Dick Sheppard School: Staff and Pupil Reunion – London's Screen Archives – Title

Dick Sheppard School: Staff and Pupil Reunion

VHS Colour Sound 6.1995 101:48

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Summary: Dick Sheppard School: Staff and Pupil Reunion. ( Please note video clip is just first 10 minutes. Full video available upon request)


  • Melanie Harrison wrote on March 19, 2023:
    Olashola, how could anyone ever forget you!!! Wow what a massive presence you were. Lovely to see photos of you…
  • Amanda Thompson wrote on April 28, 2022:
    Hi Shola, I remember you, always remembered your name because is was so lovely. Doubt if you would remember…
  • Shola Adedayo wrote on October 20, 2020:
    Hi everyone - I went to Dick Sheppard School from 1972 to 1979 staid on in the 6th form -…
  • Lyn Anderson (nee Dallanegra) wrote on September 6, 2020:
    Attended DS from the day it opened until I left to begin teacher training in 1961.The school was like nothing…



