Oprah Winfrey Talks Philanthropy, Failure And What Every Guest - Including Beyoncé - Asks Her
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Oprah Winfrey Talks Philanthropy, Failure And What Every Guest - Including Beyoncé - Asks Her

Updated Oct 5, 2012, 04:17pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

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Forbes has written about Oprah Winfrey many times over the years, but this is the first time we’ve ever gotten access to speak to Winfrey herself. It couldn’t have happened in a more fitting way. I had the honor of sitting down with Winfrey for a dynamic discussion that kicked off the Forbes 400 Summit On Philanthropy. At this inaugural gathering, one hundred and fifty of the country’s top business leaders came together to address how collectively this group could leverage their insights, knowledge and resources to change the world, and the face of philanthropy, as we know it. No small mission. Who better to set the day’s agenda in motion than Winfrey, one of the world’s most powerful self-made entrepreneurs and influential forces in the world of philanthropy?

Winfrey’s candid conversation served as one of the day’s keynote addresses that also included remarks from Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Each represented different definitions of philanthropy based on how and why they each give, as well as tough lessons learned along the way.

“I realized that the only way to create long-term improvement and empowerment, and literally change the trajectory of somebody's life, is through education,” shared Winfrey. Indeed, she’s done just that with The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, a school in South Africa that she tells us was born out of a fascinating conversation she had while staying as a houseguest at Nelson Mandela’s.

Winfrey not only discussed the defining moments that inspired her that she could transform lives through the power of education. She also opened up to share her philanthropic failures that have evolved and shaped her approach to giving now. “I had thought long and hard about the mistakes that I'd made in the past,” she reflected. “I'd already had a program with young girls in the inner city and had failed because I couldn't take them out of the environment and didn't have the infrastructure.”

Winfrey also guided us through the painful experience and lessons learned when her Leadership Academy faced a distressing, and highly publicized crisis in 2006. Despite the most altruistic intentions, philanthropic work isn’t immune from devastating, albeit unintended, consequences. In Winfrey’s case, it began with a phone call where the media mogul learned that one of the school's dorm parents was involved in sexual abuse. Numerous school-wide allegations soon surfaced. “We thought we thought of everything including knowing how devastating the crime situation can be in South Africa, electrifying the fences around the borders, and making sure that men were off the campus by a certain time at night. Never occurred to me or anyone, I think, that you would have abuse or charges of abuse from a female on campus.” No matter how much you try to build the right environment, you don’t always anticipate all the risks that may undermine the larger spirit of your work.

To Winfrey, the resilience and focus that’s synonymous with this iconic self-made entrepreneur remains key to her evolving success as philanthropist. “I held onto what is the greater vision,” she says. “The real key is not making emotional decisions,” a critical reminder for even the most seasoned philanthropist. For Winfrey, the solution is to build a solid infrastructure and to find the leadership that can sustain your vision for the long term. Not doing so is how the biggest mistakes have been made, she points out, particularly in Africa.

Winfrey even touched on the extraordinary ways people have gotten her attention for their causes. (As you can imagine, her phone rings quite often.) Someone even cleverly bought a billboard to promote the change with puppy mills that she would see on her way to the Harpo offices. "That actually worked,” says Winfrey. That is, until everyone else started buying billboard space to appeal to her. “But the first one worked.” Note to self: extraordinary measures get Winfrey’s attention. But be first about it.

There were the moments of levity, too, in our chat. Who knew that the topic of “Beyoncé dancing on stage in all of her Beyoncé-ness" would come up. Or that after the show, the legendary singer when on to ask Winfrey, "Was that okay?", deftly illustrating “a common denominator in our human experience” for Oprah. "What I learned in all of those thousands of interviews is that there is a common denominator in our human experience…Everybody wants to know did you hear me and did what I say matter?"

What Winfrey shared at the Forbes 400 Summit certainly mattered and so I hope you’ll view the video of her inspiring and compelling talk. It’s something I know I’ll be going back to again and again for the wisdom she imparts. And, for the record, interviewing Winfrey was the most daunting assignment of my life. On top of being a media mogul, the first self-made billionaire in America, and a role model to millions, Winfrey’s the world’s best interviewer. I prepared days of my life for this conversation, waking up in the middle of the night fearing that I might botch a career or charity milestone – and the fact that our conversation would be immortalized on video (as well as in the minds of my sisters who were in the room) didn’t help either.  Did the angel network give away $100,000 every Monday or was it every Tuesday? But ever the professional, Ms. Winfrey put me and audience at ease, asking us immediately to give each other high-fives just for being there.

Winfrey’s natural enthusiasm and contagious energy makes her a joy to watch: “I'm really excited about the possibilities of what will come when all of this energy comes together and we collaborate to say not quite sure what will come from it, but you know that something good will come from it.”

We feel the same way.

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