Cost: The Biggest Challenge For Streaming Services ... And That Might Be A Good Thing
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Cost: The Biggest Challenge For Streaming Services ... And That Might Be A Good Thing

Updated Apr 15, 2021, 11:54am EDT

CEO & Co-Founder of Bitmovin, a company providing cloud-based OTT video software solutions for leading media companies worldwide.

If video streaming has been rising in importance since its inception, 2020 may mark the year that it became mission-critical. Entire industries are now relying on this technology to remain in business amid a pandemic that has made in-person gatherings problematic. Obviously, this has greatly impacted the entertainment industry, but it has also impacted education, business communication and all other industries that now have shifted from in-person to mostly online communication. 

Robust competition has always been the backbone of the free market. As such, it is vital to the video streaming industry that we maintain an environment that encourages new entrants and allows smaller companies to compete with established players. Video streaming, however, can be a tough field for such companies. How can new innovators enter the game and engage on a more level playing field? To answer these questions, we have to take a closer look at the typical challenges faced by streaming companies. 

Licencing content is a big challenge, but not necessarily the biggest.

People in the media business are generally aware of the immense cost that streaming services incur to create or license content for their individual apps and platforms. From my time in the industry, I would say that most organizations would agree that such content is a necessary expense to gain and retain viewers. After all, Netflix would not have become a household name — and certainly wouldn’t have coined the phrase "binge-watching" — unless they had great shows. 

In late 2020, my company conducted research into the matter, posing this question to 800 individuals in the video streaming service ecosystem: What are the biggest challenges you are experiencing with video technology? 

Their response? Controlling costs.

To be clear, we were surprised to see "cost control" topping the chart of concerns. When we conducted the same study a year earlier, for instance, users more predictably cited the ability to deal with complex technology such as "live low latency." But this year, more than 51% of respondents said that cost control for things like bandwidth and storage is their biggest challenge.

What are the top cost contributors in the video streaming industry?

There are countless costs associated with running a streaming service, but the greatest behind-the-scenes factors include:

• Cloud-Hosting: While cloud hosting does shield companies from the burden of having to maintain their own infrastructure, it’s not necessarily cheap. Furthermore, in choosing their server configurations, companies might need to overestimate their demand in order to deal with unanticipated spikes in viewership for certain programs. 

• Content Delivery: Similarly, streaming companies with viewers dispersed over large geographic regions need to invest heavily in content delivery network (CDN) solutions to minimize latency and maintain the quality of the experience. 

• Content Protection: On top of the fees that the provider may have paid for the video content they’ve licensed, they also need to invest in a digital rights management (DRM) solution that prevents it from being stolen. 

Controlling costs can open doors to a competitive video streaming market.

This year, countless new streaming services have launched worldwide, and media headlines speculate about which companies will win the streaming wars. In my opinion, those that best balance cost and quality with innovation become the long-term winners. Select good content, deliver an innovative customer experience and watch your operating costs. That’s the recipe for success in this industry.

In the end, the fact that the biggest challenge is controlling the costs associated with maintaining a streaming service has a silver lining: This is something that companies have a significant degree of control over. Pay careful attention to back-end operations like bitrate expenditure through granular data analysis, expand device reach by supporting multiple and affordable codec implementations (such as HEVC and VP9) and operate scalable cloud-based workflows, which are often more efficient than aging hardware solutions.

The near future does have a bright side. With so many organizations coming to market, a standardized video infrastructure is right around the corner, and up-and-coming streaming services will have the capacity to not only launch successfully but to also scale at cost.

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