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Enjoy Ohio's Wildflowers

Spring wildflowers information for the state of Ohio including weekly bloom reports, featured wildflowers and viewing hotspots.

Wildflower Resources

Now Blooming in Ohio

Dwarf Crested Iris

Dwarf Crested Iris


This charming woodland wildflower blooms in April and May and can be found in sunny to shaded sites along streams, lower wooded slopes, and ravines. The light- to dark-purple flowers have a yellow and white splotch and crest on their sepals. In the right conditions, their rhizomatous habit enable large colonies to form.


Snow Trillium

Lakeside Daisy


This globally rare beauty grows in only a handful of locations including Ohio’s Marblehead Peninsula. All individuals in any population tend to bloom at once, resulting in great masses of flowers. When not in bloom, the small tufts of non-descript leaves may be overlooked easily. May is the best time to watch these bright yellow flowers track the sun throughout the day at Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve.