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scramble  /skr'æmbəl/  

共發現 13 筆關於 [scramble] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢)
來源(1): 朗道英漢字典 [langdao-ec]
*['skræmbl] n. 攀緣, 爬行, 搶奪, 混亂, 緊急起飛 vi. 攀緣, 雜亂蔓延, 爭奪, 拼湊, 匆忙 vt. 攀登, 擾亂, 使混雜 【電】 湊攏 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c]
scram.ble [`skræmbl; ˋskræmbl] 《不及物動詞》 (敏捷地) 爬行, (靈活地) 攀登 scramble up a steep hill 爬上峻峭的山 The children scrambled over [under] the fence. 孩子們爬過圍牆 [自圍牆下爬過去] ⑵ ⓐ 爭奪,爭取[…][for] scramble for good seats 爭奪好座位 The players scrambled for the ball. 球員搶球 ⓑ 爭著<做…> The players scrambled to get the ball. 球員爭著去搶球 3‘空軍’ <戰鬥機> 緊急起飛 《及物動詞》 ⑴ ⓐ 將<書頁>攪亂; 洗<紙牌>; 使<計畫等>混亂 Bad weather scrambled the air schedules. 惡劣的天氣把飛行班次打亂了 (使班機到達 [起飛] 時間混亂) ⓑ 把<蛋>邊攪邊炒 scrambled eggs 炒蛋 ⑵ (匆忙) 湊合 (成) …,湊攏,收集<up> scramble up some data 收集一些資料 scramble up a hasty supper 湊合著做晚餐 ⑶ ‘空軍’ (為攔截而) 使 <戰鬥機> 緊急起飛 ⑷ (為防止竊聽而) 使 <電話、無線電通訊> 的波長混亂[改變] 《名詞》 ⑴ [a scramble]爬登,攀登,攀緣 It was a long scramble to the top of the hill. 到山頂須要爬登一段長路 ⑵ [a scramble] ⓐ […的]互相爭奪[for] a scramble for the best bargains 搶購 (招攬顧客的) 特價品 ⓑ …的爭奪戰 a scramble to get the best bargains ( 想獲取) 特價品的爭奪戰 ⑶ [a scramble]湊合,混雜[of] ⑷ (C)‘空軍’ (戰鬥機為攔截敵機的) 緊急起飛 5(C) (賽程多起伏的) 機車比賽 來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典 [lazyworm-ec]
['skræmbl] n. 爬行, 攀緣, 搶奪, 混亂 vi. 攀緣, 雜亂蔓延, 爭奪, 拼湊, 匆忙 vt. 攀登, 攪亂, 使混雜 來源(4): pydict data [pydict]
scramble 攀緣,爬行,搶奪,混亂,緊急起飛(vi.)攀緣,雜亂蔓延,爭奪,拼湊 來源(5): Taiwan MOE computer dictionary [moecomp]
scramble 擾頻; ( 加密 )編碼 來源(6): Taiwan MOE computer dictionary [moecomp]
scramble 插用時間 來源(7): Network Terminology [netterm]
scramble 攪拌 來源(8): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Scramble \Scram"ble\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Scrambled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scrambling}.] [Freq. of Prov. E. scramb to rake together with the hands, or of scramp to snatch at. cf. {Scrabble}.] 1. To clamber with hands and knees; to scrabble; as, to scramble up a cliff; to scramble over the rocks. [1913 Webster] 2. To struggle eagerly with others for something thrown upon the ground; to go down upon all fours to seize something; to catch rudely at what is desired. [1913 Webster] Of other care they little reckoning make, Than how to scramble at the shearer's feast. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 來源(9): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Scramble \Scram"ble\, v. t. 1. To collect by scrambling; as, to scramble up wealth. --Marlowe. [1913 Webster] 2. To prepare (eggs) as a dish for the table, by stirring the yolks and whites together while cooking. [1913 Webster] 來源(10): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Scramble \Scram"ble\, n. 1. The act of scrambling, climbing on all fours, or clambering. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of jostling and pushing for something desired; eager and unceremonious struggle for what is thrown or held out; as, a scramble for office. [1913 Webster] Scarcity [of money] enhances its price, and increases the scramble. --Locke. [1913 Webster] 來源(11): WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]
scramble n 1: an unceremonious and disorganized struggle [syn: {scramble}, {scuffle}] 2: rushing about hastily in an undignified way [syn: {scamper}, {scramble}, {scurry}] v 1: to move hurriedly; "The friend scrambled after them" 2: climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling [syn: {clamber}, {scramble}, {shin}, {shinny}, {skin}, {struggle}, {sputter}] 3: bring into random order [syn: {scramble}, {jumble}, {throw together}] 4: stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream" [syn: {beat}, {scramble}] 5: make unintelligible; "scramble the message so that nobody can understand it" [ant: {unscramble}] 來源(12): Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]
371 Moby Thesaurus words for "scramble": Aesopian language, Babel, Greek, action, admix, ado, aerial combat, affray, agitation, air cover, air raid, air support, all fours, all sorts, alloy, amalgamate, argot, armored combat, arsy-varsiness, assemblage, assortment, babble, ball up, battle, battle royal, bemingle, blend, bollix up, bolt, bombing, bother, botheration, box, brawl, broad spectrum, broil, brouhaha, brush, bullfight, bundle, burst, bustle, cant, career, chase, cipher, clamber, clash, clash of arms, climb, close, clutter, coalesce, cockfight, code, collide, combat, combine, come to blows, commingle, commix, commotion, competition, complicate, compose, compound, concoct, conflict, confound, confuse, conglomerate, conglomeration, contend, contention, contest, cover, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, crowd, cryptogram, cut and thrust, dart, dash, dash off, dash on, disorder, disturbance, dogfight, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, double Dutch, double-time, drive, drive on, dry run, duel, dustup, embroilment, emulsify, exchange blows, exchange of blows, farrago, feery-fary, fence, ferment, festinate, feud, fidgetiness, fight, fight a duel, fire fight, fit, flap, fling, flurry, fluster, flutter, flutteriness, foofaraw, forge ahead, foul up, fracas, fray, free-for-all, fumble, fuse, fuss, fussiness, gallimaufry, garble, get going, get moving, gibberish, gift of tongues, give and take, give satisfaction, glossolalia, go ahead, go all out, go on tiptoe, gobbledygook, grapple, grapple with, ground combat, grovel, gumshoe, gumshoeing, hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand fight, hash, hassle, haste, hasten, helter-skelter, hie, higgledy-piggledy, hodgepodge, homogenize, hotchpot, hotchpotch, house-to-house combat, hubbub, hullabaloo, hump, hump it, hurry, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurtle, hustle, hysteron proteron, immingle, immix, inch, inch along, integrate, interblend, interlace, interlard, intermingle, intermix, intertwine, interweave, jargon, jostle, joust, jumble, jungle, knead, leap, litter, lose no time, maelstrom, magpie, make haste, make things hum, make unintelligible, mash, medley, melange, melee, merge, mess, milk run, mingle, mingle-mangle, miscellany, mishmash, mission, mix, mix it up, mix up, mixed bag, move quickly, muck up, muddle, mystify, naval combat, nightwalk, nightwalking, noise, obfuscate, obscure, odds and ends, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, pad, padding, pandemonium, passage of arms, pasticcio, pastiche, patchwork, pell-mell, pi, pitched battle, play hob with, plunge, post, pother, potpourri, press on, prowl, prowling, push, push on, pussyfoot, pussyfooting, quarrel, race, racket, ramble, rampage, rassle, reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission, restlessness, riffle, riot, rough-and-tumble, roughhouse, row, ruckus, ruction, rumble, rummage, rumpus, run, run a tilt, running fight, rush, rush through, salad, salmagundi, sauce, scamper, scoot, scour, scrabble, scramble up, screw up, scrimmage, scud, scuffle, scurry, scuttle, secret language, shadow, shindy, shoot, shoot ahead, shoving match, shuffle, shuttle raid, sidle, sidling, skedaddle, skirmish, slang, slink, slinking, snafu, snake, snaking, snarl up, sneak, sneaking, sortie, spar, spasm, sprangle, spread-eagle, spurt, stand-up fight, steal, steal along, stealing, step lively, step on it, stew, stir, stir up, straddle, strafing, straggle, street fight, strive, struggle, sweat, swirl, syncretize, tauromachy, tear, throw together, thrust and parry, tilt, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, to-do, topsy-turviness, topsy-turvydom, toss together, tourney, training mission, trouble, tug-of-war, tumble, tumult, turmoil, tussle, umbrella, unholy mess, unquiet, uproar, vortex, wage war, war, welter, what you will, whirl, work, worm, worm along, worming, wrestle