaned forward, pushing its thick edges into their diaphragms. Mouth stretched open into abyssal trapdoors, they began a rhythmic hammering on the disc, like hail on a tin roof. Toads. Distant marshes. Swans duelling. Drifting fog. Minutes passed. The vibrations convulsing the bodies. I watched. Even from my vantage, I could sense a cold, still atmophere collecting in the room. The floor was now alive with crawling things: thick worms with helpless legs, frilled lizards with blazing red eyes, spiders that moved in erratic sideways leaps. Like a great sunken wood bell tolling underwater, the sound boomed, drawing out this demon’s menagerie. Rising above it [curled?] the rasp of breath, the sparking of electricity

Album title: Spirit World (1997)


Release Date April 20, 1997


PopElectronicDroneAmbientSpoken Word

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