NCD TVET 700 scholarships for 2024 - PNG News Update

NCD TVET 700 scholarships for 2024

The National Capital District (NCD) government has launched a transformative initiative. The NCD TVET and School Fee Assistance Program for 2024. This program aims to significantly expand access to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and tertiary education for students residing in NCD.

The program seeks to address financial barriers faced by many aspiring students, fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds. Applications are open to all NCD residents who have gained admission to a TVET or tertiary institution recognized by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (DHERST) and the Department of Education. Notably, applicants must have already paid a minimum of 25% of their total tuition fees, demonstrating their commitment to their education.

Governor Parkop emphasizes the program’s alignment with the city’s broader development goals. “By supporting the education of our youth, we are investing in the future of NCD,” he stated. “A skilled workforce is vital for building a clean, safe, healthy, and planned city. This program equips individuals with the necessary tools to contribute meaningfully to our vibrant community.”

Recognizing the need for efficiency and transparency, the NCD TVET scholarship program has transitioned to a user-friendly online platform. This innovative approach simplifies the application process and ensures timely responses, addressing delays that previously hindered student success.

With approximately 700 scholarships available, eligible students are encouraged to act swiftly. Applications are open until February 1st, 2024, and all interested individuals are invited to visit the official TVET Facebook page for detailed information and the application link.

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