in the middle of nowhere

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in the middle of nowhere

In a very distant, remote, and isolated location. I'll never understand why they built this campus out here in the middle of nowhere.
See also: middle, nowhere, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*in the middle of nowhere

Fig. in a very remote place. (*Typically: be ~; drive [into] ~; put someone or something [into] ~.) To get to my house, you have to drive into the middle of nowhere. We found a nice place to eat, but it's out in the middle of nowhere.
See also: middle, nowhere, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

in the middle of nowhere


out in the middle of nowhere

COMMON If a place is in the middle of nowhere or out in the middle of nowhere, it is in the countryside, a long way from the nearest town. When I was 14, my family moved away from Glasgow to a village in the middle of nowhere. She lives out in the middle of nowhere with her three dogs.
See also: middle, nowhere, of
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

(be/live) in the middle of ˈnowhere

(informal) (be/live) somewhere that is a long way from other buildings, towns, etc: They own a small farm in the middle of nowhere.The house isn’t easy to find — it’s in the middle of nowhere.
See also: middle, nowhere, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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References in periodicals archive ?
PETER Andre and his wife Emily have put their [euro]6million Sussex mansion on the market - as it's in the middle of nowhere.
However he forgets to comment on the main point of my letter - the Skelton/ Brotton bypass starts in the middle of nowhere and finishes in the middle of nowhere.
Did I really want to be in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the French countryside?
Stranded in the middle of nowhere, it looked like there was no hope of Sion Ford making it to Anfield after the car he was travelling in was in collision with a lorry.
During normal operations you could find yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere with equipment needing major work.
They are spending two months working in India, and Josh is shipped off to Washington State to spend the summer with Steven's 82-year-old great-aunt Ethel out in the middle of nowhere. He anticipates a miserable summer with a doddering old woman, but when Aunt Ethel shoots a bat in the kitchen his first night and feeds him spaghetti for breakfast the next morning, Josh realizes that this summer will be unusual.
And she doesn't want to raise her daughter in the Hollywood scene, so she decides to move them to a farm in the middle of nowhere." We say it's kind of a cross between Lizzie McGuire and The Simple Life.
"What's remarkable about this," says Ron Harbour, president of Harbour Consulting, "is that this facility was built in the middle of nowhere, opened almost three years ago with a 'green' workforce, and is out-producing every other engine plant in the country." This doesn't mean the rest of the Toyota plants were falling down on the job.
Their relationship faces more tremors when a storm traps Bianca and another pregnant woman in the middle of nowhere. Bianca delivers her baby March 19--but will she take home the right baby?
We can, in the middle of nowhere, refuel ourselves and rearm ourselves with ordnance and get back into the fight on very short notice."
In one image he puts his head into a framed picture as if through a window; in another he lies hunched up on a bed spanning a road in the middle of nowhere. In a third work, also in the middle of nowhere, he leans forlornly against a tree to which a birdhouse is attached, perhaps waiting for its tenant to show up.
There were nights I'd get homesick waiting for a train, with nobody to talk to, sitting alone in a pile of ties under a water tank out in the middle of nowhere. You're only a kid, and you get to dreaming about that warm bed back home and seeing the folks.
It's like an oasis in the middle of nowhere. No one can get to you and you don't have to worry about what's going on in the world." That, it seems, is how most people want it.
Put several dozen scientists and technicians on a ship in the middle of nowhere for two months straight, and what do they request?
The setting is the town of Shunpike Falls, a deteriorating area "in the middle of nowhere" experiencing rising violence and skinhead gangs.