How to Use Canvas (A Quick Start for Students)

Logging in to Canvas

Students can access AU's Canvas in a browser by going to or Additionally, students may download the Canvas Student app on a smart phone or tablet and access AU's Canvas instance by searching for "Anderson University."

You will login to Canvas using your AU username and password. This is the same login that you use for Okta. If you are having trouble logging in, please submit a Raven Solution ticket and someone from ITS will assist you.

Start By Learning How to Navigate Canvas

If you're new to Canvas, watch this quick video about the user interface for Canvas:

Then, Learn More About Different Canvas Tools

Here are some of the most common features you will use in Canvas:

Visit the Canvas Guides to learn even more. There are videos and step-by-step guides to help you as you use Canvas. You can also learn more about the Canvas app available for iOS and Android devices.

Questions? Need Help?

If you have questions or need some help, please let ITS know by submitting a Raven Solutions request.

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Thu 3/12/20 11:08 PM
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